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Waiting for my 770. Been reading forum and loooks like there are many types of memory cards out there for this machine. Do not want to spend a lot of money, but looking for spped for surfing as well as upgrading OS(which looks like another challange). Any simple advice appreciated, thanks. Also any brand over better?
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Originally Posted by popeye View Post
Waiting for my 770. Been reading forum and loooks like there are many types of memory cards out there for this machine. Do not want to spend a lot of money, but looking for spped for surfing as well as upgrading OS(which looks like another challange). Any simple advice appreciated, thanks. Also any brand over better?

Like you, I'm a 770 "newb" having received mine less than 24 hours ago.
Also like you, I was lucky enough to find this forum and have spent the last few hours reading old posts in an attempt to "get up to speed" on the 770.

While I am (admittedly) at "770 newbie", I have been around forums for more than a few years (many more than I'd like to admit actually) and, while I have no way of knowing your history or prior experience with forums I'd like to share a bit of what I've learned. Take it or leave it, your choice of course - but maybe it'll help someone, somewhere along the line. I spent a number of years on few forums (in their "formative years") on the other side of the virtual "aisle" as one of those answering (as opposed to asking) the queries. So while you (or others) may not agree with what I offer....know, at least, that it's intended constructively.

I'll be using your post (quoted) simply as example and not a personal attack....I hope you can take it in that vein.

"Been reading forum and loooks like there are many types of memory cards out there for this machine."

"Reading the forum" (prior to posting a question) is the number ONE requirement on ANY forum I've ever been associated with for gaining the respect of forum "regulars" and "gurus".

EXACTLY the "right" thing to do. It shows respect for their time, demonstrates that you (the proverbial "you") are willing to invest your time and not simply looking for someone else to fix your problems with no effort on your part.

One thumbs up.

"reading the forum"......really means (or should mean)......"reading" and "understanding".

A statement like " ....loooks like there are many types of memory cards out there for this machine." - places the fact either that you really did "read the forum", or, you comprehended what you read - in serious question. One need not "read the forum" back past the last week to see that there are NOT, in fact, "many types of memory cards out there for this machine". (more than one, yes, and the nomenclature in the MMC world is confusing at best, but it really doesn't take many hours with google to figure it out).

Which, brings into question the veracity of the statement "....been reading forum..."
I can tell you from personal experience that nothing turns off a "forum regular" MORE than a questioner being disingenuous (or appearing to be).
Again.....this is not meant as a personal attack, and there are lots of reasons why it sometimes "appears" to be what it's not due to the limitations of the typed regulars get to be pretty good at separating out the "wheat from the chaf".
Take a look at this, or most other forums, and you'll see posts go ignored when the same question has been answered hundreds of times.....doesn't take too long to figure out why.

As to the
"Do not want to spend a lot of money, but looking for spped for surfing as well as upgrading OS(which looks like another challange)."
I'm guessing you already know why there hasn't been a plethora of reply.

Nobody wants to spend more than they need to, memory (flash, RAM, whatever) isn't usually the major factor in "spped for surfing", and "upgrading OS" probably isn't the first thing you should be concerned about. If what you actually meant was upgrading the firmware, you'll likely be pleasantly surprised to find that your 770 comes with the latest.

Brings us to your final two points.
"Any simple advice appreciated, thanks. Also any brand over better?"

Well, sorry, but "simple advice" this wasn't (nor was it short, certainly wasn't simple<g>).....for that I apologize.

As to "any brand over better?".....that question was addressed, and answered many times over in the posts of just the last few days....I'm surprised you missed it.
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Nice reply, but "WTF are you talking about?" would have covered it as well.

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Well thanks guys this was my third post and so far the only response from all three. Somehow I do not get that warm and fuzy feeling here.

"I apologize if my post offends you" You spent that much time to post such an elaborate response. Don't take offense?--then why did you write such a long degrading lecture. Hate to say , but good bye to this forum. The only help/advice I get is a lashing!

With such a lecture and screen name of Deansdad-I think you might have a father(dad) complex-I guess no TV tonight because of asking such a terrible question.

Last edited by popeye; 2007-07-30 at 11:40.
Karel Jansens's Avatar
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Originally Posted by popeye View Post
Well thanks guys this was my third post and so far the only response from all three. Somehow I do not get that warm and fuzy feeling here.

"I apologize if my post offends you" You spent that much time to post such an elaborate response. Don't take offense?--then why did you write such a long degrading lecture. Hate to say , but good bye to this forum. The only help/advice I get is a lashing!

