Poll: Delet the values from the speedpatch?
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Delet the values from the speedpatch?

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Posts: 856 | Thanked: 1,681 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Aleppo ,Syria

thanks for the great explaining
i will actually put it in the first post
and thingonaspring
rc.local started the patch without a reboot in my n900
i expect it does the same with every other n900
and for the rest of the files that speedpatch.sh creates
are used by desktop pc
i wanted to put 2 in 1 patch (for n900 and pc)
so far TMO members seems to like it

first of all you need to put speedpatch
in Nokia N900
not Nokia N900/Documents
MyDocs means the root of the emmc /home/user/MyDocs

second copy and paste the codes in xterminal (as root)
and your done after a reboot
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Originally Posted by karam View Post

BTW if you want even more speed try to overcloak to 805 MHz and enable smart redlex to have a 2x battery time usage (This is unstable though so i'm not responsible of what happens to your N900 if you overcloaked)
and the patch is not written by me i just modified it to work on n900


You should have a realy fast and smooth N900

BTW The Tweaks Are All optoinal But For the best result Apply Them All



A Thank would be appreciated

Some Feed backs

and without karam nobody would notice this patch

The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Seker_94 For This Useful Post:
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that is true
karam mentioned that he didn't made the patch in the first place
but he brought attention to it
tried to make it better
and spent a lot of time on it
so thanks to karam
and every one else helped with the patch
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i just wanna say to epitaph
when i first created this thread
i have noticed by post
that it is not me the first one tried this patch
but it is me the first one who tried to work on it and proof to people that it increase the performance of N900
also tried your values
but members reported that they don't work
also tried thingonaspring idea by creating /home/user/.profile
but once again members said it is better performance without it

and now the patch is spread in some sites and gets good feedbacks

and all what i want to do is to give people a better experience while using n900
and improve it
after all it is my mobile too

and i don't think chasing my A*s will help improving N900
instead if you got some good ideas to improve the patch (or anyone else)
why not posting them
there is no benefits for me

The Following 9 Users Say Thank You to karam For This Useful Post:
Posts: 105 | Thanked: 49 times | Joined on Jul 2011
I agree with karam
Posts: 195 | Thanked: 96 times | Joined on May 2011
i agree with karam too
corduroysack's Avatar
Posts: 939 | Thanked: 366 times | Joined on Dec 2010 @ U.K.
Think most of us agree with karam tbh.
Our batteries defintely do after script 5 was it
"I Reject Your Reality & Substitute My Own" Adam Savage

Last edited by corduroysack; 2011-07-04 at 14:48.

The Following User Says Thank You to corduroysack For This Useful Post:
Posts: 105 | Thanked: 49 times | Joined on Jul 2011
then epitaph perhaps you should modify your developer fake message

EDIT: the proof that the patch is working
is that it got 750 downloads and a lot of feedbacks from TMO members

and for your values
karam released a version specially for your god dam* values
then members reported that they are useless or they decrease the performance
that is why karam removed them later

Last edited by Mohammad; 2011-07-04 at 14:52.

The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Mohammad For This Useful Post:
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but it worked with me directly
without the need to enable anything else
shanttu's Avatar
Posts: 234 | Thanked: 281 times | Joined on Nov 2010 @ Helsinki
Huge thanks. This script made it possible to have smooth multitasking SmartReflex enabled.
And as usual, epitaph is offering some popcorn.

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to shanttu For This Useful Post:

autobrick, awesome-script, do no install, f***epitaph, install it now, perfect_ n900, script-a-brick, very safe

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