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Mandibela's Avatar
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Originally Posted by momcilo View Post
That means, he was very interested in emphasizing the N9 is not the future, but WF7. ...
Yes, that's what I'm thinking too. I mean he still did not say that N9 will be the only one of it's kind.

I need to get a verifiable quote where he states, without any 'analyst' speculation, that N9 is the last linux phone from Nokia. Until that happens, I will keep my faith.

Also, I'm glad that the Windows Phones appear to satisfy the test audiences.
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Any news of Elop receiving death threats from loyal finns?

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Originally Posted by Ministeri View Post
My biggest wish is to read headlines like "Elop sacked as Nokia CEO - now sweeps floors at the warehouse" in the near future.
I wouldn't trust him to sweep floors. He would first insist that existing mops, brooms and vacuum cleaners are either obsolete or have no "ecosystem" around them, then burn and trash them all to make the point, and claim he would clean the floors only with some allegedly vastly superior vacuum cleaner from Kirby that was announced to be produced two years later, cost like an aircraft, and "clean all those floors in a snap."

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Originally Posted by Mandibela View Post
Yes, that's what I'm thinking too. I mean he still did not say that N9 will be the only one of it's kind.

I need to get a verifiable quote where he states, without any 'analyst' speculation, that N9 is the last linux phone from Nokia. Until that happens, I will keep my faith.

"Elopin mukaan Meegoon ei ole paluuta, vaikka N9 olisi myyntimenestys."

This is no analyst speculation. Any hope after that is just wishful thinking.
tissot's Avatar
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Originally Posted by NvyUs View Post
look at this elop stole N9 design for a Wp7, it as few small differences only, might be fake though
This was what i have been saying here for some time. Or to be specific Dsmobile from MR forums have been saying for couple of months that there will be carbon copy of N9 on WP side, design wise.
It's totally another thing if that pic really is real.

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Didn't Tommy say in a recnt article "the burning platform" memo was to kill off any chance of Symbian OS surviving? Is this Elope's attmepts to now kill of Meego Nokia as well as he his worried the phones got a far better reception from the media that he anticipated?

Instead of giving meego the boot why don't the Board send Elope back to m$??? As I fear he's got this decision wrong back time!!
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Originally Posted by droitwichgas View Post
Instead of giving meego the boot why don't the Board send Elope back to m$??? As I fear he's got this decision wrong back time!!
Because it's the management style which doesn't care for the company, as long as bonuses can be grabbed by oneself in a very short term.

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joelsk's Avatar
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interesting read in nokia conversations...
everyone commenting seems to want an n9 with a keyboard and comparisons with the n900 abound.
Pity elop..

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Originally Posted by tissot View Post
This was what i have been saying here for some time. Or to be specific Dsmobile from MR forums have been saying for couple of months that there will be carbon copy of N9 on WP side, design wise.
It's totally another thing if that pic really is real.
Carbon copy with Haptikos /unfoundedspeculation

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Originally Posted by Rauha View Post
That is totally different article, from a different day, from a different newspaper, from a different continent and in different language.

Again, the topic of this thread is a article today in a newspaper called Helsingin Sanomat. It's no speculation. Only way that Stephen Elop didn't say it, is that the largest, most prestigous and trusted newspaper in Finland is flat out lying.
It's not totally different article. If you compared them, you'd find that HS used a lot of the comments from REUTERS, if not the analysts' name, from the article I linked.

I'm reading the HS international version, and corresponding Singapore news which they sourced from, and I don't see the exact wording from Elop or Nokia that implies N9 is the first and last MeeGo Phone. Rather, one analyst from REUTERS did say that, and I'm not sure if the author in HS has made use of this.

So straightly speaking, HS just remits someone else's analysis. If this is pure speculation, it'd not be HS' fault. That's win-win.

Having said that, I'd have no problem if Elop really admitted it.

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