Poll: Nokia to release the Maemo Source Code.
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Nokia to release the Maemo Source Code.

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Originally Posted by demolition View Post
The request this petition makes is most audacious, to say the least, and in the unlikely event it works, it would be quite a triumph. On the assumpton that Nokia (I include all Maemo-device partners, as well as Nokia itself, in that word) will not release any PR-type updates, releasing code would allow the community to make improvements.

I believe, however, that a more refined question may yield some results because without more focus and weight, the reponse will always relate to IPR and so-on. Incidentally, much of that page relates to Maemo4, not 5 and doesn't appear to include drivers/3rd party s/w (point in top para noted).

The reqest could be refined by breaking it down into a list of the areas of functionality where source code or system-access is necessary i.e What source should be released. Many items on this list exist as wontfix and open on the Maemo bug site. For each item on the list there needs to be an associated:
  1. Why source should be released:
    Although the existing licence alteration scheme has not proved very sucessful, while devices are in use (and phone contracts are still current), there is a case for code-release or official updates (cough!). The release of code might be based on one or more of the following reasons (there may be others too):

    (a) Fix those parts of the OS (inc. drivers) that prevent the device operating as advertised, reasonbly expected* or that make it in anyway not wholly fit for purpose. If provable, There might be some grounds for consumer-rights action in this area. The graphics driver (I know it's not just Nokia Corp. involved) is one of the most obvious areas where there's a difference b/w advertised and actual performance - there was no mention of frame-dropping for video playback or image-shearing in the press, was there?

    (b) Allow the OS to be extended/improved. Probably not really in Nokia's (or ms's) interest to keep old devies alive unless such an extension/improvement addresses something listed in (a) OR shows a proof of concept that can be used (by Nokia etc.) in future devices.

    (c) For application s/w development. Again, unless such s/w addressed something listed in (a) or showed proof of concept, which might help Nokia etc., this argument has the least weight (I beleive).

    (d) Allow the device to operate to its full potential e.g. formal BT input support or UI improvments to allow direct printing. This might be possible if release of code wouldn't harm sale of future devies or Nokia etc.; it would be an easier decision for those areas only concerning Nokia. Would it be a valid argument to suggest that doing so would promote the sale of non phone Nokia devices (future or existing)?
  2. How source should be released:
    Does the _full_ source (even of requested sub-sections) need to be released, or would header files with precomiled (obfuscated if necessary) lib/[binary-type] files be sufficient? (I'm Assuming that interface and implementation can be separated.)

    For OS development (fixing problems), clearly the whole source is necessary, not just the interface; if the implementation of a given class/function is completely rewritten, then the existing (closed) version maybe done away with altogether. Again, for application s/w development one only needs to include a well commented header file to make new applications.
  3. To whom source should be released:
    From all the people on the "Yes list", I'm sure many do not have s/w in the Maemo repositories (though many may report operations as testers) and whilst being a vocal member of a community is important, for everyone to have access to the source is, I think, not necessary.

    Also, as someone mentioned, who would be liable if "improvements" were found to make the device dangerous to use, or a dependecy clash caused 50% of devices to brick?

    Who would sign-off any OS fixes/improvements/extensions?

    One idea might be: if projects requiring currently unreleased source had to register via the council (or a dev sub-committee, or similar) and developers needed to register with the project to obtain these sections, some trace of what was going where could be made, then perhaps even the most sensitve parts might get released and fixed?

How often has such a list been presented to Nokia? It would be useful to have summaries of these meetings posted in the News and Community sections.

Some parts of Maemo are more sensitive than others so each could be handled differently. And, a lot of Maemo is Debian, so much of what is needed for application s/w development (not OS development) is already open. That which is closed, seems to be mostly drivers. The advantage of breaking it down would be control, the disadvantage would be spending time on an OS which cannot bring in any more revenue. Though, there maybe an obligation to do so if suitable proof can be found.

I think most N900 owners (and probably N8x0 & N770 owners too) believe the(se) device(s) is/are wasted opportunities, where something truly great could have been realised but for some reason Nokia failed to pull it all together. By releasing relevant pieces of source the community (developers, testers and doc'ers) fixes/improvemts could be sought and users would be happy.

On the one hand by providing good customer support, in the form of updates and source releases etc., Nokia would encourage users to fly its flag who would in turn be more likely to buy another Nokia product. While on the other hand, by offering a very short life-cycle Nokia are forcing users to switch devices, which might seem like a good way to get revenue but makes users less likely to care about who made said device; also, not very 'green' as Nokia always proport to being.

I'm sure some will pour scorn over this post, if for for nothing else, for its length. However, this is not a rant, just a discussion from an occasioal coder and current Maemo user.

The device(s) and OS(s) are very good so attempting to smooth the rough edges is, I believe, a worthwhile venture; clearly many others do as well, as shown by the interest in the CSSU and the growth in the number of programmes in the repositories, even since Nokia told some commercial developers to give up on Maemo.

Re: my vote: I'm still on the fence because, as it stands, I don't think it's a viable (and in some ways reasonable) request. Also, I'm not sure a yes/no poll for source-release is the best way to achieve bugs fixes and making Maemo more extensible because there's more to it than that (what, why, how, to whom, etc). But, I do agree with the sentiment: either fix the errors or let us (Maemo community) fix them ourselves.

*reasonably expected: only pertaining to existing features e.g. fix not being able to turn device on while charging.
This is a very good example of how posts should be on this poll instead of starting arguments.

@ Demolition the purpose and thoughts behind this Poll was basically to find out just how many are still interested in Maemo and any idea's such as yours to be put forward.

It is important to any dev that enough people want and need his work therefore in this case the CSSU team will now realise how many want Maemo still to be developed.
After what has happened with Nokia many many i know have as said on this Poll too as well as everywhere on this Community "Nokia never again" or words to that effect.

