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MyPaint(if there is some sort of stylus solution)
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Jaffa's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Prozac786 View Post
Has there been any successful ports of any current N900 apps to the N9 yet?
Some - Attitude for one (just like with the N900, it was the first community app tested and discussed - I'm aiming for it to be a tradition).

See this thread:

And are community forums or websites where we can be updated with this sort of information, such as what is being ported, by who and what stage is it at? etc.
It's not relevant to this forum is it? Hopefully we'll start seeing them on once we've got devices and worked out how the infrastructure will work.
Andrew Flegg -- |

Last edited by Jaffa; 2011-06-28 at 17:22. Reason: Tone
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I hope someone is working on eCoach.
Posts: 247 | Thanked: 37 times | Joined on Aug 2009 @ Los Angeles
For me it would be :

AbiWord [still not avail in Extras for N900 :-( ]
{.pdf viewer}
{.ppt viewer}
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I'm porting my app qgvdial and the phone integration component qgv-tp.
qgvdial: Google Voice client. All downloads
qgvtp: Phone integration for the n900 that dials out and sends texts using qgvdial.
mosquitto: message broker that implements the MQ Telemetry Transport protocol version 3.
qgvnotify: Google voice and contacts notifier for diablo and maemo.

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I intend to continue my development of Ansel-A for the N950/N9; with or without the dev kit, I'm currently starting on getting it running on the N900 1.2DE.

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Posts: 8 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jun 2011
*** will be nice a PDF reader
***something like nimbuzz or a social application where you can log in at few places with one app example yahoo,msn,google etc
***something like mobile guard or task manager to monitor web access, count usage data etc
***something like folder locker

********and most important some like *wall post notes* where you can see your notes at home screen as reminder at the unlock of our phone

Thank Youuuuu
noobmonkey's Avatar
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Well i'm planning on doing a sexy healthcheck revamp and more then happy to do maecount for Kathy - all dependent on getting a device to do it on, as my n900 is with my brother - so hoping i get an n950 dev kit w00000000p!
----------- Follow me on Twitter here
----------- My Photography Website and Blog is here
----------- Author of the N900 Health Check Application ----------- New Version in Extras Devel (Dec 2010 - 2.9.10)
----------- Are you on the N900 World Map? - - masterpin: shotgun
----------- What apps do you want to see on the n900 or in MeeGo in the future? -

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I will port mobilehotspot if possible (it was kinda hard in the beginning on N900 due to kernel packaging issues), once I have a development device (crosses fingers...) i'll look into it.

I'll also port MaeCalories (that should be relatively easy).
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The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to rambo For This Useful Post:
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"MobileHotspot" is listed as preinstalled on N9. Seems to be Joikuspot based.

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applications, good news!!!!!!, harmattan, open source

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