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Originally Posted by xerxes2 View Post
Thanks for the very detailed bug report. Bug fixed:

Edit: About eduperez problem I haven't decided yet, I thought that was what bookmarks were used for. Will have to consult thp about that one.
Brilliant, thank you very much. As I said, this is one of the most useful programs on my n900.

I didn't realise it was a bug - I thought it was a design decision :-).
pelago's Avatar
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I may be mistaken, as I haven't downgraded to check, but I think the old version of Panucci (before 0.99.x) used to remember the last folder used in the Open File or Enqueue File windows between program invocations. That is, previously, if I opened a file in Panucci from a particular folder, quit Panucci, ran Panucci again, went to Open a file, it would default to the same folder as previously. This was a useful feature, but now it always seems to open in /home/user whenever the program is restarted and I always have to navigate down a few levels to get to the folder where I store my recordings. Can the last folder be remembered persistently?

By the way, I'm not sure I like the change of buttons from Open File/Enqueue File to Add File/Clear Playlist. My use case is generally opening single large (30 minute recordings) files one at a time. Previously, when one file ended I could use Open File to choose the next one. Now I need to do Clear Playlist first then Add File, which is a little more work.

Last edited by pelago; 2011-05-06 at 15:22.

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xerxes2's Avatar
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Originally Posted by pelago View Post
I may be mistaken, as I haven't downgraded to check, but I think the old version of Panucci (before 0.99.x) used to remember the last folder used in the Open File or Enqueue File windows between program invocations. That is, previously, if I opened a file in Panucci from a particular folder, quit Panucci, ran Panucci again, went to Open a file, it would default to the same folder as previously. This was a useful feature, but now it always seems to open in /home/user whenever the program is restarted and I always have to navigate down a few levels to get to the folder where I store my recordings. Can the last folder be remembered persistently?
I don't think the old version did that, never tried it, but this one does. In panucci.conf you can set if you always want the same start folder, it's the "default_folder" option. If you want panucci to automatically remember the last chosen folder you have to comment that option out.

Originally Posted by pelago View Post
By the way, I'm not sure I like the change of buttons from Open File/Enqueue File to Add File/Clear Playlist. My use case is generally opening single large (30 minute recordings) files one at a time. Previously, when one file ended I could use Open File to choose the next one. Now I need to do Clear Playlist first then Add File, which is a little more work.
You can add as many files as you want. I have never used 0.3.x but I can't see that it's more work to clear the playlist now. Otherwise there have to pop up a window every time you add something to the playlist asking if you want to delete the current playlist or just append the files. Adding more buttons is not an option either on n900 as the display is too small. There was however a suggestion to add a pop up confirmation window when clearing playlist but I haven't done that yet. That will introduce one more step also.
But the WM7 "horse" has a blood lineage tracing back to donkeys such as WM6.5, 6.1, 6.0, 5.1 that was fully neglected for too many years and Microsoft did sweet F all to maintain it (still running on Pocket IE4/6!!).

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I've got a problem where gpodder and panucci suddenly stopped loading. I hadn't loaded any new software, but the storage space for the podcasts was getting a bit low. However, even after deleting some of the podcasts they no longer load.

While looking into this there was a new gpodder release (2.15-1) so I tried that - no change.
It looks like the problem is common to gpodder and panucci - something about python gtk2. I looked at the installed applications in application manager to see if there was something I could reload - that doesn't show any gtk entries. All I can see that might be related is 'python2.5-pynotify', which is reported as being required by Canola2. Canola2 works ok.

[Panucci is 0.3-7 and gpodder is 2.15-1. Running on N800 Maemo 2.2008.43-7]
Any ideas what may be wrong or what should be reinstalled?
Thanks very much.

~ $ gpodder --maemo --verbose
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/gpodder", line 201, in <module>
from gpodder import gui
File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/gpodder/", line 22, in <module>
import gtk
File "debian/python2.5-gtk2/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gtk/", line 48, in <module>
ImportError: /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gtk/ undefined symbol: gdk_window_hints_get_type
Panucci gives the same last error message
~ $ panucci --debug
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/panucci", line 47, in <module>
from panucci import util
File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/panucci/", line 20, in <module>
import gtk
File "debian/python2.5-gtk2/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gtk/", line 48, in <module>
ImportError: /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gtk/ undefined symbol: gdk_window_hints_get_type
In God we abound

Last edited by vjones777; 2011-05-08 at 01:06.
Posts: 33 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Jun 2010
Originally Posted by xerxes2 View Post
Thanks for the very detailed bug report. Bug fixed:

Edit: About eduperez problem I haven't decided yet, I thought that was what bookmarks were used for. Will have to consult thp about that one.

On this situation, having multiple books each composed of many mp3 files, how I am supposed to use Panucci to remeber the listening poisition on each book (set of MP3 files?)
You mentioned bookmarks, but the is no "last position heard" automatic bookmark. Any other way to achieve that?
xerxes2's Avatar
Posts: 513 | Thanked: 651 times | Joined on Feb 2011 @ Sweden
Right now there doesn't seem to be no. So only advice I can give you is to use bookmarks.
But the WM7 "horse" has a blood lineage tracing back to donkeys such as WM6.5, 6.1, 6.0, 5.1 that was fully neglected for too many years and Microsoft did sweet F all to maintain it (still running on Pocket IE4/6!!).
pelago's Avatar
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Originally Posted by xerxes2 View Post
I don't think the old version did that, never tried it, but this one does. In panucci.conf you can set if you always want the same start folder, it's the "default_folder" option. If you want panucci to automatically remember the last chosen folder you have to comment that option out.
Thanks. Commenting out the default_folder option restored the previous behaviour (I just downgraded to 0.3.17 to check how that one behaved, and it was how I remembered).

