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mrsellout's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Ministeri View Post
I actually tried these combinations:

Taxi Driver
Player / Footballplayer
Glue Painter
Photographer / Drawer
Watchmaker / Clocksmith

So close, I didn't imagine being a child belongs in this list. But hey, congrats!
The annoying thing is I did similar last week, and got everything bar Poster, I thought it was Fly poster so used F instead. Damn!
Cod3rror's Avatar
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Originally Posted by mrsellout View Post
The annoying thing is I did similar last week, and got everything bar Poster, I thought it was Fly poster so used F instead. Damn!
That's nokia for you.

Let this be a lesson to you, Apple would never disappoint you like that.
Free yourself from nokia's morlock cave, discover the future, today: iPhone!
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Originally Posted by ysss View Post
Hayy... but I jus took my mask off...
It never suited you, anyway.
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somedude's Avatar
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can a moderator move all these baseless posts to a genral off topic thread? this thread is it self turning into a baseless offtopic. instead move this to the offtopic so that more productive threads show up in active discussion rather than some-one PMSing.

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Originally Posted by Grazy View Post
I agree, I don't need to justify why i choose Nokia on a Nokia Forum!! I'm not going to heat the argument any more! i suggest we ignore Cod3rror
already added to the list

For anyone who doesn't know how to ignore someone:
  • Click a user's name.
  • Select public profile.
  • On the user page you'll see "user list", click it and select ignore
Never argue with stupid people.They lower you to their level then beat you with experience.
Humility is something we should all taste.

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Originally Posted by Cod3rror View Post
Yes! Ban me silence me by force. The Nokia way.

You guys are getting angry cause I'm saying the truth and you know it.

Here's another truth the N9 will absolutely bomb, it'll be an even bigger failure than the N900
**** of Mr Jobs
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Originally Posted by Cod3rror View Post
I wanted to win one and give it to my enemy.

And I don't just think the iPhone is so much better, it's a FACT that the iPhone is so much better.
may I ask you why are you in this forum? :O

I can understand android people are here because its and opensource community but why are an apple fanboy bothering to post stupid messages on a Linux foruim like this?

trying to convince us youre wrong or what?
Posts: 24 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on May 2010
Originally Posted by Cod3rror View Post
I'm here cause once I was like YOU! A nokia morlock, living underground in nokia's cave.

Then I accidentally reached a surface and realized that there is a whole world, that is so much better than nokia's cave. iPhone, Android... at least 5 years ahead of nokia.

When nokia goes bankrupt and closes down and you guys have no other way to go but the iPhone, after using it for a few days you will realize that you've been living in a cave, you'll feel like you've discovered alien technology.

Apple also has a true visionary, a man of genius, taste and passion, STEVE JOBS!

Who does nokia have? A bunch of corporate suits, the only person I like at nokia is Stephen Elop, he is doing a great job bringing that company down. I hope he does not disappoint in Q3, I want the Armageddon Mr. Elop!
I prefer to be in nokia's cave with humans than being on that surface of yours with some talking sheeps.

and welcome to my block list.

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Posts: 44 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Sep 2010
just BAN that stupid guy.
wherever i browse on net about nokia n9 i see his name saying the same bullshits all the time.enough
Posts: 283 | Thanked: 336 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Germany
Originally Posted by mikecomputing View Post
may I ask you why are you in this forum? :O

I can understand android people are here because its and opensource community but why are an apple fanboy bothering to post stupid messages on a Linux foruim like this?

trying to convince us youre wrong or what?
maybe he is in a stage of "Cognitive dissonance“.He had the option between Nokia And Apple and has chosen the iphone but isn’t really 100% satisfied with his decision. Now he wants to downgrade Nokia, so he gets the felling that choosing the Iphone was the only right decision for him.

Dr. Phil has spoken

Cognitive dissonance is an uncomfortable feeling caused by holding conflicting ideas simultaneously. The theory of cognitive dissonance proposes that people have a motivational drive to reduce dissonance. They do this by changing their attitudes, beliefs, and actions.[2] Dissonance is also reduced by justifying, blaming, and denying.

The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to zymo For This Useful Post:

disapoint, eflop, epic win!, laggy interface, n9 rox, so much win, wateriswet, who cares, whyyyyy??????

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