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The screenshots look really great.

How do you manage a high amount of files in one folder? Any plans to integrate a quick search function?
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Hi all,

@caco3: This is a private application so I won't be posting up all the sources, however I'm more than happy to assist with any questions and can post code examples to illustrate.

@ajalkane: Hidden files will be in the next build. I want to get all the settings into the main settings application but until then I will put them in the main menu (hence why I'm trying to keep them down to just a few).
Scroll view position is something that was bugging me too, and it will be a pretty easy fix I think. It's caused because I refresh the folder every time you view it again but I'm sure I can make it remember the position.

@N770-Freak: It scrolls very quickly so longer folders aren't too difficult to manage, however I will be putting a search option in (similar to Contacts and Email, where you pull down to get it) so you can easily find files you're looking for. There will also be a recursive search option in the main menu.

Thanks all,
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Minor patch: File Manager 0.1.1 Alpha

As suggested by @ajalkane, folder scroll position is now remembered when navigating through folders. This makes it much easier to rapid-explore a file system!

This version can be downloaded from the project page:

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@Schturman: Yep, those will be in there in the near future. I plan to make it so you can browse them just like a folder and copy files from there to your file system.

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Originally Posted by nikrolls View Post
...I'll definitely be doing more apps after this. One which is almost ready to launch in alpha is a Mediaportal remote control app, and I also have a home automation project planned...
Thanks for your support

You just became my personal hero

What are you using to access MediaPortal? Will it be something like aMPdroid?

Which gateway/software and protocol are you using for home automation? My simple bash-script based N900 QBW/zwavecommander system just died because of a few bad zwave-modules and a bricked zwave-stick. I'm in the middle of getting something new to control my lights and it might make a difference if there was something coming to the N9.

Sorry for the off topic. The file manager seems good also, but I got very excited to hear that someone is thinking about my two favorite projects on the N9.
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Yep! I'm using the same protocols as aMPdroid, so starting with WifiRemote (I have 90-95% of this implemented) and then moving onto the other two protocols it uses for media browsing and TV manipulation.

The home automation project I'm thinking of is primarily the server system and 'at home' detection. From there it will spawn to more advanced peripherals which I haven't yet had experience with but am eager to get into. This will be a more long term project but definitely something I'm working on.

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Maybe you can add another option like in FileBox, the option: "Open terminal here" with root access ?

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@Schturman: Thanks for the feature idea! I'll put that in as soon as I can detect if you've got developer mode activated. Shouldn't be too hard.

I've included support for hidden files but haven't released this yet as I'm axtually rewriting the back-end folder system code. Previously I was using a customised version of QDeclarativeFolderListModel, but the requirements have outgrown its capabilities and I'm writing it from scratch.

The good news is that it's faster, and it's also 100% modular -- the idea here being that when it comes to archive and cloud support I can simply write a plugin to do the source-specific tasks and then everything else will 'just work'.

I'll post up here when the next version is available for download.
Device: Nokia N9
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