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If somebody has access to this device, could (s)he post some pics/video of the calendaring application, for example the different views and how to enter appointments (single appt, recurring appts, todos etc).

The calendar on N900 sucks big time as a real business tool, I just wonder if N9 is any better.
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Originally Posted by LadyBug View Post
If somebody has access to this device, could (s)he post some pics/video of the calendaring application, for example the different views and how to enter appointments (single appt, recurring appts, todos etc).

The calendar on N900 sucks big time as a real business tool, I just wonder if N9 is any better.
Oh yes please. And is there any kind of support for different calendar categories, at least for PRIVATE APPOINTMENTS for syncable calendar?
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Originally Posted by Pillum View Post
Well, seem like a good idea

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Using Marxian's beautiful CuteTube QML, I just downloaded the N9 promo audio track (The Big Introduction) over on YouTube. Instinctiv, Shazam nor Tunatic could not recognise the track, so maybe it was written especially for Nokia.

Either way, the funky part (after the nfc demo) is now my ringtone on my trusty N900!

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Originally Posted by tkatchev View Post
I just type 'apt-get install build-essential' and type away my code.
It just works.
What on Earth has that got to do with GNU/Linux ? You need the SDK because you are crosscompiling and for a certain set of libraries (which is not your native one). If you had an ARM Harmattan desktop/notebook, you could just as well do build-essential directly.

Moreover: I can download any old random .tar.gz off the Internet, unpack it, run 'configure' and 'make' and expect it to work out of the box.
That is what a true ecosystem looks like.
Nonsense. Why does the Ubuntu and all the others ship all those diffs along with the upstream tarballs ? It's a hit and miss - maybe you get lucky and have the same lib versions and file locations as the original autor. If you don't (he's not an Ubuntu dude, whatever), you're in for a night of patching. And Harmattan is no worse in this regard - it's a full blown Linux distro.
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Originally Posted by attila77 View Post
Try it, then decide. Galaxy S2 is made to look great on paper/specs. The N9 is made to look great live.
No offense but as someone who has the S2 I can tell you its not just great on paper but is also a truly amazing device in the hand. I am not taking anything away from the N9 with that statement. Just trying to remain objective.

I like the form factor of the N9 and the OS of course, however the specs are a little lacking (at least in the video recording dept, which is strange given Nokia's past history of being top of the pile in that area).

What I will say is if this device doesn't hit markets within 3 months at the most then it might as well not even be released as it will be vastly outclassed by newer devices coming down the pipe.

I am adopting a wait and see attitude to this device rather than an early adopter one (which I had for the N900). I certainly would't rule it out as a purchase I would make down the line.
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Originally Posted by LadyBug View Post
If somebody has access to this device, could (s)he post some pics/video of the calendaring application, for example the different views and how to enter appointments (single appt, recurring appts, todos etc).

The calendar on N900 sucks big time as a real business tool, I just wonder if N9 is any better.
It's better, by lightyears. You can actually see some of the action in the site (in the big flash video, drag the panorama and find the calendar icon - yes, those are clickable icons !)
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do we have any idea when this phone will be available more specifically than "Q3 hopefully", or even when they might announce a in-store date?
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Originally Posted by kruppin View Post
Ok, let me put it this way then. Why should I update when it's got no more CPU and GPU power then my N900?
It has double the GPU power and (almost) double the CPU power, double the flash, plus quadruple of your N900's RAM.
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The N9 is an ARM Harmattan notebook. At least, it's got all the hardware specs you'd need to build directly on the device.

Remind me again, does the N9 'do build-essential' directly, and if not -- why the hell not?

Originally Posted by attila77 View Post
What on Earth has that got to do with GNU/Linux ? You need the SDK because you are crosscompiling and for a certain set of libraries (which is not your native one). If you had an ARM Harmattan desktop/notebook, you could just as well do build-essential directly.

disapoint, eflop, epic win!, laggy interface, n9 rox, so much win, wateriswet, who cares, whyyyyy??????

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