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Based on the general theory applicable to desktops that "if it can run Windows, it can run GNU/Linux at least as well, if not better" ... if one of these new WPs have decent h/w specs then perhaps it would be worth trying to flash Meego/Cordia on to it? There are reports of various distros being stuck on existing WPs so perhaps ... just* a matter of isolating the hardware from the OS sufficiently to substitute.

As for a new phone now, if you want something that has the range of functionality of the N900? Err there's nothing out there mate!

*no small feat!

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Nothing offered this year interests me. I am sure I will still be using my n900 a year from now.

One huge issue for me is the uncertainty of the t-mobile/att merger. 3g and so called 4g frequency and compatibility is too uncertain to even think of investing money in a new phone.

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I think the feeling is almost the same for everyone: even if processor/memory on newer phones exceed our n900, there is not real replacement.

I'm one of those tempted by the Galasy S2, however, is manufactured with cheap plastic. Regarding Android: I've neved used it.

Iphone5: I've been tempted by the iPhone4, however, I'm an OpenSource/Linux lover.

At the end, I think I'm waiting for the N9.

Anyway, after OverClocking+Swappolube+SpeedPatch+CSSU my n900 is kind of a new phone, I can wait maybe until Christmas to think about changing.

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I have had the Samsung Galaxy S II for a week now and it's completely changed my mind on Android. Perhaps it's the super fast, super light, super awesome AMOLED screen, super 8MP camera, super long battery life on the SGS2 that has made the change from Maemo to Android easy. I was in love with my Nokia N900 and thought I could never go with another model let alone only a touch screen Smartphone without a keyboard, but one week in and I could never go back to my Nokia N900.

Everyone to their own and so I don't want to agree with the folk that say the N900 is the best phone ever (two weeks ago I was saying that), but today I am saying the SGS2 with Gingerbread is f**king incredible. The possibilities are endless and IMO that is an awesome thing.

My N900 has been cleaned and placed in it's original box, to be switched on one day so I can remember the two best years of my life. (2009 to 2011 - R.I.P. My Nokia N900).
My Nokia N900 is my website, still up an running for the Maemo community. My Nokia N900 is upgraded to 21.2011.38-1Tmaemo1.1 ~ CSSU ready ~ Overclocked ~ Speed patched ~ Swappolube ~ was running 7 desktops ~ 270 apps and counting ~ Multi-Boot with Standard Kernel , Kernel Power and NITDroid N12 "UMay".

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Good question! I was thinking i may some how "merge" my N900 with my car as it's great for music on the move with it having an FM transmitter, shame no other maker see's this as a required feature...

As for the replacement I was thinking of an HTC Z... Its the one with a flip out keyboard, my phone only needs replacing next year so fingers crossed something better comes along but somehow I doubt it! Blackberry seem to be the only ones thinking a qwerty keyboard is a must?!?!?! Does my head in!

Here's to my N900 lasting forever though! Hip, Hip, Hoorah!!!

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Originally Posted by tuxsavvy View Post
I may purchase N9 and/or may purchase any other Nokia Meego powered devices with phone functionality. The day when Nokia is finished with Meego for devices with phone functionality is the day that I switch across to Android platform and hoping OpenMoko to release a more updated device with phone functionality/phone.
No disrespect or anything, but really? "The day when Nokia is finished with Meego"... Really? What exactly are you waiting for?

As far as a new phone, right now there is no viable alternative, but since my N900 was recently replaced, I can luckily wait.
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@MyNokiaN900: Can you give us some feedback related to the construction? I've only had it once in my hand and it seemed fragile for me.

According to your signature, you're a power user that have taken the n900 to the limit, so, your opinion I think is very valuable here.
Posts: 3 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Aug 2011
next to N900?
N900 has a taboo its "Final Phone Nothing follows" why?
didnt you notice?
they killed it so early because its a complete anti market!
if a phone wont be killed at once then its not n900 replacement!

gorilla glass?
= if a gorilla glass breaks meaning a huge impact was received by a phone, so phone is bricked, gorilla glass dont resist airborn microscopic rocks every touch u can see scraches if you reflect it in sunrays,

besides did u see chips inside n900? it got RIBS! thats a real gorilla!

dual core?
notice the apps are being close to optimization
ipk hero of sparta runs at 250 mhz downclocked (perfect speed)

a real game experience call only be attain @ ps3 and xbox

phone is to UTILITY thats the highest it can get,

core is for computing its only for office apps but using a
virtual keyboard for reports?? pop up every word u type is annoying. imagine 10 pages

any hot girl will just say "hey i watched it @ the big screen!" movies a for bigscreen!
it aint cool to tell your pals u watched alone in your room

use all multitasking see if it handle it, office + games + Torrent

"hey wait im gonna wipe the lens first" just a moment,

being open source makes it special, theres more to that
notice the vacant slot inside n900? the blocks that dont have use? it can be reserve for additional hardware for those talented @ hardware mods,

N900 is for people who wants to move on and focus @ other things in life, people who search for a final phone A.K.A. (Utility tool)

nokia see these things, but in return they killed the device production due to market impact
see how it eats all phone in 2010 with only pr 1.2
thats a serious threat
any phone can do that!? being shutdown of its production at once!

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How about this?

Quite expensive now, but I am sure the prices will drop next year. If it gets in the 600 USD price range, I'll buy it.

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My N900 is my first and last Nokia most probably.

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