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I'm just wondering if it's as good as Nokia says it is? Rendering speed, website compatibility etc?

Anyone found any issues yet?


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All in all, the sites I visit normally work well on it. Much better than they did on my iPaq (even with Opera Mobile). Speed is not bad except on really heavy javascript laden sites. Flash video's hit or miss - if it's fully cached, it'll usually play without hiccups. If not, it might drop frames (so the video's a little stumbly).

Pretty much any site that doesn't use plugins should work if it works in Firefox. It's the same basic rendering engine.

All of my banking sites open up just fine, too.

I'm happy.

My only complaint is that I can't use my traditional desktop style of browsing - loading up a bunch of tabs and then going through them one by one. There's no hard limit, just if you open too much it'll start showing signs of being taxed.

Last edited by ydant; 2007-12-02 at 23:33.
technut's Avatar
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How good does Nokia say it is?
Originally Posted by Linear2202 View Post
Anyone found any issues yet?
If they did, they'd probably post it in the forums here. But how to find what they wrote about it..... hmmm... that's a perplexing question.
Please follow these simple posting guidelines.
There are no stupid questions, just people who didn't search itT (with Google) first.
Posts: 53 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on Nov 2007
Sorta similar thread here just recently started

In general for me all these news sites and major network sites that use flash and all sorts of different new technologies really kills the web experience on the N810.

Pages with a lot of images, videos, flash, tables, dodads, gizmos and gadgets all render slowly and are troublesome to navigate but most work still do 'work'.

Pages that are really wide seem to produce the jittery screen dragging problem ive reported before. Actually every page has been doing it for me but larger pages are worse. Hold down and drag the page , then stop but stay holding down and the page will go all jittery as if its confused on to which direction to scroll to, wider pages will really tweak out no mater the content on them. Yes I did the screen calibration.

I have a Kubuntu install on an old 500mhz dell with 128 megs of ram and it processes web content (using Konqueror) a lot faster than the Nokia with Maemo. Theres no comparison it's like night and day difference.
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I found I couldn't take free language lessons from It looked like a flash problem. I reported it to Bugzilla.

(edit: url above corrected: not

This is actually on an N800, but with os 2008.

Otherwise, I haven't run into issues I've noticed. Cspan video works great, for example.

Last edited by geneven; 2007-12-03 at 00:40.
Posts: 26 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Nov 2007
Have anyone done a direct rendering speed comparison between the mozilla bowser in os2008 and opera in os2007? how smooth is the scrolling on the new browser? I am asking because i find the microb browser in os2007 to be slower and not very responsive to scrolling. i wonder if the new bowser is any better or just as bad.

Last edited by jimmyh; 2007-12-03 at 00:57.
Posts: 137 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Apr 2006
i found my 770 2006 doesnt work to well with any more. loads to slow and often hangs up. i think they changed the web format, i wonder if someone with the 810 give it a try.
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Scrolling is definitely better with 2008.
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Thanks everyone for the comments so far.
Posts: 90 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Mar 2006
In particular, are there issues with Microsoft's, netvibes, ESPN, Newsgator's online reader, zoho writer?

Thanks again.

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