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Originally Posted by H3llb0und View Post
I rooted my Transformer and installed ROM PRIME! 1.5 yesterday.

This thing is smooth!!! And it's not even overclocked... yet

Originally Posted by railroadmaster View Post
Well design is a matter of personal taste and preference, but personally I thinks its gorgeous. Unlike the Galaxy tab the HTC Flyer isn't made of cheap plastic it made of very durable aluminium and it gives the device a professional feeling rather than feeling like a cheap toy like the Galaxy Tab and Archos tablets do with their thin plastic design, sure the aluminum ads a good deal of heft and weight but the heft and weight gives the device a feeling of quality. The interface is nice and unlike the Galaxy Tab it doesn't look so cartoonish and it isn't laggy at all and if you want LauncherPro just install it. The average user will appreciate the HTC Flyer more because it's firmware isn't as buggy as that Samsung's is. Also about Honeycomb, I tried several Honeycomb tablets at Staples and they all crashed on me and the HTC Flyer when I tried it out didn't crash on me once. HTC quotes the battery life of the HTC flyer s 6 hours when it actually get 8-10 hours of battery life which is excellent for any kind of mobile device. I'm not going to get the HTC flyer quite yet but I will save up for it and by the time I'm done saving for it, the device will be much cheaper and there will be other interesting devices like the Sony S2.
I prefer the "cheap" plastic feel as long as it is durable in practice and well built. So far, I've dropped my Galaxy Tab a LOT LOT more than I'd normally like to admit and most people don't even realize it until I point out the barely noticeable nicks on the rounded edges of the device from all the drops. So far, so good! I'd rather have something VERY lightweight with malleable durability than something heavy and more likely to transfer the shock to internal components. But, as you pointed out, that's my preference.. and I'm THANKFUL for the Android ecosystem where we can each get what we want instead of the one-device-a-year (or worse) that I've had to endure with Maemo so far. (Can you feel the disappointment over wasted opportunity?) On the cartoonishly large icons/fonts--I agree. Although, I've fixed that by adjusting the ro.sf.lcd_density property in my /system/build.prop file to 180 (which makes it REALLY attractive and useful). I'm not sure why Samsung preferred to goof it all up at 240. Stupid, but thankfully easy to fix on ANY Android device. For that matter, LauncherPro has always worked on my Galaxy Tab--even in default firmware, even before rooting. I'm not sure where LauncherPro is an argument point for or against either device. Buggy--I'll give it to you there, though, at least on Android 2.2. It's incredible that Samsung isn't updating the firmware on their devices more often. Motorola is ALWAYS updating/fixing their devices, to their credit. I always liked it when I got updates that made things better/faster/more reliable on my Android and they're STILL doing as much on the Xoom (even though I'm not a fan of the Xoom hardware).
Nokia's slogan shouldn't be the pedo-palmgrabbing image with the slogan, "Connecting People"... It should be one hand open pleadingly with another hand giving the middle finger and the more apt slogan, "Potential Unrealized." --DR

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TAG Heuer Releases The Worlds Most Unneeded Piece Of Android Technology

God! Can you possibly make your phone look any more ghetto pimp than this style? It looks like all of the worst, ugliest urban ghetto SUV's I've ever seen. >.<
Nokia's slogan shouldn't be the pedo-palmgrabbing image with the slogan, "Connecting People"... It should be one hand open pleadingly with another hand giving the middle finger and the more apt slogan, "Potential Unrealized." --DR

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Originally Posted by danramos View Post
I hightly recommend rooting anyway. I used z4root, myself. Easy peasy! One-tap rooty! I only just restored back to stock--I don't trust any of the ROMs out there yet, since they're all in alpha (or even worse) state right now. Although, for your sluggishness, have you looked into what's causing it? Eliminating the root cause might be better than flashing a new ROM.

Slow downs often happen when there's apps competing for memory at the same time in a multitasking OS like Android, and memory management isn't always optimal by default. You can manually free up unused memory by holding down the HOME key, tapping on the task manager, go to the RAM manager tab, select level 1 and 2 and tap 'clear memory'. Not a GREAT solution, but just something to try out to help narrow down the cause.

