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Posts: 173 | Thanked: 219 times | Joined on Nov 2010
So, I'm new to the forums, new to linux, and new to the N900. Go easy on me. =)

Anyways, the issue is: If I keep surfing the web a while, the browser will start reporting "Page Load Error", while still maintaining connection; the device reports wifi as connected.

The device will remain like that until I either disconnect and reconnect to the network, or is given a while. It seems that after a period, the connection resumes working.

I mentioned being new to linux because I assume there's a xterm command to check what's really happening, although I wouldn't know what command that is.

So, any ideas?

Btw, I've tried switching the PSM settings to medium or off... Won't help.

Additional info: My router is a WAG200G, network security is WPA-PSK.

I'd like to test the unit to make sure it isn't faulty, for I can return it and ask for a replacement up until monday.

Last edited by number41; 2010-11-11 at 00:25.
Posts: 309 | Thanked: 115 times | Joined on May 2010 @ Malaysia
does this happens only with the WAG200G router?have u tried connecting to other APs?

try to connect to your friend's, workplace, or public (eg starbucks) with different network security (WEP, WPA-PSK, PEAP-MSCHAP2)..

if the same problem still persists, u might have a faulty me..

my problem is the N900 sometimes connect,sometimes doesn't, sometimes wouldn't even detect any connections (wifi+gprs), sometimes connects flawlessly...tried with other APs, still the same..went to Nokia Service Centre, they tested and concluded that the board is, they'll change the whole motherboard..
Posts: 1,425 | Thanked: 983 times | Joined on May 2010 @ Hong Kong
You may try turn off power-saving in that particular wifi connection.

Go setting and choose internet connect, edit that connection, press Next until you see Advance button, the power-saving setting is under Other.

I've to turn off power-saving in my home wifi connection so that my ssh session could always stay on. YMMV.

Hope this help.
Posts: 173 | Thanked: 219 times | Joined on Nov 2010
9000, I tried that, PSM stands for Power Saving Mode. ; )

Anyways, following one1002's lead, I tried messing with the router's settings, and changed it from G only to mixed, and switched from WPA to WEP.

Once I did that, the network performed flawlessly. Three youtube videos, countless forum posts, you name it, I had a tab for it.

This morning I switched back to WPA, but made sure to use version 2. I checked the WPA2 only box in the N900's settings, and it seems to remain working.

I won't complain, but I'm really left wondering just what variable did the trick.

Last edited by number41; 2010-11-11 at 18:16.
niqbal's Avatar
Posts: 474 | Thanked: 368 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Originally Posted by number41 View Post
9000, I tried that, PSM stands for Power Saving Mode. ; )

Anyways, following one1002's lead, I tried messing with the router's settings, and changed it from G only to mixed, and switched from WPA to WEP.

Once I did that, the network performed flawlessly. Three youtube videos, countless forum posts, you name it, I had a tab for it.

This morning I switched back to WPA, but made sure to use version 2. I checked the WPA2 only box in the N900's settings, and it seems to remain working.

I won't complain, but I'm really left wondering just what variable did the trick.
i am having the exact same problem. Now were you able to get a constant wifi connection using PSK or only through WEP? I switched to PSK couple of weeks ago and its very annoying to keep losing an on connection.


for others who might have this issue. n900 + kernel-power + PSK has some buggy issues. either remove kernel-power or stick with WEP. hope it helps

Last edited by niqbal; 2011-03-15 at 08:02.
Posts: 50 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Nov 2009
Originally Posted by niqbal View Post
i am having the exact same problem. Now were you able to get a constant wifi connection using PSK or only through WEP? I switched to PSK couple of weeks ago and its very annoying to keep losing an on connection.


for others who might have this issue. n900 + kernel-power + PSK has some buggy issues. either remove kernel-power or stick with WEP. hope it helps
i also ran into this issue when i switched from wep to wpa. im curious how common is this issue?! does anyone else have it? i would like to use wpa instead if possible as wep is pretty weak
Posts: 502 | Thanked: 366 times | Joined on Jun 2010 @ /dev/null
My belief is that cheap routers generally choke on having WPA setup. If you have a reasonably priced router then it may not be the router issue. I'm sure the best place to start researching are the various questions asked on the internet specifically to your router. In other words you search google for the model number of your router and maybe even add the words "WPA" (without quotes) into the mix.

Most cheap/unreliable routers are feeblishly equipped. That is, imagine buying a fast car when you actually got ripped off. There are a few ways to identify this but it requires at least one of the two capabilities one must have:
- A network of at least 10 or more devices connected (or associated through wireless) to that router, at random times transfer exorbant amounts of data between various devices and across various connection (i.e. through wired and wireless).
- At least a device capable of stressing out the router through requesting various data or generally spamming useless info to the router.

Assuming if you have a decent router and that you have checked google for any issues pertaining WPA, it could be a few other factors:
- You live in a crowded wireless environment and you're using 802.11b/g band (which is effectively 2.4GHz ISM band). This band is commonly shared with devices such as bluetooth, old wireless keyboard/mouse and old wireless telephones (similar to phones with DECT technology but not DECT phones).
- You probably have a script kiddie living in your neighbour-hood playing pranks by forcing you to reuse WEP. (This case is rare but I would never doubt the possibilty).
- You probably suffer from both of the effects above: a busy wireless neighbourhood and a script kiddie who's having fun making other people's lives miserable.

Last edited by tuxsavvy; 2011-08-10 at 07:41. Reason: Added info on verification of cheap/crappy routers

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