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no i dont want triple boot
i want to be able to boot maemo and meego.
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Originally Posted by [DarkGUNMAN] View Post
Follow Fabry's guide here to get kernel-power47 patched with uboot.

I've written a script to add uboot to power47 automatically, and backup the original. You should be able to copy/paste this into xterm.

This assumes you have power47 as a multiboot item.
sudo gainroot
cd /home/user
apt-get install -y wget flasher mkimage

#1. Download power kernel deb file from repository and extract fiasco image from it
wget -O kernel-power_2.6.28-10power47_armel.deb
dpkg --fsys-tarfile kernel-power_2.6.28-10power47_armel.deb | tar -xf - ./boot/zImage-
mv ./boot/zImage- /home/user/
rm -r boot
rm kernel-power_2.6.28-10power47_armel.deb

#2. Download Matan's u-boot from repository (it is named u-boot-for-power-kernel) and extract file image from it
wget -O u-boot-for-power-kernel_1.0_all.deb
dpkg --fsys-tarfile u-boot-for-power-kernel_1.0_all.deb | tar -xf - ./usr/lib/u-boot/u-boot.bin.0x38000/u-boot.bin.0x38000
mv ./usr/lib/u-boot/u-boot.bin.0x38000/u-boot.bin.0x38000 /home/user/vmlinuz-
rm -r usr
rm u-boot-for-power-kernel_1.0_all.deb

#3. Unpack Fiasco image
flasher -u -F zImage-
rm zImage-

#4. Transform zImage in uImage (necessary because u-boot boots Kernel only in uImage file format)
mkimage -A arm -O linux -T kernel -C none -a 80008000 -e 80008000 -n "Power Kernel v47" -d zImage uImage 

#5. Add power kernel uImage at end of previous file (starting write at offset 0x38000 aka 448 blocks)
dd if=uImage of=vmlinuz- seek=448
#6. Remove zImage & uImage
rm zImage
rm uImage

#7. backup and replace Power47
mv /boot/zImage- /boot/multiboot/vmlinuz-
mv /boot/multiboot/vmlinuz- /boot/multiboot/vmlinuz-
mv /home/user/vmlinuz- /boot/multiboot/vmlinuz-

So I currently have Multi-Boot with four options (Kernel 46, Kernel 47, Nitdroid N11, Nitdroid N12).

Do I still need to follow Fabry's guide or do I just paste your code into X-Term and run and pray.

What will happen to my 4 multi-boot menu items?

I understand Meego uses U-Boot!

At what stage do I follow your instructions - before or after installing Meego to my memory card?
My Nokia N900 is my website, still up an running for the Maemo community. My Nokia N900 is upgraded to 21.2011.38-1Tmaemo1.1 ~ CSSU ready ~ Overclocked ~ Speed patched ~ Swappolube ~ was running 7 desktops ~ 270 apps and counting ~ Multi-Boot with Standard Kernel , Kernel Power and NITDroid N12 "UMay".
Posts: 309 | Thanked: 456 times | Joined on Jan 2010
That post should have said I follwed Fabry's guide.. the link ponts to the orginal but I adapted it.
Just paste the code to automate the process.

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Right, but what of my current menu items? - will I have end up with 5 menu items and when I press on #5 it will take me to U-Boot with an option to boot into Meego or what is it going to do?

Sorry for asking again.
I don't want to try it unless I have an idea. I want to avoid wiping out my nokia n900 as I have too much stuff on it.
My Nokia N900 is my website, still up an running for the Maemo community. My Nokia N900 is upgraded to 21.2011.38-1Tmaemo1.1 ~ CSSU ready ~ Overclocked ~ Speed patched ~ Swappolube ~ was running 7 desktops ~ 270 apps and counting ~ Multi-Boot with Standard Kernel , Kernel Power and NITDroid N12 "UMay".
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What repo is mkimage in? It's not in extras -devel or -testing from what I can see.

[edit] my bad - stupid HAM destroyed my sources list yet again

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Originally Posted by Captwheeto View Post
Oh god. Are you serious? I mean... It's a ten minute fix. You just flash it again D: This advice is repeated over and over on the forums. Please don't tell people to die when you're unable to fix the simplest of issues for yourself.
c'mon man i'm not that stupid. i've tried over and over.when i plug the usb, it doesn't appear on the computer at all. tried different computer but still doesn't work..and also doesn't charge as well.. so everything was destroyed..

and i kno how to flash my phone, cuz i've did it abt 3 times be4.
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MeeGo is great N900 going to portrait mode and rotating to all sides.Its connecting to wifi,Blooth, Call function working Pengin flying up..........great
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hi being a noob i tried many time but failed til now can some please make a very simple how to please. i keep failing on the umount!
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Originally Posted by romiiio View Post
hi being a noob i tried many time but failed til now can some please make a very simple how to please. i keep failing on the umount!

And if you fail it would be helpful to post the exact output here how and when you fail... Exact commands please as we otherwise all can just guess if it's unclear ("umount doesn't work" or something vague like that)...
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well the video is here:

thx to F2thaK for creating it

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