If you're going to be rooted, be sure to check out V6 SuperCharger--it might help speed things right up by providing better automated memory management settings for the OS.
Thanks Dan.

The RAM manager has become my second home of late.

I suppose because I have become used to my Sensation that the tab will seem a little slow. My main problem is that if you try to make a few quick presses on icons or the web it doesn't like it and spits you out to the home screen. Perhaps a little more patience is the key?

I also had an update last week, which I think was an old one, but it would be nice to go to gingerbread although that still seems a while off yet!

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Originally Posted by debernardis View Post
I am running Qole's easy debian image on the galaxy tab. Work in progress on the mount - chroot - umount scripts; just taking bits of code from other people who did the same.
The vnc client I'm using to provide X is particularly good and has easy on-screen choice of mouse left/right keys, kbd, panning and zooming and is free for 1 remote connection:
Heartily adviced. I wish the open source client were so easy to operate.
Care to share? I've booted Ubuntu on my Vibrant, but it won't (or I can't get it to) work on my S7. I'd love to give easy debian a shot on either.
*Consumer*, not a developer! I apologize for any inconvenience.
My script to backup /home and /opt
Samsung Galaxy S Vibrant, Huawei S7, N900(retired), N800(retired)

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i'm not familliar with android so i just want to ask something. is the current software (froyo/ gingerbread) and apps (esp. adobe flash) able to harnest the full potential of dual-core processors now?

i want to import a sharp 007sh but it's only a 2nd gen single core snapdragon. not the best design but it's so cool to be the only one with a clamshell plus a 16mp camera android phone in the pool of generic design android devices...

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I don't think anything in android so far harnesses A9 processors, especially adobe flash. Your phone should run as fast as any dualcore Android device for nearly everything*.

In android devices the biggest ever bottleneck (I believe) is actually unoptimized software, but things are beginning to look differently with 2.3.4 and 3.1 so that may not hold true in the near future.

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Well girls, after a long internal-mortal-kombat, I've made the plunge to Android.

No, I didn't go all-in with some mind-blowing dual-core monster, but picked up instead a more timid and maybe already EOL, HTC G2 on eBay, for $330.

Plan is to go prepaid with T-Mo, as I've been unshackled from the evil carrier grips for good part of 3 years already.

So, the menu du jour would then be:

1. manual rooting (I guess no 'z4root' for G2)
2. cyanogenmod
3. overclock ( I suppose this might not be as necessary as I've come to expect with my N900)
4. the usual suspects: file manager, terminal emulator, SSH, a few web browser alternatives...
5. Ubuntu / ? dualboot
Any additional mods I must-do-before-making-first-call?

I'm actually cautiously excited, though not so much for to the G2's aging hardware, other than its keyboard (take that N9), but mainly for the plethora of useful apps (no, I could care less about games and cool ***** to impress your iPhonista friendz) vibrant community (though I find "I-needz-some-appz" fairly often on xda forums, so not just a TMO phenomenon) and compatibility: seamless google integration - yes, I'm falling deeper and deeper in the rabbit hole with gmail, gtalk, gdocs, greader, gmaps etc.

Plus one single application I'll use every-freakin'-moment-of-the-day: a citrix-based app for a jurassic SABRE-software/system that our beloved airline refuses to upgrade (we still use matrix printers for flight releases ). First mobile access was available only on WinMo 6.5, later on of course for iPhone, and finally Android. Jealously I watched my co-workers tap away with their devices as I was waiting for Iceweasel to load under Easy Debian, and then logging on through Iceweasel's Java capabilities (once again, thank you qole!). I have to say, based on my daily use of said system, a mobile device capable of accessing SABRE effortlessly is worth my $300 alone

Meanwhile I'll probably take the N900 and go dabble with MeeGo again, while eagerly awaiting the final N9 verdict: sink or swim.

So no, I ain't leaving this place any time soon
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Originally Posted by noal View Post
Thanks Dan.

The RAM manager has become my second home of late.

I suppose because I have become used to my Sensation that the tab will seem a little slow. My main problem is that if you try to make a few quick presses on icons or the web it doesn't like it and spits you out to the home screen. Perhaps a little more patience is the key?

