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Been using MMapper since January, what a great program, I have noticed in several treads, folks wonder how to get a custom map into MMapper, here is what worked for me.

Start with MapCruncher from MS

Tutorial at:

Started by scanning some high quality Topo maps that include hiking trails that are highlighted on the map. Tried several levels; the 600 DPI seems to work best.

Once you have your map source file, you can open it in MapCruncher, check the borders, and create the GPS Correspondences. The program will render the Individual map tiles for the map. MS level 14 = MM level 3 for zoom (worked well for my maps). I also set the max zoom to 14 for the maps in Cruncher (limits the number of output tiles). See tutorial for getting the correspondences more accurate as you may need to add numerous points and adjust them based on the points 'Error'. The best points seem to be North - South Street intersections.

When MapCruncher renders the tiles, it will create a large number of .png files in a directory. The naming convention for these tiles is as follows: the number of characters in the file name indicates zoom level. So if the file is named 0012.png it means that it is zoom level 4. MS VE coded these tiles so they only contain 0 thru 3 as valid characters in the file name. These represent grid that is overlays the tile, so a picture of the world would have North America in quadrant 0 Europe in Quad 1 South America in Quad 2 and India in Quad 3. In this way one can read the name of the file one character a a time that indicates the quadrant that one is to zoom to for that zoom level. In our earlier example '0021.png' would read 0 first quadrant (North America) then each successive zoom to the quadrant of the tile that is zoomed too, read the next number and zoom to that quadrant. In my case I took all of the files that were 14 characters long and copied them to another directory.
At this point I also batch renamed all of the files to a jpg extension.
As I do not have a program to 'rename' the file name itself, only the files extension. Each has to be renamed, started by creating a VE repository on my N800 that roughly contained the area of the map from an X - Y area that the map covered. I then moving the directory over to the computer opened the MS VE Streets directory and the MapCruncher files in another view. I then identified the tiles that represent the same place on the map. Using this I renamed the MS Cruncher files to the MMapper format. To keep these clear I appended a -# to the end of the file to help keep them straight. For example one of the files 03023221300332.png is re-named 6055-2.jpg in the MapCruncher directory. Once I was done renaming all of the files for the map I would then copy a 'set' 6054-2.jpg, 6055-2.jpg, 6056-2.jpg, 6057-2.jpg into the 4710 'Y' directory of MMapper. Once the files are copied they are renamed to loose the -2 part of the name as MMapper would not reconize it. Once you have the files renamed to this format you can simply view the thumbnails by name, without this you may need to view by 'creation date' or 'modified' in order to keep them straight order-wise.

I have found that the maps I have processed have the actual trail within a meter or so to the actual GPS Track in MMapper. MMapper is ok with the files being .png files that are renamed .jpg.
It takes about an hour to scan in the map, crunch it, and rename the tiles. I would be great to have a script to read the 03023221300332.png name and place it into a directory name 4710 with a file name of 6054.jpg. Cruncher allows for transparency’s of layers of maps. I have also taken some historic maps of the area and crunched them with success. Odd display artifacts are visible when the tile is not complete, MMapper trys to 'fill' in the space by duplicating part of the tile itself (best not to use partial tiles -- looks cleaner in MMapper).
Happy Mapping, ps the tutorial for MapCruncher is good, MMapper is great....

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to slamp For This Useful Post:
Posts: 28 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Jul 2007
Very cool - thanks for the info - I have a hiking map in mind I'd really like to scan. I'll be playing with this once I get the time, and may be able to make a rename script, as renaming by hand offends my sensibilities .

Question - are the zoom levels 1:1 - if 14 is equivalent to MM 3, is 13 (or 15) 2? I'd want to go down to 1 or 2.
Posts: 10 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Sep 2007
No the zoom levels appear to vary, I 'found' the cross reference to MM zoom level 3 = MS Cruncher level 14. I am certain that other zoom levels can be cross matched as well. MMapper allows a zoom to level 0,1, and 2 even though I only have level 3 for the custom map. This zoom works similar to the double pixels setting, zooming in on the scanned image. Higher levels do not work this way and MMapper only displays the black screen at these zooms. The zoom level will likely vary depending on the size of the scanned image.
Posts: 11 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Jul 2007
Is it possible to get somekind of script what renames files automaticly?
Posts: 3 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Nov 2007
Originally Posted by slamp View Post
Been using MMapper since January, what a great program, I have noticed in several treads, folks wonder how to get a custom map into MMapper, here is what worked for me.
Thanks, that was very helpful in getting me started. I'm too lazy, though, to do that manual renaming, so I figured out a simple way to create a map repository using the Map Cruncher output. I'm interested in getting nautical charts into Maemo mapper, and here's what I did:

When you've run Mapcruncher, you're left with tile files in the same format/naming convention that Virtual Earth uses internally. So what's left to do is roll your own Virtual Earth style map repository, which can be done simply by dumping the tile files into a directory of a handy web server and creating a repository in Maemo Mapper. I have a web server running locally on a computer on my home network with an address of, and the tiles are in a web server directory called tiles, so the url looks like:

and the Maemo mapper repository url looks like:

Then I used the maemo mapper auto downloading to pull in the chart. Using another repository, I navigated to the chart area, then switched to my chart repository and scrolled around to bring in the chart.