With such a lecture and screen name of Deansdad-I think you might have a father(dad) complex-I guess no TV tonight because of asking such a terrible question.
Well, if you're gone, you're gone. What Deansdad wanted to make clear, in an ironic way, is that you need to word your questions a bit more clearly if you want people to take the trouble to help you. Your post was confused, not structured and appeared to ask for quite lot of things at the same time. Do you really expect people to analyze your posts first to see what you're actually asking for?

Also, a bit of reading would have answered most of your questions:

- the types of cards the 770 supports is something that is clearly mentioned in the specs (and, for the patient, also in the manual);

- the speed of the card is not so much a matter of what card you buy, rather than of the 770's hardware. Don't expect humongous speed differences if you buy the most expensive, designed-for-nuclear-subs card;

- I don't think anybody knows what you mean by "speed for surfing" (assuming "spped" was a typo ). Just play with the browser's options a bit and see what floats your boat;

- and really, "upgrading OS" must be the single most discussed topic on this forum. Just select search and type in as many parameters as you can think of (tip: selecting "show posts" gets you to the relevant bits quicker).
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The great things about forums is that if you do not care to analyse or if posts insult your intelligence you have the option of not responding. Yes maybe I do not write quite clearly. I would gather some others do the same. The response Deansdad was totally unneccesaary. He answered that way for an obvious reason, and it was certainly shown. I am truly sorry my grammar or communication skills are not up to par for this forum.
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Originally Posted by popeye View Post
The great things about forums is that if you do not care to analyse or if posts insult your intelligence you have the option of not responding. Yes maybe I do not write quite clearly. I would gather some others do the same. The response Deansdad was totally unneccesaary. He answered that way for an obvious reason, and it was certainly shown. I am truly sorry my grammar or communication skills are not up to par for this forum.
OK, see what I did above? How I tried to break up your post into manageable chunks? It really has nothing to do with grammar skills (although it helps), but rather with making it a bit easier for the poor sods who are going to answer your questions.

I don't think anyone has gotten away on this forum with spelling or grammar bashing (those are hobbies best reserved for Usenet anyway), but basic communicating skills are really a prerequisite for text-based forums. The less work someone has to do in deciphering a post to find out what the poster is really asking, the better the odds that person is going to think about actually answering you.

Also, if you are running the "Obvious Question That Has Been Answered a Gazillion Times Already" (out on for $4.99), be prepared for a lot of "Use the Search, Luke!".

Many of those can be avoided by a preemptive look at There is all sorts of stuff there, some of it actually useful.
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I am a brand new owner of 770 too. Not very advanced in linux, tablets PDA's etc.
Currently I am looking for mmc card to expand memory. After reading some posts I understand that currently 770 "accepts" 2gb mmc cards. Confusion starts after reading how to format them in partitions etc.
Do I realy need to do all that formating if all I want from the card is to store some pictures, mp3's and install some more programs?
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Originally Posted by sandrisb View Post

I am a brand new owner of 770 too. Not very advanced in linux, tablets PDA's etc.
Currently I am looking for mmc card to expand memory. After reading some posts I understand that currently 770 "accepts" 2gb mmc cards. Confusion starts after reading how to format them in partitions etc.
Do I realy need to do all that formating if all I want from the card is to store some pictures, mp3's and install some more programs?

You'll do fine with standard formatting... The only times you would be concerned with formatted cluster size is if the majority of the files stored on the card are the same relative size and that size is better served by a different format, like maps and such.

Keep an eye out for cards in the name brand stores. I picked up 2, transcend 2 GB for $29 per on special from Radio Shack not long after the N800 dropped...

I could have gotten them cheaper on the net but I suspect a lot of the problems some are experiencing is from counterfeit or relabeled cards. I would rather have a brick and mortar store I can walk into to exchange a card that won't format correctly or reads at a lower capacity.

BTW, a freeware utility on a PPC is an excellent way to read, format, and fdisk cards.

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Originally Posted by popeye View Post
Well thanks guys this was my third post and so far the only response from all three. <snip>
The reason for which, is now painfully obvious to all.

Disagree with me (or anyone else) all you like but at least try and do it in a civil manner or you'll find the lack of response to your posts a common thing.

And do spend at least a few minutes researching the use of "quotes". Attributing a "quote" that was fabricated in your mind, solely to bolster your attack.....really isn't very becoming. ("I apologize if my post offends you")

Enjoy your 770, it's a remarkable "toy" with capabilities far beyond what one comes to expect these days at this price point.


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