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I can't ****ing wait I'm going to explode. Hearing things like this is the beat keyboard you will see on any device. You all sound very confident about what Nokia has done. What does Android run at to compare? I'm hearing 120 frames per second, what about the iPhone 4.
Posts: 63 | Thanked: 25 times | Joined on Oct 2009
Yeah seriously. It could be 3d. I almost wanna take off work.
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Okay. Going to sleep now.(12:30am here in Sydney)
I hope I don't sleep in and miss the event. LOL

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btw. @meetmeego will cover the event, so it might be useful to follow it in addition to jakimans twitter.

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Originally Posted by babraq View Post
Sorry, but that is just pure BS. Look for yourself. Human eye is very capable, 25 FPS is just a really bad decision for TV and movies. That's all.
Human eye is indeed very capable but tv and movies aren't at all like the gif we saw at that site. The shutter speed blurs the fast movement, and that adds to the real feel of the movie, making really high fps, not only redundant but un-lifelike. You can see that PIXAR made 3D animation films much more fluid not by increasing the framerate, but by using motion blurring. The same thing videogames do today, so we can play with otherwise unplayable fps's of around 25. Also we have something like VR or IS - (optical stabilisation) because we follow the moving subject with our eyes.

You are right though that 25 fps is irrelevant when we are talking about UI's except if they have motion blurring incorporated.

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the anticipation is killing me. I really do hope it's not an S40 device
Posts: 64 | Thanked: 20 times | Joined on May 2011
btw @zehjotka ,k123:

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Originally Posted by nabil2199 View Post
the anticipation is killing me. I really do hope it's not an S40 device
I hope the following:
  • Harmattan unveiled.
  • The developer device launched.
  • Updates to the Qt SDK for the Harmattan target this same week.
  • S40 to be expanded (as said that tweet) to cover more mid-range phones, so Ovi Store and Qt for S40 announced. That way the N9 will have more developer appeal, because there will be lots of Qt ready phones (Symbian+S40+MeeGo+Harmattan, plus Android if you count the community support).
Posts: 34 | Thanked: 44 times | Joined on Sep 2010 @ Israel
yeah, the N9 looks nice and all....


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Hmmph this is gonna make record stats !!!!

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