Originally Posted by xerxes2 View Post
You can add as many files as you want. I have never used 0.3.x but I can't see that it's more work to clear the playlist now. Otherwise there have to pop up a window every time you add something to the playlist asking if you want to delete the current playlist or just append the files. Adding more buttons is not an option either on n900 as the display is too small. There was however a suggestion to add a pop up confirmation window when clearing playlist but I haven't done that yet. That will introduce one more step also.
Maybe I wasn't clear in my previous message. The point I was trying to make is that I don't want to use playlists. I want to open a single file, and when it's finished (or before it finishes) I then want to open another file which will replace the current file. I don't know in advance which file I want to open next until I get to that point, so I don't want to add multiple files in a playlist.

In 0.3.17 I can use the "Open file" action each time, and get my desired behaviour. On the rare occasions I do want to make a playlist, the "Enqueue file" action is easy to access, but it doesn't get in the way if I don't want it. With 0.99 this has changed so that the default assumption is that the user wishes to build up a playlist, which has made it harder if I just want to open one file at a time. A confirmation step when clearing a playlist would make things even worse!

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Couple of observations:
01 - If I seek to a particular point (when paused) using the progress bar then press the forward back buttons it moves from the original point, not the new one.
02 - If I hold down on any button (other than Play/Pause) the button shrinks and becomes non-functioning. I have to drag the button a bit to get it back.

@pelago Is the problem that the file doesn't start playing immediately rather than the fact that it gets appended to the playlist? Could the behaviour be changed so that if you have finished the last track on the playlist and another is added then Panucci should start playing that one? Could this be tied in with the "Stay at End" option?

PS: Using gtk version. Just tried QT version doesn't show problem 02

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Originally Posted by hutchinsfairy View Post
@pelago Is the problem that the file doesn't start playing immediately rather than the fact that it gets appended to the playlist? Could the behaviour be changed so that if you have finished the last track on the playlist and another is added then Panucci should start playing that one? Could this be tied in with the "Stay at End" option
I guess if I'm at the end of the playlist and no track is currently playing and I do "Add file", then yes, it would be good to start playing that track immediately. But that isn't always the situation I am in - often I am flicking from one track to another while the current track is still playing (or paused, but certainly hasn't reached the end yet).

As I tried to say before, I have multiple 30 minute or 60 minute tracks (audio books, radio programmes, dance mixes), and I listen to different things in different situations, without necessarily waiting for each track to end. E.g. at the end of a chapter or at a lull in a radio programme, I might want to listen to a music mix instead. So, I want to "open" that file, not append it to a playlist. Later on, I want to be able to go back to the radio programme or book or whatever (not add it to the end of the music playlist) and pick it up where I left off. With 0.3.17 this was easy, with 0.99 it is not.

(Even worse is that 0.99 doesn't seem to remember the last played position in multiple files, which 0.3.17 does, but I assume that can be fixed. The change to a playlist-orientated design seems to be more of a fundamental/philosophical decision than a bug).

I cannot complain too much as it is not my project and I didn't get involved with the extras-devel or extras-testing process, but for me, 0.99 is a bit of a downgrade from 0.3.17. Luckily for me I can reinstall 0.3.17 and I'm happy with that, but that makes it even harder for me to get involved with testing 0.99.

To be positive about 0.99, it does have a couple of nice things that 0.3.17 doesn't have. Firstly, it shows up filenames for .mp2 audio files (0.3.17 just has a big blank space). Secondly, when a program finishes, 0.3.17 turns the Play button into a File/Open button. I prefer the behaviour in 0.99 to keep it as a Play button, so that I can replay the track if I want to.

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Originally Posted by pelago View Post
Maybe I wasn't clear in my previous message. The point I was trying to make is that I don't want to use playlists. I want to open a single file, and when it's finished (or before it finishes) I then want to open another file which will replace the current file. I don't know in advance which file I want to open next until I get to that point, so I don't want to add multiple files in a playlist.

In 0.3.17 I can use the "Open file" action each time, and get my desired behaviour. On the rare occasions I do want to make a playlist, the "Enqueue file" action is easy to access, but it doesn't get in the way if I don't want it. With 0.99 this has changed so that the default assumption is that the user wishes to build up a playlist, which has made it harder if I just want to open one file at a time. A confirmation step when clearing a playlist would make things even worse!
I get it, but this use case is the only one I can think of that has gotten a bit worse. For everything else it's MUCH smoother as it is now. And it'll take some serious convincing for me to degenerate back to the old behaviour. But if that's what the majority want I'll do it.
But the WM7 "horse" has a blood lineage tracing back to donkeys such as WM6.5, 6.1, 6.0, 5.1 that was fully neglected for too many years and Microsoft did sweet F all to maintain it (still running on Pocket IE4/6!!).

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