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If I'm repeating other people point (which I probably am, I don't remember all 700+ pages of stuff on the N9, N950 and Harmattan), I apologize. Since we haven't even had a chance to really play around with any of these yet, nor have any of the people who have actually used them slightly, I would caution to wait until someone can really dig into the system-level components of these and tell us what they truthfully can and can't do. While I do regret the loss of the hwkb on the N9; it still could prove to be open enough, underneath all the fluff put in to sway the masses, to be a geek phone. I would appreciate it if people don't jump all over me with 'it doesn't have this', or 'it won't do that'. Other then the hwkb not being there, we don't truthfully know what it can and can't do. Reading all the posts mentioning FMTX, USB otg, etc... some people say yes, some say no, some say looks like the hardware would support it but no software support. Just my two cents worth...
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shrug - my friends are diff then - I dont know one that does NOT have their iphones jailbroken.
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Originally Posted by Frappacino View Post
shrug - my friends are diff then - I dont know one that does NOT have their iphones jailbroken.
Well, the consensus seems to be less than 10% of iPhones are jailbroken. See, for example,
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BTW, those speculating about the N9 might be interested to know that Quim is answering questions about it on the MeeGo forum. From what I can see, there is a great potential for openness. It is designed to be mass-market friendly, but geeks can install the terminal and hack away or install a fully open version of MeeGo. Like community-supported OSes? The N9 is actually designed to be accommodating for this. So I don't see why lovers of the Hildon desktop need to fret.
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Originally Posted by Ken-Young View Post
Because the act of making the phone easily hackable for <10% of the buyers will make the phone less robust for the >90% who just want something that works reliably, and who could care less about FOSS.
Do you think the experience of most iPhone owners would be improved if they could download software that allowed them to overclock and mess with the voltages on their processors?
You're preaching to the choir here, son.

In the case of Apple & their iPhones, they could just enable the FOSS friendly mode by labeling it 'developer mode' or whatever. Most of their users wouldn't care about that.

The numbers you've quoted actually gives credence to this theory; iPhone jailbreaking is super easy and it gives LOADS of great capabilities to an iPhone compared to non-jailbroken ones..... yet, the data shows that less than 10% of the users go for it.
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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
Return rates were high, repair rates were high
Yeah, well, design defects (how many have you gone through so far?) will do that no matter what the device/OS.

Put that up against the internal overhead, and I doubt Nokia cleared much if anything on the N900.
Arguably (since all the years of Maemo development have been effectively written off) they made a huge loss out of the whole thing. But whose fault is that?
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Originally Posted by SD69 View Post
What I was getting at is that Apple succeeds (financially) because they make a lot of additional money on the additional content and apps that they control.
That may be true. But they won't get any of my money, nor will any Android/WP/Symbian etc device maker. I strongly suspect I'm not alone in this :-) Surely there must be some manufacturer out there who's willing to make something for us?

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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
Outside of this group of geeks... I seriously cannot think of anybody that's used FM transmitter in their N900. I think it's a waste.

Just like I think that having an OS that has no support by any worthwhile vendor more than just one iteration of paid for software is worth a crap either.

I get what you're saying, but adding features to a phone that people used in a minority is called wasteful. And ultimately, the N9 is clearly not aimed at the core TMO member. Right now, people are justifying purchasing one - no hardware keyboard, no FM transmitter, the continued use of the OMAP3 CPU, it's no more open than the prior iteration of Maemo, no talk(s) about Flash, et al yet, even the switch to the Webkit2 based browser - is all being justified around here because... well, the N900 is getting old. This is the new shiny, shiny.

And as it stands, the so-called core features that people flocked around here aren't consumer friendly to begin with. Who releases a FM transmitter than won't work when you plug it in? Who releases a phone that will fill up the root fs if the apps aren't wisely optified? Who releases a phone to replace the aforementioned phone and removes: the keyboard, the FM transmitter, microB, sd card slot?

N900 (somehow) hit a sweet spot with geeks. N9 is hitting a sweet spot with non-geeks. And neither will sell half as well as a Galaxy S and its variations.

So yeah... I can nitpick on the FM transmitter. I found it a useless feature. Same for current phones with NFC - no use for that either. Hell... I don't have much use for the N9 to be honest. But for totally different reasons than you lot are going about...

I just think it's overpriced. Plastic phones shouldn't start at $660. Especially ones that do not have a way to expand the memory.
I think the IR on the N900 is more 'useless' for me than the FM transmitter btw, if FM transmitter is really such a useless feature, how come, there is this way over-price thingy that the i* people would/could buy?

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OpenMoko GTA 4 - Pfft! POS! Crap! It's an Omap3 as well.. I'll just stick with my N900!

N950 - Stupid GSM Arena! Always excites me!

As for iPhone (don't hit me!):
Hardware keyboard??

Looks cool and I like it... Reminds me of our N900!
The thanks button? Sure! You can press it! I would!

Last edited by kingoddball; 2011-06-23 at 10:07.

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And the links to the MeeGo forum that I alluded to above:
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boo hoo, epic fail, goodbye nokia, nerd rage, pleasing geeks, sell at loss

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