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Originally Posted by LTman View Post
Koajwujwer123 what exactly is your job
Professional teaser?

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Originally Posted by Koajwujwer123 View Post
Alright i think i should step off this forum now. I only posted because nobody was willing to believe the other guy that there ARE two different phones... Keep speculating and have fun. I hope you like the phone when it comes out
NO! Please don't. Can you answer the question from my previous post? Pretty please.
N9: Go white or go home
misterc's Avatar
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Originally Posted by LTman View Post
exept telling us that he is using a prototype that doesnt have a keyboard therefor letting us on to the fact that the device in the pocketnow teaser isnt the device that will go on sale
i have a prototype too.
the one you saw in the leaked video & which is certified by FCC;
obviously it has a keyboard.

come on, he hasn't said anything.
and if there aren't that many devices distributed, how difficult would THAT make it to hunt him down?
certainly less difficult then finding the leaker of the video
(which, personally, i rather suspect has been leaked intentionally to heat up expectations...)

he sold you smoke, and i can't help wondering what you have been smoking?
AndyNokia232's Avatar
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AGAIN: why was the qwerty clearly shown in the teaser, if the plan is to release a qwerty-less only device?

If Nokia Conversations confirm "Jessie's Girl" and "Jessie's Girl" is the device shown in the ad with a qwerty keyboard, why, oh why is everyone discussing a touchscreen only model as the only choice the consumer will have? Consumers read Nokia Conversations too y'know!

Perhaps Koajwujwer123 is telling the truth, perhaps not. Perhaps he/she DOES actually have the "other one" (if they are releasing 2 - even though I don't believe it).

If it turns out that the N9/50 on announcement is a qwerty-less device, I'll be dumbfounded. What was the point of showing off the keyboard in the teaser then, in more than one shot?


Last edited by AndyNokia232; 2011-05-20 at 15:51.
Posts: 133 | Thanked: 138 times | Joined on Nov 2007
Originally Posted by AndyNokia232 View Post
AGAIN: why was the qwerty clearly shown in the teaser, if the plan is to release a qwerty-less only device?

If Nokia Conversations confirm "Jessie's Girl" and "Jessie's Girl" is the device shown in the ad with a qwerty keyboard, why, oh why is everyone discussing a touchscreen only model as the only choice the consumer will have? Consumers read Nokia Conversations too y'know!

Perhaps Koajwujwer123 is telling the truth, perhaps not. Perhaps he/she DOES actually have the "other one" (if they are releasing 2 - even though I don't believe it).

If it turns out that the N9/50 on announcement is a qwerty-less device, I'll be dumbfounded. What was the point of showing off the keyboard in the teaser then, one more than one shot?

Probably because the dev device will be the first to be shown. And since this will cause lots of headlines and interest in the tech media then why not present it in an attractive way and get some nice publicity?
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So it goes well with the rumours.
The kb device with omap3 for dev and later on mass device with omap4 without kb.
I'm interested to see how much RAM are these devices going to have. 512 or more?

Good thing for us is we can reuse most of these stuff in the dev device in n900 without much effort.

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Originally Posted by daperl View Post
NO! Please don't. Can you answer the question from my previous post? Pretty please.
can't talk for the guy, of course, but i suspect he doesn't have a clue, 'cuz he doesn't know anything.
like i said in my reply to your previous question, making that kind of restriction would make the customer phone (the only one you and i will every be able to get, right?) as interesting (@ least for me) as a rotten iPotato
(i got one free from me provider once; used it a week, then threw it in a drawer and started using an 2+ yr old N95 again)
as i said before, NOKIA can't afford to treat us (you, me, all the other NOKIA users who haven't switch to iOS or ANDroid YET) like that.
i'm not going to buy a m@ke$$h!t LostDOS se7en Paralysed phone; i'd rather buy a LG phone (w/ MeeGo) or even w/ ANDroid.
ANYTHING but m@ke$$h!t, even on a NOKIA
except, maybe, if the NOKIA can be flashed w/ MeeGo ¦-))))))

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@andynokia 123 the video might have been a teaser for a device that nokia rolled back or maybe changed their mind about or anything along those lines or maybe it isnt finished and when finished it will show two different devices more clearly who knows any way because it is a leak
misterc's Avatar
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Originally Posted by leomax View Post
So it goes well with the rumours.
The kb device with omap3 for dev and later on mass device with omap4 without kb.
I'm interested to see how much RAM are these devices going to have. 512 or more?

Good thing for us is we can reuse most of these stuff in the dev device in n900 without much effort.
ONE device, w/ keyboard.
for the masses and the developers, the same device, the one we have been teased w/
those who can't live w/out a keyboard have it & those who don't want to use it don't. for 0.7 mm difference there hardly is a point make two devices, is there? plus the keyboard may actually attract power user who don't want to hack the phone or install "non-supported" software on it but simply find the presence of a keyboard attractive.
the same ppl NOKIA has been selling 9000s & E90s & the like, in the past?

the teaser was available what, three days on Youtube...
more then enough time for everybody to wake up, hear about it, get home, look it up & watch it. two times over.
do you really thing it would have taken NOKIA three days to get it off the air if they didn't want it there in the 1st place?

Last edited by misterc; 2011-05-20 at 16:09.

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Probably because the dev device will be the first to be shown. And since this will cause lots of headlines and interest in the tech media then why not present it in an attractive way and get some nice publicity?

I don't buy it. I just watched the teaser again 3 times. Each shot at the beginning represents a 'sense', ear=earpiece, eye=camera etc. Fingers sliding across water and ice=touchscreen gestures, and shot of keyboard with fingers playing water like a piano...too elegant and obvious just for developers.
Then later after the blowing, a longer shot of the keyboard in all its glory.

I'm still not convinced the end product will be touch only. Sorry.

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