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MWKN Weekly News: 13 February 2012

2011: year-in-review

Last week's MWKN issue was our second anniversary and, rather than follow the crowd and have annual reviews at the end of the year, we like to do it on our birthday. Not least because of Nokia's habit of breaking big news in the first week of February!

Unfortunately, we missed that deadline, but here's a roundup of the last year:

* February: Elopaclypse - Nokia change strategy, ditching MeeGo; Intel do a "big reveal" of 'the' MeeGo Tablet UX; Myriad's Alien Dalvik VM for running Android app is teased; Necessitas - Qt for Android; Cordia Hildon Desktop started; Valtteri Halla resigns from Nokia and loses seat on MeeGo TSG.

* March: Valtteri Halla joins Intel, no replacement on MeeGo TSG; Nokia N950 leaked; new five-person Maemo Community Council appointed with no election; Digia purchase Nokia's commercial Qt support operations; MeeGo architectural decisions - in no way open.

* April: MeeGo Coding competition launched; MeeGo Tablet UX open-sourced; MeeGo Developer Edition for N900; Nokia & Microsoft finalise contractual arrangements.

* May: Nokia announce layoffs in Symbian & MeeGo; MeeGo Conference in San Francisco - Intel rumoured to ask Nokia to lie low, whisperings about "Meltemi"; Harmattan community - where does it live?; Microsoft to buy Nokia rumours start.

* June: Elop starts reducing expectations around MeeGo in interviews; Asus announce MeeGo netbook; Nokia CTO - Rich Green - leaves; Nokia N9 and N950 announced; Qt (and Linux?) crucuial to Nokia's "next billion" low-end strategy.

* July: Nokia's 9-second N9 adverts - a frenzied hunt for hidden clues; Andrew Olmsted joins MWKN editorial team.

* August: Linux Foundation won't permit for open source software; Should expand to fork the MeeGo *project*, currently non-functional?; MeeGo COBS problems; N9 not to be launched in US, UK or Germany; discussions about the future of

* September: rumours of Intel "pausing" MeeGo work; Gary Birkett passes away; Maemo Community Council only has three candidates - they become Council by default.

* October: More rumours around Meltemi surface; MeeGo abandoned by Intel & Linux Foundation, launch "Tizen" with Samsung; Mer relaunches to continue MeeGo; N9 Developer blog launches; MeeGo Community Edition renames to "Nemo"; Nokia release security update for Maemo 5, coordinated with CSSU team as well; Qt Mobility 1.2 for Maemo 5; Nokia N9 sales success in Finland.

* November: stable release of Community SSU; Intel stop accepting MeeGo apps for their app store.

* December: Qt applications in Apple's App Store.

* January: Fragmentation of Harmattan community; using an N810 as a Skype phone; AppsForMeeGo formally launches for open source Harmattan/MeeGo/Mer apps; Harmattan PR1.2 betas; Harmattan outselling Nokia Windows Phone?; Qt Innovation challenge winners.

It's been a frantic year. There have been personal losses - Gary's death to those who knew him, Nokians who had jobs which were culled after Elop's changes to Nokia's strategy; as well as organisational disasters, such as the death of MeeGo and the irrelevant creation of Tizen.

What will the next year contain? Well, after two years of doing MWKN, which has seen the completion of Maemo, the birth of MeeGo, the launch of Harmattan, the fading of MeeGo and the fundamental shift of Nokia away from producing their own high-end OSes; we couldn't possibly predict.

Maybe in the next year we'll see the first mass-market devices which form part of Nokia's "next billion" strategy. Running Qt, and probably Linux, these could be far more successful than Nokia's Windows Phones - but may not be as attractive to the smartphone loving European & US markets.

Thanks again to Ryan Abel and Andrew Olmsted for their editorial assistance, and all our contributors and supporters.

In this edition...
  1. Front Page
    • 2011: year-in-review
  2. Development
    • Reverse engineering "WhatsApp"
  3. Community
    • Next Tuesday (14th Feb): N9 hack session in Vienna
  4. Announcements
    • Toggle Power Saving Mode (PSM) app for N9 and N950
    • Pierogi - universal infrared remote control app for N900
Andrew Flegg -- |

The Following 10 Users Say Thank You to Jaffa For This Useful Post:
Posts: 560 | Thanked: 422 times | Joined on Mar 2011
Thought I'd already written a note to say as much but "what a big year!" So much has clearly changed, yet I'm still wedded to my N900l

Jaffa and MWKN Team: thank you very much for always pulling in the docs that make good reading. Not always what want to hear (Feb 2011) but well enough written and assembled to be compelling. Thanks team, your work is appreciated.

Following your coments of last week, inresponse to the low sumissions, low submisissions, I would likto make a suggestion:
Please would you include an article about reforming the testing team to get programmes into the extras-release repository that are, at the moment, just lying in -devel but actually fine. Speak to SD69, I think Maemo should get some new/fringe members involved intesting or developing?

Another area, well worth a more chatty style of writing would be a summary of the evolution that has taken place in the fields of kernel power, CSSU and other OS patches. From their humble beginnigs 10 months ago to really ground-breaking, there is evident of really ability on display..

Last edited by demolition; 2012-02-16 at 23:40.

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