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Originally Posted by ysss View Post
.... what exactly is your point?
My point is that once phones become as good as desktops they will be used like desktops are - no app stores, no special content for mobiles etc.
About a decade ago I had some phone, moto c350. It had this browser that you could go on most leading websites in my country and read the few lines of text they provided. A few monthes ago my dumbphone died and I resurrected the moto and clicked "browser". No go, all those services are dead.
Technology will move forward and almighty appstore with it's 350,000 apps will die. It is only there to support an old product which next year will die.

Last edited by uppercase; 2011-06-27 at 10:06.

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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
Wow. I've been rendered speechless because you actually think that advertising is remotely for you.

It's not. Oh well, how about this. Let's let Nokia stay the course, advertise as much as they had with the N900 and let's see how well it does.
I don't get your comment about advretising not for me, if you mean that I'm not influenced by it, then that is true. It is however very effective on the average consumer, you can't sell without it.
The N900 was not sold by carriers in my country, so I have to ask, because I don't know:
Did the N900 appear in a TV advert anytime, anywhere ?
If you do the same with N9 you'll get the same results. Only this time WP was announced to appear at a close date so no amount of ads can help the N9. Not unless by some magic force the WP would be totally useless from a POV of the average consumer.
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Originally Posted by Frappacino View Post
Alright my bad - I will amend my statement then

"N900 has to pirate _good_ 3D games from another platform"

... and please dont give me that bit about buying a used palm to purchase the games legitimately. If you believe a substantial portion people were are really doing that I have a bridge to sell you in Sydney.
I believe you asked for no more straw men, too.
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Originally Posted by ysss View Post
hmmm.. you're not accepting pm's...
Please, try again.
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Originally Posted by uppercase View Post
My point is that once phones become as good as desktops they will be used like desktops are - no app stores, no special content for mobiles etc.
i beg to differ on this point.

I believe the appstore paradigm will become more pervasive in the future, extending its reach to desktop and maybe even the corporate world.

There may be tweaks to make them more palatable to the purists out there; like allowing multiple appstores/repositories, a more lenient control/drm mechanisms, etc... but the basic concept will be the same. Centralized storage(s) that maintains and distribute binaries+licenses to all the clients out there.

The benefits of cost, convenience and control are just too great to avoid now.

Moreover, until we evolve to become creatures with wheels and a desk on our laps (adult swim's hot throttle game comes to mind), then a separate UI for the different form factors will always be necessary.

About a decade ago I had some phone, moto c350. It had this browser that you could go on most leading websites in my country and read the few lines of text they provided. A few monthes ago my dumbphone died and I resurrected the moto and clicked "browser". No go, all those services are dead.
Not sure of your point. That it's not supported anymore, and that the required firmware is not available to you anymore?

Technology will move forward and almighty appstore with it's 350,000 apps will die. It is only there to support an old product which next year will die.
I believe the appstore paradigm will continue to exist far into the future. A single program may have multiple UI/modes depending on the target platform it's installed on.

We're already seeing iOS and Android programs that show different modes/UI depending on the formfactor of the device it's installed on (pocketables (smartphones) and tablet). So I'm sure this will extend to include notebook and workstation too in the future.

People will prefer to acquire/buy a license for an app from an appstore, which will handle all the storage and updates for them. They don't need to burn those off to cds, dvds or external storage and maintain multiple copies and track updates manually and independently from one another.
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Last edited by ysss; 2011-06-27 at 18:58.

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In fact, this discussion is pointless. A good quantity of apps is good, in a way that "ecosystem" have "critical mass" (more developers supporting it, more likely to have all the needed good apps covered).

But there's a point where the size difference doesnt matter - iPhone have 10 times more apps than Android available, but Android is nowhere near of lacking the good/interesting/whatever apps.

For a good measure, WP7 app pool can be more than enough to give the user a solid experience, appwise.

Since the N9 have most of the use cases integrated to the system, it can have a solid app selection with a fraction of that

What is very plausible, aren't the OS coming with even more software bundled? As the need for application grows, companies add more functionality out of the box to the OS. So today apps and programs for some measure are just "patches", to add to the OS a function that was supposed to be there from the start, by the user perspective - like DVD burners, backup systems, media players, etc - and for phones: twitter, facebook, email, skype and such.

Last edited by Verythrax; 2011-06-27 at 18:58.

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Originally Posted by govprog View Post
I guess you might be italian.