The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to MarkW For This Useful Post:
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You may have answered my only concern of moving on to v2.x of this great program, as new version did not appear to have a way to import custom map data, now that the maps are stored in the database.

What was missing was a method of putting these custom maps in into the new database structure. Renaming the tiles is a pain. I have some maps from 1895 of my home town that I need to try this with.

Thank you this appears to be the missing part of the puzzle.
technut's Avatar
Posts: 574 | Thanked: 166 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ BC, Canada
Under Maps / Manage Maps there is the ability to force the download of the map tiles by specifying an area.
Posts: 10 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Sep 2007
Putting the results of the Map Cruncher into a web directory works like a charm. Thanks
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Posts: 5 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Mar 2008
Originally Posted by slamp View Post
You may have answered my only concern of moving on to v2.x of this great program, as new version did not appear to have a way to import custom map data, now that the maps are stored in the database.

What was missing was a method of putting these custom maps in into the new database structure. Renaming the tiles is a pain. I have some maps from 1895 of my home town that I need to try this with.

Thank you this appears to be the missing part of the puzzle.
I used a program map2gdbm to convert tiles form MM1 format into MM2 (*.db file) and vbs script to convert MCruncher's files to MM1.

I modified Nuri's ( script, he used it for moving cache data from GoogleMV to MM1 format.

Const OverwriteExisting = FALSE
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objBaseFolder = objFSO.GetFolder("C:\misc\GPS\CRUN12_ORIG")
Set colSubfolders = objBaseFolder.Subfolders

Dim strFilename, strLetter, varLength, strNewFileName, strNewFolderName
Dim i, x, y, z, q
'Wscript.Echo  "Start"
q = 0
For Each objSubfolder in colSubfolders
'Wscript.Echo  "Start 1"
 Set colFiles = objSubFolder.files 

 For Each objFile in colFiles

 x = 0
 y = 0
 z = 17
 strFilename = objFile.Name

 varLength = Len(strFilename) - 4

'Wscript.Echo "Length " & varLength

 If varLength < 19 Then

 For i = 1 To varLength

  strLetter = Mid(strFilename,i,1)

  'Wscript.Echo "Letter " & strLetter

  Select Case strLetter
    Case "0"
     x = x * 2
     y = y * 2
     z = z - 1
    Case "1"
     x = x * 2 + 1
     y = y * 2 
     z = z - 1
    Case "2"
     x = x * 2 
     y = y * 2 + 1
     z = z - 1
    Case "3"
     x = x * 2 + 1
     y = y * 2 + 1
     z = z - 1
   End Select
    'Wscript.Echo "X for " & strLetter & " = "  & x
    'Wscript.Echo "Y for " & strLetter & " = "  & y
 'Wscript.Echo "Zoom " & z


 'Wscript.Echo "Zoom end " & z
 'Wscript.Echo "X Dir " & x

 strNewFolderName = "C:\misc\GPS\MM_F_CRUN\" & z 
 If Not objFSO.FolderExists(strNewFolderName) Then
 End If

 strNewFolderName = "C:\misc\GPS\MM_F_CRUN\" & z & "\" & x
 'Wscript.Echo strNewFolderName
 If Not objFSO.FolderExists(strNewFolderName) Then
 End If

 strNewFileName = strNewFolderName & "\" & y & ".jpg"

 Set objOldFile = objFSO.GetFile(objSubfolder.Path & "\" & strFileName)

 If Not objFSO.FileExists(strNewFileName) Then
  objOldFile.Copy strNewFileName, OverwriteExisting
  q = q + 1
 End If

 'Wscript.Echo strFilename & " x=" & x & " y=" & y & " z=" & z
 'Wscript.Echo strNewFileName
 'Wscript.Echo objBaseFolder & "\" & strFileName

 End If

Wscript.Echo q & " Tiles copied"

Last edited by Nait; 2008-06-25 at 09:06.
Posts: 5 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Mar 2008
C:\misc\GPS\CRUN12_ORIG - input dir, where you have only 1 other dir with MMaper files,

C:\misc\GPS\MM_F_CRUN\ - output dir where vbs-script will collect files (in dir-levels) im MM1 format.
Draw attention that Move_Cruncher_Cache.vbs has now 2 output entries for dir C:\misc\GPS\MM_F_CRUN\ .

Next step - loading MM1 to MM2.
It's quite enough to rename PNG file to JPG, but you should to
recompile map2gdbm, consider my remarks:

Other way - you can use free IrfanView program to convert PNG files to JPG (or gif - better).
IrfanView has "Batch conversion/rename" mode for easy converting a lot of files in any format.
Select 90% or 80% of quality for better compress files.
If you will use unchanged version of map2gdbm, files (tiles) should be less than 64k.

Last edited by Nait; 2008-07-30 at 14:10.

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