Poll: Nokia to release the Maemo Source Code.
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Nokia to release the Maemo Source Code.

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I voted both yes and no because this thread is stupid and I thought it deserved an appropriate response.

ps. I love the tags on this thread. So appropriate.

Last edited by Sazpaimon; 2011-05-26 at 14:17.

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Ahaahaha, you can vote both yes and no... lmao
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Originally Posted by HtheB View Post
Does that mean we can use the code to get Phone calls properly working within NITDroid once they release the code?
In theory it shold allow this
Well Nokia do at least know how to build a decent phone, just apparently don't know how to support it..

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I may be missing something, so correct me if I am wrong, but there are open source components out there for the many closed source components in maemo (like the telecommunication in openmoko), so is it not possble to use these?

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So... since there are so many that are keen on opening the source...hows about some of you work out what you're asking for?
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Originally Posted by Stskeeps View Post
For good measure as I see a lot of confusion.. you people do know that several Nokians and subcontractors is paid and employed to work on N900 DE? We work in the open as to enable everyone to contribute and help out with DE.
Yeah, thanks to Nokia before M$ epoch. But it is over and question is how long DE team will have the inertia to continue. Can you guarantee that it will be after DE is as useful as Maemo is now?

We do have access to all sources we need to make N900 DE work and we work to publish all hardware support things we need in some form, but legal checks takes times and sometimes it will be redistributable binaries instead of sources. Redistribution means you can make your own DE images and legally redistribute them. Sometimes getting things to work outside Maemo just takes times.
Great. And how exactly your access to Maemo5/6 source code differs from allowing those who choose not to leave the ship to have access to the same code? Or DE team is a kind of chosen ones?

How about we spend time making sure we have a device we can make do our bidding as we like, customize even without big technical knowledge, instead of asking to release source code that is dead and already rotten.

Long story short, contribute to MeeGo N900 DE. Who wants to work on dead-end unreadable source that can be rewritten in QML and Python in 3 days?
Me. Do you mind? Let me be old-fashioned, I like it that way. I am sure above statement is because you really like what you are doing and you strongly believe in Meego's future, but not everyone shares your enthusiasm. And isn't linux about the choice?

To be honest I can't believe I am advocating abill_uk. But his point that we need discussion on Maemo 5 future seems valid.
It is not that I need full source code - there are several components (Conversation UI, Calendar, ...) that will make life much easier to those who choose to contribute to Maemo 5 , not Meego.

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Originally Posted by freemangordon View Post
To be honest I can't believe I am advocating abill_uk. But his point that we need discussion on Maemo 5 future seems valid.
It is not that I need full source code - there are several components (Conversation UI, Calendar, ...) that will make life much easier to those who choose to contribute to Maemo 5 , not Meego.
there is little to no point in working on Maemo IMO. the code and components for Meego are much cleaner, more scalable, and almost 100% open. if you truly enjoy Maemo 5, support Cordia (which is focused on making the familiar hildon desktop environment run on top of the Meego core).
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What is really needed is a full GSM linux implementation (drivers,modules,etc.) and source to really have a open source environment on the n900. It would be better. How about a lean Debian mid with call and cellular data working, similar to Android and Wing? Yea, create a beast like that, and say "Hey, Nokia, how you like them apples now?...

hey, I bought a Q1 Ultra, oh it has a sim card holder, bah, doesnt work in ubuntu.
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Originally Posted by cfh11 View Post
there is little to no point in working on Maemo IMO. the code and components for Meego are much cleaner, more scalable, and almost 100% open. if you truly enjoy Maemo 5, support Cordia (which is focused on making the familiar hildon desktop environment run on top of the Meego core).
And where are skype, flash (9) , microb, navigation software, etc... in Cordia and Meego? Don't get me wrong, I fully support those efforts (yes, I do), but also I want fully functioning device in my pocket. And the only OS that gives such functionality for N900 till now is Maemo 5. I do not understand that consumer way of thinking - there is new toy (OS, car model, whatever), lets put our current one in trash and hurry about new one.

And please, do not tell me that we should ban evil companies(Skype/M$, Adobe) by not using their services on our FOSS devices.

Last edited by freemangordon; 2011-05-26 at 17:52. Reason: typo

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Originally Posted by freemangordon View Post
And where are skype, flash (9) , microb, navigation software, etc... in Cordia and Meego? Don't get me wrong, I fully support those efforts (yes, I do), but also I want fully functioning device in my pocket. And the only OS that gives such functionality for N900 till now is Maemo 5. I do not understand that consumer way of thinking - there is new toy (OS, car model, whatever), lets put our current one in trash and hurry about new one.

And please, do not tell me that we should ban evil companies(Skype/M$, Adobe) by not using their services on our FOSS devices.
I am not saying everyone should jump ship now - Meego is obviously not ready for primetime. I am just saying that efforts are better spent working on Meego IMO.
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