Just a guess.
OK, you can call me Mario,

Originally Posted by uppercase View Post
Well he is not french like you
I am Napoleon to you.

Originally Posted by daperl View Post
Please, try again.
Please check your inbox
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Do we really need 40000 applications on a device which has limited ergonomic (small screen, limited keyboard)?

What do we use such device for:
- Audio/Video calls
- Photo/Video
- Web
- E-mail
- Movies
- Music
- Games
- Social networking

All of the above is already covered with Symbian and most S40 devices.

Please fill in the list
Do you expect to run eclipse on n9?
Or perhaps photoshop?
Maybe some CAD?
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Originally Posted by ysss View Post
i beg to differ on this point.

I believe the appstore paradigm will become more pervasive in the future, extending its reach to desktop and maybe even the corporate world.
I don't know the future, you could be right, I just don't see the need for appstores on desktops.
Most software is like photoshop - used by professionals and have total control of the market.
Other, like firefox and vlc also dominate.
People don't look for applications anymore. The basic set fills almost all tasks. The exception to the above is games, those are being installed all the time, new ones appear, and not a single one dominates. An appstore just for games would make sense.
As of now there is no one app store that must be used with any of the desktop OSs. People won't give up freedom that they already have - to install whatever, whenever.
Phone makers want to control whatever they can, but users already unlock and break because those appstores, as fun and convenient as they might be, are the opposite to freedom. Some people don't care about freedom, untill they need some app, and they'll break the phone to get it.
So even now, those appstores with all their reported success and billions of downloads, don't tell the true story of how many phones are jailbroken and rooted to avoid the appstores, and what is the percentage of users that don't want an ecosystem.
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Originally Posted by uppercase View Post
I don't know the future, you could be right, I just don't see the need for appstores on desktops.
Most software is like photoshop - used by professionals and have total control of the market.
In a way, Adobe already has their own 'appstore' with their online sales and auto updater.

And I'm sure when MS launches their Windows-8's appstore launches, Adobe will be there to peddle their wares to the masses out there through that venue.

Other, like firefox and vlc also dominate.
And they will benefit from the increased exposure and accessibility provided by the AppStore.

Currently, they need to advertise a certain URL to the masses somehow and do some 'normal' marketing, to get the 'normal' people on their bandwagon, and hope that they're enticed somehow to go to the URL, go through the download process, run the installer AND hopefully positions the binary/shortcut in a memorable place so they can rerun it in the future.

People don't look for applications anymore. The basic set fills almost all tasks. The exception to the above is games, those are being installed all the time, new ones appear, and not a single one dominates. An appstore just for games would make sense.
The basic sets are... pretty basic.

For example, in iOS appstore you can find LOADS of great 3rd party calendar, todo, memo, outliners, etc; most of which are better than those I've seen on maemo.

Of course people have different needs, requirements and standards. If someone feels that the basic is adequate for his needs, then that's fine... but maybe he doesn't know that others may have higher requirements, needs and standards than him.

And yes, a section for games in the appstore would make sense. So does sections for: productivity, graphic design, navigation, utilities, business apps, news, references, etc.

As of now there is no one app store that must be used with any of the desktop OSs. People won't give up freedom that they already have - to install whatever, whenever.
People want to buy/acquire software conveniently and to install the apps easily on their devices, whenever they want to.

They can do that easily on the iOS AppStore, Android's market, and Mac App Store. What 'freedom' are they missing exactly?

Phone makers want to control whatever they can, but users already unlock and break because those appstores, as fun and convenient as they might be, are the opposite to freedom. Some people don't care about freedom, untill they need some app, and they'll break the phone to get it.
So even now, those appstores with all their reported success and billions of downloads, don't tell the true story of how many phones are jailbroken and rooted to avoid the appstores, and what is the percentage of users that don't want an ecosystem.
Jailbroken phones don't lose their access to the official AppStore.

My iPhone is jailbroken because I use some utilities and hacks from Cydia (the alternative appstore), yet all my apps are legitimate. I don't use jailbreak to pirate, and I know there are quite a few jailbreaker that does this.

Those that jailbreak to pirate usually are strapped for cash or whatever.

Some of the things I've paid for from the AppStore:
- GPS nav apps for the places I visit (north america, europe, asia).
- Geotagger, to create gpx and catalog them; to be 'synced' with cameras without GPS.
- Diving apps: dive logger (logs the data from my dive computer), dive planner.
- Some golf apps
- Kindle, Zinio

I don't think those are craps.
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