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Originally Posted by Addison View Post

ADOM is one of my all time faves.

Perhaps you're just a killjoy?
Maybe, but I got xkbd to work(Thanks Addison for the I found here) with vulture's eye and I like it a lot, but as one person pointed out, I can't load a save and that kinda blows it a little. Especially when I drink a potion or a trap pops up and kills me. Once it said the character shuddered for some reason; whatever it was it killed him the second time lol

Still fun, but could be excellent if a pro could 'polish' it a bit more for n800/maemo.

I'm a bit surprised nobody put something like hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy out for n800. ..maybe I'll go on and put ADOM on here and see if it's more fun on n800.

Maybe I can run some old dos games w/dosbox without too much trouble?

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ADOM definitely rocks and it's still my favorite thing to play on my N800.

If you install Rubybox along with the touchscreen keyboards, you'll want to overwrite the old layouts with my new ones that will be found in here:

Also look at this post as well so Rubybox works correctly.

I have a DOS version of Nethack with colored menus, colored hit points and colored dungeons that someone personally compiled for me if you're interested.

Last edited by Addison; 2011-08-14 at 01:47.
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You should really try to compile Cataclysm on N800 Addison. Install build-essentials and just 'make'. Runs great on N900 (leaving 'm'ap segfaults so save your game before) and this time chaos is already spreading violently
Posts: 26 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Feb 2011
Originally Posted by Addison View Post
ADOM definitely rocks and it's still my favorite thing to play on my N800.

If you install Rubybox along with the touchscreen keyboards, you'll want to overwrite the old layouts with my new ones that will be found in here:

Also look at this post as well so Rubybox works correctly.

I have a DOS version of Nethack with colored menus, colored hit points and colored dungeons that someone personally compiled for me if you're interested.
Thanks Addison! I'll try Rubybox tomorrow. Vulture's eye is now crashing as soon as I type any key to name the character. Even after deleting the .conf and un/reinstall. Since my laptop got fried a month or two ago, I won't be using windows so I'm getting into the n800 stuff more. So I would like to check out that nethack build very much ;-)

Oh and I doubt it would ever run on n800(maybe n900?) but you guys may like a windows game called Transcendence, because it's FREE and you can make your own own mods easily in xml. It's a space trading/battle type game.
I had just as much fun making wicked cool weapon effects as playing the game!
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Remember to run the "Restore keyboards" file every time you turn off your device.

Otherwise the touchscreen keyboard will send out weird signals that might crash certain apps.

I'll upload Nethack for you later tonight.
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sorry for bumping an old topic but i accidentally managed to put the game on windowed mode and now i can't see the in-game options anymore.

I've tried dpkg --purge remove and then reinstall it but that didn't work.

how would i go about restoring the settings? or just switch back to full screen mode?
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Originally Posted by bane View Post

how would i go about restoring the settings? or just switch back to full screen mode?
Have you tried deleting or renaming /home/user/.vultureseye? I don't have it installed anymore, so I don't know if that's the correct path.
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Originally Posted by jib View Post
Have you tried deleting or renaming /home/user/.vultureseye? I don't have it installed anymore, so I don't know if that's the correct path.
Edit: crisis averted

i fixed it by manually editing the config file with leafpad, it wasn't that hard

Last edited by bane; 2012-07-14 at 10:42.

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