Hi there!
Just read an article about Audiogalaxy and thought it seemed like a good nr two instead of having spotify.
But offcourse the app is only for Android and Iphone (shocker).
So has anyone tried this using the browser on 3g? Could it work reasonably good or? Im guessing a port will be out of the question?
Just tried with browser and it works, but its really really really cpu hog, mine is oc'd and its still eating a whole damn cpu time. Dont know how safe it would be running 2-3 hours...
Just read an article about Audiogalaxy and thought it seemed like a good nr two instead of having spotify.
But offcourse the app is only for Android and Iphone (shocker).
So has anyone tried this using the browser on 3g? Could it work reasonably good or? Im guessing a port will be out of the question?