I also had an update last week, which I think was an old one, but it would be nice to go to gingerbread although that still seems a while off yet!
It's a shame that the default image for the Galaxy Tab makes that RAM manager necessary. You certainly will enjoy V6 SuperCharger, I think!

Are you using the built-in browser? I don't have this problem with Dolphin, which is what I use instead of the built-in browser (which I dislike a lot!). If nothing else, I HIGHLY recommend either Dolphin or Opera. Opera is fast-as-lightning on the Galaxy Tab and works great!

Yeah--I keep checking, but I don't see the promised Gingerbread update (or even any more talk about it from Samsung). I'm very, very disappointed and angry at Samsung over that. I've been running Gingerbread on my ancient little Droid for MONTHS now--why is my tablet waiting??

Originally Posted by frostbyte View Post
Well girls, after a long internal-mortal-kombat, I've made the plunge to Android.
Well, little lady... welcome to the Android Army! I hope we can help you get the most out of it, coming from Maemo like we did.

Originally Posted by frostbyte View Post
No, I didn't go all-in with some mind-blowing dual-core monster, but picked up instead a more timid and maybe already EOL, HTC G2 on eBay, for $330.
Originally Posted by frostbyte View Post
I'm actually cautiously excited, though not so much for to the G2's aging hardware
What are you complaining about? I'm still happily hacking/using my Motorola Droid--quickly nearly 2 years old in a few months--and it's working more than fast enough for everything except the most demanding video games.

Originally Posted by frostbyte View Post
Any additional mods I must-do-before-making-first-call?
Seems to be a good plan to me. You might throw in V6 Supercharger in there somewhere (maybe after CyanogenMod gets flashed on there).

Beyond that... ENJOY!
Nokia's slogan shouldn't be the pedo-palmgrabbing image with the slogan, "Connecting People"... It should be one hand open pleadingly with another hand giving the middle finger and the more apt slogan, "Potential Unrealized." --DR

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Welcome to the party frostbyte, I think you'll find it an enjoyable stay.

Finally updated my Samsung Vibrant to Gingerbread on Monday. I had been holding off as up to about two weeks ago, none of the gb roms had GPS working. The GPS is still finicky, but it works. Still waiting for Samsung to put out an upgrade. The current roms are all hacked up from other bits and pieces of other Galaxy S roms. Apparently the Galaxy S line doesn't have the same hardware across the board.

It should get better if Samsung ever releases (or leaks) and official version of gb for it.

I don't see many obvious differences between froyo and gingerbread, but haven't played with it too much. One nice thing is that Netflix now works, and works pretty well too boot.

Still waiting for a nice 7" to replace my S7.
*Consumer*, not a developer! I apologize for any inconvenience.
My script to backup /home and /opt
Samsung Galaxy S Vibrant, Huawei S7, N900(retired), N800(retired)

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Originally Posted by danramos View Post
What are you complaining about? I'm still happily hacking/using my Motorola Droid--quickly nearly 2 years old in a few months--and it's working more than fast enough for everything except the most demanding video games.
Sorry, trying my best not to wrap myself around the spec-sheet arms race... Fortunately, to satisfy my hunger for more powaaa, G2's 512MB RAM ain't bad and an OC of 1.2-1.5MHz might just be my cup of tea

Originally Posted by lemmyslender View Post
I don't see many obvious differences between froyo and gingerbread, but haven't played with it too much. One nice thing is that Netflix now works, and works pretty well too boot.
That's what my quick browse around the interwebz resulted as well: more under-the-hood "clean-up" on Gingerbread than anything else.

So this flashing the ROM thing, I can't just freely pick up let's say the latest 2.3 instead of my stock 2.2; modules will not be working, OS is not optified etc. sort of like our fine devels on the NITDroid side have been filing on their changelogs?

Or on one device the new ROM works perfectly, but due to hardware incompatibility it might not work on another (HTC vs Samsung vs Moto)?

Sorry for the noob questions, I've been under Nokia (Symbian and Maemo) for the last 7 years...

edit: I guess what I meant to say wrt flashing ROM is I'm probably better off waiting for a stable release/RC instead of my typical mode of action of diving in on the latest nightly or alpha...
[ArchLinux|OpenBox blissness]

"The Cake Is A Lie"

Last edited by frostbyte; 2011-06-29 at 21:30.

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