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Originally Posted by lsolano View Post
I hope this is not too late. Here my votes
FWIW, there is no "late" and no "votes". This thread is just to let packagers know what there's interest in. If they're not interested in it themselves, they won't port it.
Andrew Flegg -- |

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Originally Posted by scapegoat845 View Post
I know these aren't community apps, but would be GREAT if they can get developed for the #N9. I do plan on buying one regardless....

*Google Maps (US resident, Nokia Maps just doesn't cut the cheese in the states)
*Fring, Skype or some sort of videocall app
*App to view live surveillance of home security cameras
*App to use N9 as a remote control (Windows Media Center)

New to this community(never bought a Maemo device), so if any of these are already developed, please port. Like i said, regardless, i'm getting an #N9.
Even the Nokia Maps on the N900 seems better than Google and with the new one, I think it'll blow Google Maps out of the water. To me, you just can't beat offline maps and I find the interface to be much better too. JMHO though.

I'll throw in a vote for Hermes (think it's being done as we speak), video call app as suggested above (unless Skype is packaged in with it), and some kind of remote control as well like posted above (WMC, VLC, etc.)

Hoping to finally get around to learning C++ and Python so I can make an app or two myself for the N9.
Posts: 193 | Thanked: 201 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Subotica, Serbia
Originally Posted by cincibluer6 View Post
Even the Nokia Maps on the N900 seems better than Google and with the new one, I think it'll blow Google Maps out of the water. To me, you just can't beat offline maps and I find the interface to be much better too. JMHO though.
It's always good to have multiple choices. Nokia/Ovi maps is nice, and I use it when travelling abroad, but it's unusable in some countries like mine, Serbia. Basically the map is empty, only the international highways/roads are shown and the borders of towns. You zoom in to a town and it's empty.
If I start using the N950 as my main phone (I need skype and gtalk), and there is nothing except the built in maps, I'll try to do something with Marbles.
Posts: 258 | Thanked: 138 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ St. Louis, MO, USA
Originally Posted by cincibluer6 View Post
I think it'll blow Google Maps out of the water. To me, you just can't beat offline maps...
FYI, Google Maps now has offline access. It's definitely not as automatic as other solutions, but it actually works quite well.
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Sorry for coming late to the party, would love to get:
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rm_you has created a deb for pyRadio on the N950 that should work for N950/N9:

I got pyRadio working on MeeGo with the fluendo mp3 codecs.

pyRadio 4.0, when released, should support the N950/N9/MeeGo/N900 and Diablo is still up in the air.

Just keeping you guys updated since my app was mentioned.
If I've helped you or you use any of my packages feel free to help me out.
pyRadio - Pandora Radio on your N900, N810 or N800!

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Calendar Home Widget please - can't live without it.
Posts: 432 | Thanked: 544 times | Joined on Feb 2011
I would like...

Easy debian
Cute Tube
Google Chrome port for N9
X terminal (if we dont get it in N9 by default)
Debbie commands (to run LXDE apps in N9)
Posts: 440 | Thanked: 160 times | Joined on Aug 2010 @ Las Vegas, NV
I would love to port my nepcal app to n9 provided

* There is nice tutorial on how to port qt app from maemo to so called meego, most probably it is just a gui tweak but I know nothing.

* There should be significant numbers of Nepalese (50 would be nice) using n9/n950 and using this forum ( or (my app is almost useless to the rest of the world).

* I should have some free time and mood for the port.

* Plus it would be nicer if I don't need to download large file for the port; already have qt sdk (it was hell pain downloading that).
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Originally Posted by Joseph9560 View Post
* Plus it would be nicer if I don't need to download large file for the port; already have qt sdk (it was hell pain downloading that).
just install harmattan toolchain to qt creator:
Want to know something?
K.I.S.S. approach:
wiki category:beginners. Browse it through and you'll be much wiser!
If the link doesn't help, just use
Google Custom Search

The Following User Says Thank You to ossipena For This Useful Post:

applications, good news!!!!!!, harmattan, open source

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