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pawelstryju's Avatar
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n9? no, not for me, no hw keyboard and it's more like n8 than n900. I need a tablet, no iphone-kind-phone
N900@dsp 600-900MHz + CSSU (21.2011.38-1Tmaemo3.1)

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Originally Posted by benny1967 View Post
the original internet tablet, the 770, didnt have a physical qwerty, neither did its successor, the n800.

nokia was criticized when they intruduced the qwerty with the N810 (the last model before the N900) because most people coming from 770/n800 thought it made the device bulky and was unnecessary. i was one of those people then... not knowing how how great it is to have a physical keyboard.
oh you're absolute >_< thanks....
if i did help you, just click "Thanks" on the lower right of my post. thanks!

"The best way to break a Spell is to prevent it from being cast in the first place"

N900: 1000/1150mhz; sampling_rate 15; up_threshold 150000;
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Originally Posted by benny1967 View Post
the original internet tablet, the 770, didnt have a physical qwerty, neither did its successor, the n800.
And strictly speaking the N900 was not an Internet tablet, so just the N810 & N810W then.

nokia was criticized when they intruduced the qwerty with the N810 (the last model before the N900) because most people coming from 770/n800 thought it made the device bulky and was unnecessary.
Nah, it was actually less bulky than both of its ancestors. The main criticism was the menu button and d-pad being inaccessible with the keyboard in closed position.

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Judging from hands-on videos, the N9 is ready. Ready to be sold as good as it works. Why delay sale few more months?

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zdanee's Avatar
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Originally Posted by marrat View Post
Judging from hands-on videos, the N9 is ready. Ready to be sold as good as it works. Why delay sale few more months?
They need an appstore with apps. Ordinary Buyer opens the box, fires up the N9, opens the AppStore to download some cool new games ... and there is none.
maluka's Avatar
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I'm still baffled as to why Nokia decided to abandon Meego as the way forward. The device's looks have mainstream appeal. They've all but killed it before it's release by chasing away developers.

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I need some convincing here. I want this phone, but I fear Omap3. Any knowledge about DSP coming into rescue over this issue?
Posts: 242 | Thanked: 269 times | Joined on Mar 2010
Originally Posted by lma View Post
And strictly speaking the N900 was not an Internet tablet, so just the N810 & N810W then.

Nah, it was actually less bulky than both of its ancestors. The main criticism was the menu button and d-pad being inaccessible with the keyboard in closed position.
yep, plus the lack of two SD slots, and the cool slide out/turn around camera revamped... I passed on it (got my sister one) mostly because it lacked phone functionality, and waited for the N900.

Ironic, huh?
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Originally Posted by ejasmudar View Post
Now what I need to know is, will Meego-DE/CE for N900 have the N9 UIX? Right now the default Meego UI sucks. This may help a lot of people to shift to Meego on their N900s

Qmgil has said the UI components for Meego Harmattan (atleast some) has been released. I take this as its up to the Meego Community to decide if they wanna use it in N900CE

But am not sure full UI is opensurced but atleast better than the one in n900CE atm...

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Originally Posted by kruppin View Post
My god! How can they make it so outdated? And no keyboard? No FM transmitter? Sorry Nokia, was sure I would get this, but now I just cant..

It's just a N900 in a smaller (and more useless), package, with a better screen. Sure the cpu is "faster" but can't be clocked almost anything instead. My N900 going 1ghz daliy, even 1.1ghz, no prob, but my Defy (3630-800) going instable at 1.1ghz even though more overvolt. Read somewhere there are same CPU in all 3630 no matter speed. Just OC'ed.
How can you be so damn sure you need more than 1Ghz!?!?!?

People should learn to not only read how cool HW spec and thinks its the only thing that is important. Cause its not!

Remember when N900 with 600Mhz pissed on 800Mhz slow Androids.

Some Android is STILL slower than Maemo not because of lack of CPU clockspeed instead because the UI and rest of the OS is not optimized!

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disapoint, eflop, epic win!, laggy interface, n9 rox, so much win, wateriswet, who cares, whyyyyy??????

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