Poll: Delet the values from the speedpatch?
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Delet the values from the speedpatch?

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Posts: 166 | Thanked: 30 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Halifax, UK
hmmm... still no answer as to why it removes home/user/.profile

that is where my non root aliases live so i need it
Posts: 45 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Mar 2011
Originally Posted by xRobby View Post
i copied and pasted it and this happened

is that supposed to happen?
did u copy and paste all the commands at once?
Posts: 140 | Thanked: 66 times | Joined on Apr 2010
Originally Posted by nafajafam View Post
did u copy and paste all the commands at once?
yeah, but when i do them one by one the same things come up
Posts: 856 | Thanked: 1,681 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Aleppo ,Syria
@matthew maude
why you need it so badly
members says N900 performs better without it
For my case
i have apt-get installed some apps with in the .profile existence
so all the apps installed started to lag until a reboot
retested without .profile and they didn't lag
anyway if you want i will send it to you with pm

BTW :be a bit patient
i will make a new thread just for testing these kinds of script
to see what is the best one
so far IMO i didn't see the best one yet


download the speedpatch.tar.gz to MyDocs
then write in xterminal

sudo gainroot

then copy and paste the rest of the codes

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to karam For This Useful Post:
Posts: 202 | Thanked: 72 times | Joined on Apr 2011 @ France 55
it work well for me.
overclock 825, swapolube, cssu and your script.

Thanks a lot for your work.
Posts: 105 | Thanked: 49 times | Joined on Jul 2011
works well with me too

Thanks karam
ps : it would be nice to start a new thread for testing several scripts
but i think the current one is the best one

The Following User Says Thank You to Mohammad For This Useful Post:
Posts: 235 | Thanked: 163 times | Joined on Dec 2008 @ Costa Rica
Originally Posted by xRobby View Post
/ # cp /home/user/MyDocs/speedpatch.tar.gz ./
cp: cannot stat '/home/user/MyDocs/speedpatch.tar.gz': No such file or directory
Since you could not copy that file, everything else failed.

Just be sure you are in the right place. When saving the file, put it on the very root of your device memory. Even if, from the point of view of the browser you are in the root, you really are inside the directory /home/user/MyDocs. At this point don't be confused by the Documents directory. That directory is inside /home/user/MyDocs.

Also, after you type the sudo gainroot, do not move from /home/user, all commands must be run from that place.
Posts: 47 | Thanked: 27 times | Joined on Apr 2011

The latest script is stable and it works well without any error do far. Thank you very much for your great job.
Posts: 114 | Thanked: 32 times | Joined on Mar 2011
I need some help please

So far I have already the Enhanced Linux Kernel for Power users (maemo48), Power46 and Enhanced Linux kernel for Power users (Settings) 0.11 for maemo 5 kernel via X-term.

I have Sudser installed, installed rootsh 1.5 via app man then upgraded through extras-devel to - 1.8 with app man. I have Bash installed via X-term using apt-get install bash! command.

I also have the tar-gnu v 1.22-maemo5 installed. Do not know how to use this. It says it is the GNU version of the tar archiving utility. I'm guessing I am going to need to learn how to use tar using X-term.

I have theme customizer installed, set opacities, I have a few themes including Humanity, Hydrocarbon, maemo.org Theme, Miku, Nokia N series, reflect. Nokia N series is my current default theme using maemo.org icon package in theme Customizer. Phone is not currently OC. Widget opacity set to 130, Menu Bar opacity 130.

I no longer have swappolube installed didn't reckon much to it. I now just Overclock occasionally 500 - 750 using ULV profile because of Power V46 kernel. That's as far as i go. I use two battery status monitors to check.

The reason I am here is I notice that the hildon desktop GUI is slow in some parts of the GUI including as you mentioned the contacts & other areas. i hate this, so I am hear to try to speed up my hildon desktop.

So will someone here be obliged to help me run through all these steps on my phone so I can get it faster & smoother please? I have already downloaded the Speedpatch to Nokia N900/Documents/

Thanks to anyone who can help me learn more about using scripts, the CLI - X-term.
Posts: 34 | Thanked: 50 times | Joined on Jun 2010
Hi Guys,

There seems to have been some confusion lately about how the various bits of this script work, and how they're executed by maemo.

First point - rc.local doesn't do anything on an n900. The "speedpatch.sh" file in the current patch creates rc.local and .bashrc, neither of which will be executed in normal operation of the phone. Instead, /etc/event.d/speedpatch does all the work. Drop speedpatch.sh, it's dead weight.

Second point - there doesn't seem to be a lot of info on this thread about how the patch actually works, so here goes with a quick explanation.

The CFS (completely fair scheduler) in our phone's kernel manages the allocation of resources (cpu/mem) between tasks. It was designed to cope with server-class machines such as web servers and databases, giving all tasks equal access to resources. This means if a server is really busy, then all tasks on the machine slow down equally.

Desktop/mobile class machines shouldn't work the same way as servers though. They have a human user who expects the machine to respond and give feedback within a certain time. If a machine is slow to respond, the user loses some sense of control over the machine.

This patch addresses the problem by taking note of what the user is doing right now, and using that information to accelerate the current task, and decelerate other tasks on the system. The user won't notice the background stuff going slower, they will just see their app working fast.

The patch does this by creating multiple classes of task

If you look at the contents of these files, you'll see the process IDs of all the tasks in each class. CPU and memory are shared out to these classes using the files "cpu.shares", and "memory_limit_in_bytes". When lots of tasks are demanding CPU/memory at once, the resources are handed out to tasks depending on their share.

This is why your phone feels nicer when you have this patch - the kernel automatically classifies tasks and devotes more of cpu/mem to the "application" and "desktop" class tasks, and much less to other classes like "standby".

The Following 12 Users Say Thank You to thingonaspring For This Useful Post:

autobrick, awesome-script, do no install, f***epitaph, install it now, perfect_ n900, script-a-brick, very safe

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