Poll: Do you think its possible to overclock the N900?!
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Do you think its possible to overclock the N900?!

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Posts: 434 | Thanked: 245 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Originally Posted by Dhicky View Post
i need 1ghz kernel where can i download it???
Install Enhanced linux kernel for power users from Application manager and then use QCPUFreq for overclocking.
Posts: 52 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Okay, after seeing the N9 I've decided I really need to overclock this device before I throw it out a window. No matter how many times I try to install the power kernel uninstall etc. etc. it will not flash. What can I do?
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Originally Posted by fidel cashlow View Post
Okay, after seeing the N9 I've decided I really need to overclock this device before I throw it out a window. No matter how many times I try to install the power kernel uninstall etc. etc. it will not flash. What can I do?
For most users, it's just a matter of installing two files that should be present in app mgr, the Linux Kernel for Power Users and the Enhanced Linux Kernel for Power Users (settings). They just install those two files and reboot and they are ready to overclock.

In your case, you must have had adventures, perhaps with Nitdroid, that have interfered with this easy process.

However, there is another warning sign before we even start. You are ready to throw your N900 out a window. This indicates you have seriously screwed up your N900. Overclocking won't fix that.

Probably, flashing will. You say you can't flash? Is that what you mean? If so, that is the real problem, not overclocking.
All I want is 40 acres, a mule, and Xterm.
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Originally Posted by titan View Post
apparently your N900 has a builtin freezer
simply ignore that file - it's not reliable.
The battery temperature could be more interesting

modprobe bq27x00_battery
cat /sys/class/power_supply/bq27200-0/temp
when i open xterminal and use this modprobe bq27x00_battery i got a warning> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist line 1: ignorning bad line staring with ' blacklist'

when i run that command in QBW it displays temp in multiple of 10
so what should i do need some help
thank you in advance
Posts: 52 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Originally Posted by geneven View Post
For most users, it's just a matter of installing two files that should be present in app mgr, the Linux Kernel for Power Users and the Enhanced Linux Kernel for Power Users (settings). They just install those two files and reboot and they are ready to overclock.

In your case, you must have had adventures, perhaps with Nitdroid, that have interfered with this easy process.

However, there is another warning sign before we even start. You are ready to throw your N900 out a window. This indicates you have seriously screwed up your N900. Overclocking won't fix that.

Probably, flashing will. You say you can't flash? Is that what you mean? If so, that is the real problem, not overclocking.
NITdroid is probably the issue. Are there any work arounds?

And nothing is wrong with my phone except it seems to choke when trying to multitask. I just want it to run faster. I can flash I meant the kernel won't flash. I see no reason for me to even consider flashing my phone - it doesn't need it.
AgogData's Avatar
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i have kernel power 47 long time ago and recently i installed kerenl power settings and i tried the ideal profile but it keeps shutting and restarting my phone so i shifted to xlv, but running kernel-config show showed me that its 125-600 where the avoid freq. is 125. so i limited it to 250-600, but after a while its back to 125-600.
jakiman said there maybe a bug in the phone app that make it down to 125 everytime. i loaded the default profile again and removed kernel power settings, and now i've downloaded it again to give it a 2nd try but immediatly after installation and before loading any profile kernel-config show gave me 125-600 again !
shouldn't the default profile be 250-600 ?

EDIT : i just loaded profile xlv and limited it to 250-900 (normally its 250-600) and made a call and its now 125-600 !

Last edited by AgogData; 2011-07-02 at 07:56.
Dark_Angel85's Avatar
Posts: 519 | Thanked: 123 times | Joined on Oct 2010 @ Malaysia
just to share... these are the clocks that are stable for me. stable with no crashes, everything runs accordingly without hiccups due to low voltages or heating up too fast..

first one:
# kernel configuration file generated by /usr/sbin/kernel-config
FREQS="0:30,90 1000:62,500 "
this clock speed makes my n900 like a demon but battery runs out in mere hours which does not fit me so appropriately because i'm constantly on the move with 3G on most of the time(nearly 24/7 actually)... so i only switch this profile on when i know i can plug it in..

second one:
# kernel configuration file generated by /usr/sbin/kernel-config
FREQS="0:30,90 600:38,430 "
this one does not at all limit my usage.. though i can't go bananas like i can with the first setup but on a regular basis, 3 IMs on, 1-3 microbs, sociality, tweego, xterm, conky, runs acceptably alright with some minor lag issues that i can tolerate. generally i run just 1-2 browsers or turn off everything else besides microb to have it run smoothly. greatest thing about this clock, defintely lasts me one day of usage with the aforemnetioned tasks without worrying about low battery...

1000min 1000max @ ulv
PR1.3 with CSSU latest update
Malaysian N900 user!!!
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Originally Posted by Dark_Angel85;1055135
second one:
# kernel configuration file generated by /usr/sbin/kernel-config
FREQS="0:30,90 600:38,430 "
Enabling SmartReflex on only VDD1 is new to me? What's the idea behind that?
Christian Wilken - tux-POWER.dk!
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Here's my current config. Min 250, max 805, all VDD powersaving switched on, custom very low voltages.

Note that 805 is the max clock when using VDD2 powersaving. Any higher clock will crash immediately with VDD2.

FREQS="0:15,90 125:24,90 250:28,180 500:35,360 550:36,400 600:37,430 700:41,430 750:42,430 805:47,430 850:49,480 900:53,490 950:56,500 1000:60,500 1100:66,500 1150:69,500 "
Using only VDD1 (not VDD2) will allow some power saving at clock speeds >805. The powersaving won't be as effective as VDD1+2, and stability may suffer a bit at very high clocks (1000+).

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Posts: 154 | Thanked: 13 times | Joined on Jan 2011
Hi guys!

Please can you help me?
I overclocked the n900 today, but the frequencies are only 250 en 850
Nokia-N900:~# kernel-config show
current kernel configuration:
current frequency: 250
supported frequencies: 125 250 500 550 600 700 750 805 850 900 950 1000 1100 1150
min. frequency: 250
max. frequency: 850
avoid frequencies: 125 750 900 950 1000 1100 1150
active frequencies: 0:30,90 250:38,180 500:48,360 550:48,400 600:54,430 700:54,430 805:54,430 850:54,500
SmartReflex VDD1=0, VDD2=0
governor ondemand: ignore nice load= 0, up threshold= 75, sampling rate= 150000, powersave bias= 0

I only get 250mhz and 850 mhz whats wrong?

powerkernel v47 thanks

Last edited by Bramji; 2011-07-30 at 14:42.

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