Poll: N900 fans will you buy a N9 or N950 (if u could)?
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N900 fans will you buy a N9 or N950 (if u could)?

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scapegoat845's Avatar
Posts: 307 | Thanked: 312 times | Joined on Apr 2011 @ P.A.
The N9 would absolutely be an upgrade from my trusty E71
Scottlfa's Avatar
Posts: 124 | Thanked: 38 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Gaffney, South Carolina, USA
Nah, done being a Nokia test subject. Loved the N900 and Maemo ... but the devices are far to expensive to keep experimenting on one device tree's. I may pick a MeeGo device up in the future if it survives more than one or two mobile devices.
Need more apps for the N900?
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Posts: 166 | Thanked: 154 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Voted. No I won't be buying the N9 (or N950 if it somehow makes it to the market). The N900 will do me nicely for at least another year or two and by then perhaps there will be a properly supported Meego device available.
Posts: 562 | Thanked: 123 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ Daly City
if it is possible for me to get the dev device.. ill get it.. and yes.. i always use two phone.. so ill throw my sgs and ill keep my n900.. so yes.. definitely getting one of that.. n950 if possible... or n9 if theres no chance to get n950...
N900(40GB) PR1.3|NITDroid|Power40|MeeGo @1GHz
Nokia N9(64GB)Black|PR1.1
ASUS G73JH| i7-720QM | 1.6-2.8GHz | WIN 7 Pro | ATI 5870 1GB DDR5 | 8GB RAM DDR3 1333MHz | 80GB X-25 G2 SSD+500 GB HDD | 1920x1080 | RAZER MAMBA | ALIENWARE BACKPACK(WTF?)| Intel 6200 WIFI|
Posts: 23 | Thanked: 16 times | Joined on Aug 2010 @ Bolivia
If the N950 would be in the market, I would go for it.
corduroysack's Avatar
Posts: 939 | Thanked: 366 times | Joined on Dec 2010 @ U.K.
i wouldn't buy the n9 but i would buy the n950, but that isn't going to be on general release so i'm led to believe
"I Reject Your Reality & Substitute My Own" Adam Savage
Posts: 523 | Thanked: 292 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Can anybody else see history repeating itself here and Nokia will drop support for the N9 in 12 months time if they then bring out a N10 running full blown RPM Meego.

We will probably get meego project people suggesting "don't worry all the apps will be ported to the new meego os 2but then find, as we do now with the N9's Maps that it is closed source and once again you are left an abandoned phone & OS.

The fact that the N9 doesn't even have Flash from day one means it is even behind the N900 when that was released. It is herd to believe that I can watch a flash movie via MicroB on my N900 but a N9 user will not be able to on there browser when the phone is released.

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Posts: 2 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Jan 2010

Nokia killed the great product N900. They did not support it. Thanks to the maemo.org & community we had new software. But what about Nokia, they did not even support N900 on their stupid PC Suite application for a long time. They did create an ovi store, but with nothing! No updates or new programs,

I do not trust Nokia for after sale support. I bought 3 N900 for my brother and sisters, 1 N900 for a friend, but no more.

I still love and use my N900. Thanks for all the community developers for supplying new software.

But no more Nokia, until they fully support MeeGo or Maemo platforms.

Nokia will ruin N9, N950, etc... no matter how great they are.

Last edited by bit; 2011-06-22 at 19:54.

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Boemien's Avatar
Posts: 770 | Thanked: 558 times | Joined on Mar 2010 @ Abidjan
Let's imagine: If the N9 was just an upgrade for N800 users, Can we expect to see a N900 upgrade in Two years???
Den in USA's Avatar
Posts: 1,390 | Thanked: 642 times | Joined on Nov 2007 @ California USA
Originally Posted by Boemien View Post
Let's imagine: If the N9 was just an upgrade for N800 users, Can we expect to see a N900 upgrade in Two years???
Makes sense to me!
N800 / Diablo / 16gb int / 16gb ext / Globalsat BT-359 gps ..... Dell Streak 5 - Android 2.2.2

flash blows

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