For me this Poll is a starting point to find out CURRENT interests and what people would like to see and happen.
It is important at this stage to find out statistics as they stand now and THEN make plans for progression if at all any.

I am not and cannot be held responsible for anything posted on this Poll.

Once again i will reiterate that this Poll is for the Community NOT me so please remember this when you post your idea's or comments and please refrain from directing derogatory comments at me.

Last edited by abill_uk; 2011-05-28 at 02:47.
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Originally Posted by Daneel View Post
You are our self proclaimed leader so step up to the plate and go through the buglist and identify a list of sourcecode items you would like to see released, in order of priority, with reasoned arguments as to why, how and to whom.
That is actual work you know, something that takes time, effort and might result with something useful, not this dumb to oblivion poll of yours.

Pretty please.
One thing is for certain: there is no stopping him; abill will soon be our leader. And I for one welcome our new polling overlords. I'd like to remind him that as a trusted TMO personality, I can be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground forums.

Relax guys, keep up with your toiling.

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Originally Posted by Hurrian View Post
Leak was limited, but ReactOS is pretty cool.
N900 dead and Nokia no longer replaces them. Thanks for all the fish.

Keep the forums clean: use "Thanks" button instead of the thank you post.
erendorn's Avatar
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I voted yes because if nokia shareholders want to let go part of their money to organize source release to maintain an old device for some thousands of people who then won't buy the new device, then, sure, I'm in.

I also voted no, because I don't want nokia to rebalance meego/maemo budget for that, and move money from meego DE teem, or even maemo 6 teems, to organize stuff for a dying platform on a single piece of hardware.

Also I don't like "PETITION to the G8 to remove poverty from the world" threads in general, for various reasons that have already been explained here and elsewhere.

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I was most surprised at the warm reponse my last post received. Thank you to those who read and liked my musings.

I believe, there are fixes required to the N900 functionality. In a number of areas it fails to perform as advertised and in some it's not fit for purpose. Is the difference between intention and result enough to take formal action? I don't know. Form what some posters say, it seems similar with previous Maemo devices. Therefore, in the absence of a PR-type update, some source release could remedy the situation.

It appears to me that of these bugs/fixes, a lot to do with 3rd parties thus prove Nokia's poor project management when developing and releasing the N900.

The question being polled is whether each of us wants Nokia to release the whole of Maemo source code.

I still need convincing (one way or the other) because, aside from the reservations I mentioned above, about needing to specify why/how/to whom etc., I don't know what the request is asking for. That may sound unreasonable, given its apparently clear nature. My point is: where does Maemo start and stop? There are items bundled into any OS that are not crucial to its functionality but could still be deemed part of the OS - these won't be released. It needs to be specified what is included in that request, more precisely than 'all code'. There is no mention of which version this "release" relates to. What is Maemo, in terms of this request?

Lastly, there is no mention of documentation with that code in the request. Speaking from personal experience, code is only as good as accompanying comments and instructions. It has already been mentioned that those pieces of code already released are lacking associated paperwork making them mabye not useless but certainly not as useful as they should have been.

Convince me, by answering my questions and settling my uncertainties.

Edit: something I forgot to say: having written various things on ms platforms (native C++, win32 and mfc) - i.e. 'closed' OSs, it was quite easy to write software that interacts with the OS and drivers. Much of the source is in precompiled files but the headers are accessible. Aside from the duff drivers, from my point of view as a learner linux developer, this is what I would like when it comes to source/doc release and why I made the point about releasing headers even if implementation is kept in binary form.

We all need to have someone who jumps up and down to make some noise about this problem or that. Thank you for raising a matter, which always falls on completely deaf ears in the "ask the council" thread. When you do so, you need to expect some to rib you for it, others to flatly disagree with either what you say/propose or, just as importantly, how you say it. On that point, I hope you don't think me patronising to impart a little sytle advice: write calmly, try to make your points succincly and remember spoken and written english are not the same. Also, consider typing your messages offline - I use leafpad. The other thing is, don't quote a complete post and if you are responding to all of a long post, break up your reponse.
Again, apologies if that sounds as though I'm talking down to you - I support your intentions of getting people to think and talk about things and want to see you achieve results.

ps. (to all) I'm trying out Opera 11. Anyone find entering text into a <textarea> a bit odd?

Last edited by demolition; 2011-05-28 at 14:41.

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Hello everyone,

We encourage vigorous discussion but please try to be cordial with others. Also, please note that the CSSU, Cordia and closed component issues were addressed in the last council blog posting here -


I think it is apparent that Council is still supporting Maemo like many of you have asked. It would be best if comments were made in context rather than not.

Also, there is an "Ask the Council" thread. It won't get you immediate answers if that's what you want, but there will be a response such as happened in this most recent example:

3-time Maemo Community Council Member
Co-Founder, Hildon Foundation

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Count now stands at 461 for and 19 against.
mthmob's Avatar
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if you guys want to have a chance of getting your hands on the source code, i suggest you start an organisation, and collect money for the purpose of buying the rights to the source code directly from nokia... thats the only way i see this ever going to happen.. a petition is not going to chance their minds, mostly because petitions dont work on big corporations... money is the true language any corporation, and it is the only drive they will ever have.

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I was originally 100% behind this but after being informed how low the code quality is, I think moving to MeeGo and developing a Maemo UX/UI is the way to go.
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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
I was originally 100% behind this but after being informed how low the code quality is, I think moving to MeeGo and developing a Maemo UX/UI is the way to go.
I would love you to explain why and how the code quality is low on Maemo.

Have you been talking with Carsten again ?

I said that all wrong.... i meant who told you this?.

Last edited by abill_uk; 2011-05-28 at 19:53.
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