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hey my phone is gonna go on warranty to fix some problems, they said they might flash the device. i have so much stuff in my n900. is there anyway to backup every single setting, message and contacts along with ALL the applications that i have installed? backing up the applications would be nice but it'll work if i get a list of the apps that is ready to install through faster application manager. is there some application or something for this backup?
help would be appreciated.
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If only there was some kind of backup program. Somthing simple that a user could use to create a copy of their rootfs and opt. I imagine it would be available at boot even on a semi broken device. It could even be driven by some kind of menu...Yeah, some kind of a 'back-upmenu' if you will.

If only.

N900: One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

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I think what vi's cryptic message is that theres a program known as backupmenu that does what your asking. but if all your programs are from the maemo repos. I'd suggest using the back up on the N900 as it will backup your settings, contacts, all messages and a list of the applications that it will automatically reinstall afer the you restore the backup

by the way vi I was laughing my head off...

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Posts: 184 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Mar 2011
hey will this backup menu do what im asking for? will it save my entire applications and settings? or will it just backup the list?
thank you
erendorn's Avatar
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Backupmenu will backup rootfs and opt partitions, where program are stored.

If there is a risk that they reflash the other partitions (or give you another device), I would also make a manual copy of /home/user folder to a pc or something (via rsync or sftp)
chemist's Avatar
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Ehrm for contacts, calendar, bookmarks, conversations and installed applications with all settings you made in those if they followed the installation orders are backedup by "backup" the preinstalled backupprogram in your menu. If you are looking for something else like /etc normal "how to backup debian" applies
Posts: 184 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Mar 2011
hey i wanna backup my applications conversations contacts etc. like applications like conversations modder etc. and all my settings. i dont have an emmc. when my phone comes back after flashing, i want to get everything like it was before in my phone without having to download and do it from scratch.
now what should i do?
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backup menu will pretty much sort you out
anandv76's Avatar
Posts: 107 | Thanked: 28 times | Joined on Jan 2010
onboard backup doesnt backup apps but you should use ovi suite for backing up everything...

i cant read, just shoot me, kill me now

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