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Posts: 72 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Sep 2010
Originally Posted by AgogData View Post
you didn't do everything
download sslstrip from here(
then put it in MyDocs
tar zxvf sslstrip-0.9.tar.gz 
cd sslstrip-0.9 
python ./ install

Everything works fine champ

but it show no PASS !!

Posts: 83 | Thanked: 142 times | Joined on Jun 2011 @ Paris, France
Originally Posted by Del View Post
Everything works fine champ

but it show no PASS !!

All right. Is it your network ? If yes (well, even if not...), send me your logs so that I can know if this is because you didn't capture any, because something's wronf, or because the parser couldn't find it. Or just upload it here if you feel like it.
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Originally Posted by comaX View Post
All right. Is it your network ? If yes (well, even if not...), send me your logs so that I can know if this is because you didn't capture any, because something's wronf, or because the parser couldn't find it. Or just upload it here if you feel like it.
Happend me also once, I don't know if it's my problem, but when the script says IP1, IP2

Do I have to type "IP1, IP2" or do I have to type the actual IP? Not sure here, when I typed the actual IP it worked but when I used IP1 it didn't gave me anything. I didn't do any test yet, so I wanted to know if it was my fault :P
Posts: 72 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Sep 2010
Originally Posted by comaX View Post
All right. Is it your network ? If yes (well, even if not...), send me your logs so that I can know if this is because you didn't capture any, because something's wronf, or because the parser couldn't find it. Or just upload it here if you feel like it.
logs ammm

well .. I will attach everything

if there anything missing .. tell me =)

ps.yes , it's my network
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File Type: txt passwords101.pass.txt (1.1 KB, 126 views)

Last edited by Del; 2011-07-01 at 18:07.
Posts: 69 | Thanked: 7 times | Joined on Nov 2009
atleast that one shows something, my password screen is always blank! the only line is the first line about ascii!
Posts: 1,336 | Thanked: 3,932 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ Brittany, France
Since I updated Yamas to the version with a .desktop file, I'm back to my problem of no password nor login retrieved.

The previous version worked great. On my side, I did not change anything on my N900. :|
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Originally Posted by Kabouik View Post
Since I updated Yamas to the version with a .desktop file, I'm back to my problem of no password nor login retrieved.

The previous version worked great. On my side, I did not change anything on my N900. :|
Not a fault of new code; the code in the script has not changed.
If you start it from the command line, i.e. with "yamas" (it's still there as before) should be exactly the same as in the previous version.

Check if a resume or kill and restart option give you soma better results. it has worked for me in a couple of instances.

Also reboot the device and try again. Sometimes it is needed in my case for faster transmissions, like if the wifi power mode is stuck.
Posts: 16 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jan 2011
my problem is that every time I launch the yamas, my pc goes offline ......... poisoning is a problem?

can anyone help?
Posts: 200 | Thanked: 44 times | Joined on Jan 2010
same here logs r empty this time. but time before i tryed computer didnt load page but i did get logs. xxx
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Sorry, double checked the code for changes and there is nothing changed.

Actually I have even forgot to increment the version number..

while everything is working go to the the original terminal and press on the top bar and you will get the option "New". Press that; it will open a new xterm.
there type
ps |grep xterm
ps |grep ssl
you should get something like that:
~ $ ps |grep xterm
 4798 user      3932 S    /usr/bin/osso-xterm
 4799 user     31632 S    /usr/bin/osso-xterm
 4844 root      9332 S    xterm -T ettercap -e ettercap -o -q -i wlan0 -T -M arp  / //
 4850 root      9332 S    xterm -hold -T Passwords -e /tmp/
 5555 user      2832 S    grep xterm
~ $ ps |grep ssl
 4834 root     17440 S    /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/sslstrip -f -a -k -l 8080 -w /home/user/yamas/yamas.txt
 5741 user      2828 S    grep ssl
if you see those running and with your configuration then the problem is elsewhere.

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