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Originally Posted by momcilo View Post
There are many unfinished FOSS software out there, but the reason you know is due to the open nature.

Quite opposite the basic idea of FOSS, beside having a free beer, benefiting form the others work and contributing, is to have a possibility to fix and enhance the software once the original vendor drops it.

It is about of protecting of your investment. Users invest in devices, developers invest time and knowledge.

People tend to forget that.
Until a few years ago, I'd say I was one of the people that was enjoying the free beer being poured by the people that was slaving over the projects and I was just a leech.

Now? I want to add to the projects where I can, and I do. The cool thing, if an idiot like me can see that as a way to finally give back - and enjoy giving back - then most others will in the end come to do the same.

Not all, but enough to keep thing going.

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Originally Posted by tekki View Post
I can back this up with URLs but too lazy, but Tegra2 drivers are usually published as part of Linux4Tegra distribution but is 'softfp'

The trimslice (google it) community got special builds of those drivers for MeeGo's 'hardfp' ABI
It's not that I don't believe you, but I sorta require proof that these drivers are of the optimized variety, not "it works" variety.
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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
It's not that I don't believe you, but I sorta require proof that these drivers are of the optimized variety, not "it works" variety.
I'm not sure what your definition of optimized variety is, but fair enough - I guess you might refer to non-optimized variety as noveau which is an open source driver for nVidia on PC? This is the closed driver stuff:

Google around for former releases. For nVidia on X86 I assume you know drivers are there too, see , click operating system

For a video of the hardfp build that the trimslice community uses, see

Last edited by tekki; 2011-08-27 at 02:56.

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Originally Posted by tekki View Post
I'm not sure what your definition of optimized variety is, but fair enough - I guess you might refer to non-optimized variety as noveau which is an open source driver for nVidia on PC? This is the closed driver stuff:

Google around for former releases. For nVidia on X86 I assume you know drivers are there too, see , click operating system

For a video of the hardfp build that the slimtrice community uses, see
I'm not sure if I'd call Alpha level drivers optimized by a longshot, but as it stands... that's more than I knew just moments ago.

So thank you.
Posts: 60 | Thanked: 198 times | Joined on Aug 2011 @ Radical Realistic Open Source with JFDI instead of Bikeshedding
Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
I'm not sure if I'd call Alpha level drivers optimized by a longshot, but as it stands... that's more than I knew just moments ago.

So thank you.
There's non-alpha drivers, these are just alpha because they come updated and well, has drivers for newer releases / kernels. Google for linux for tegra

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Originally Posted by qole View Post
Here's my opinion about the future of Maemo and I am currently an (un-elected, volunteer) maemo community council member, and an avid member of this community for about 4 years.

Recently, there have been calls for the Maemo community to wrest all the closed bits out of the hands of Nokia, or to somehow turn Maemo into a separate, community-run entity, free of Nokia's sponsorship. I don't see these posts accomplishing anything for two simple reasons; we're never going to get the closed bits from Nokia, and the Maemo community is (almost) nothing without Nokia, mainly because Maemo is nothing without Nokia hardware and that hardware is no longer in production.

I think by the time Nokia funding runs out for at the end of 2012 it will be a kingdom of dust; there will be a few nostalgic enthusiasts around, but it will be a lot like any other forum for niche, obsolete platforms; mostly deserted and uninteresting.

I don't see Nokia ever opening any of the closed pieces.

The one tiny hope I see is if a champion within Nokia with some political influence were to fight through the bureaucracy, inertia and indifference to wrestle the closed bits out into the open. But I really just do NOT see that happening, not with most of the closed bits having some link to hardware made by the notorious TI and most of the people who care being laid off from Nokia. Even when Maemo was a vibrant group within Nokia, nobody could get any action on opening closed pieces of old versions of Maemo. Now there is even less hope.

But even if the closed bits were made open, or Cordia succeeded in re-basing the Maemo UI on MeeGo, and Maemo flourished again, the hardware is aging fast. I don't expect to have a working N900 by mid-2012, although my N800 might keep chugging along with a partly-working touchscreen.

Is a community centred around the Cordia tablet really a Maemo community?

Where do I think we should go from here?

I think the best thing the Maemo community can do over the next year and a half is to transition to the MeeGo community, although I don't particularly like the forums very much, and there haven't been any third-party ITT-style forums popping up elsewhere. I'm hoping for a new N9-centric community to grow up somewhere, hopefully outside of the Linux Foundation's sphere of control. I'll probably go there, wherever that is, until it sputters out in a couple of years.

You may have noticed that I'm not very hopeful. You're right, I'm not. This community has been so amazing, but the foundations are crumbling away beneath us and there's nowhere else to go.

Worst of all, I don't see any alternatives after Harmattan. I don't see anyone else taking up the MeeGo handset torch, and I don't see any other viable Linux handsets on the horizon. The WebOS devices are a possibility, but their current hardware is unappealing (to me), and everyone else is going towards Android, which doesn't have any kind of "normal" GNU/Linux stack, especially an X server. And don't even get me started on the "locked black box" OSes like iOS and WP7.

Are we doomed to lose the GNU\Linux in our Pockets?
I've tried other things (iPhone 4, Android HTC) and been left confused wondering why I am missing my phone which is older and most of the reason, is the software and the ability to do what you want with it.

I think the future has to be continued development for use with other hardware. Perhaps there are some newer Nokia devices which would run Maemo faster and with more capabilities?
N900 @ 1ghz....keeps me warm in winter

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Originally Posted by HellFlyer View Post
I like your idea but as you said

"...the community began to diminish as interest fell due to people upgrading to new devices or breaking them, individual's websites and repositories dropped off..."

You cant just force people to support outdated devices or waste time collecting garbage for an OS that is dead. Most good things are closed source anyway
I wasn't suggesting anyone force anything on anyone.

I was *recommending* that people who want to keep their platform alive cooperate on maintaining a mirror of everything. Not just sources, but the toolkits, the packages even if binary only. That way if someone wants to wipe their n900 and start from a clean install, they can still find a copy of angry birds or whatever.

Maybe it's just me but I have a freshly flashed n900 on loan and I followed the link to the ovi store and there's no n900/maemo stuff on there any more, whereas I seem to remember there were a bunch of games there like Angry Birds or Bounce?
Fujitsu U820, HTC Vision/G2/DesireZ, Nokia N800 770 E71, Zaurus 6000, Palm T3, Zaurus C3100 - stolen

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Originally Posted by speculatrix View Post
Maybe it's just me but I have a freshly flashed n900 on loan and I followed the link to the ovi store and there's no n900/maemo stuff on there any more, whereas I seem to remember there were a bunch of games there like Angry Birds or Bounce?
possibly it's not advertised any more (...) but the apps are still available...
  • search for one,
  • select the one for the N900
  • click on set my phone button on the right,
  • select the N900
  • & click on OK.
click on the Application link above to get to a "list" (icons...) of most applications available for N900 / Maemo.

Last edited by misterc; 2011-08-28 at 15:33.

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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
I'm not sure if I'd call Alpha level drivers optimized by a longshot, but as it stands... that's more than I knew just moments ago.
There are some more plans too for open source linux drivers (not only x11).
general info:

Mostly talk so far but still. An accelerated adreno (qualcomm) or powervr open source x11 driver would make meego usable on a ton of devices.

Edit: And hopefully the intel medfield soc will have open drivers.
But the WM7 "horse" has a blood lineage tracing back to donkeys such as WM6.5, 6.1, 6.0, 5.1 that was fully neglected for too many years and Microsoft did sweet F all to maintain it (still running on Pocket IE4/6!!).

Last edited by xerxes2; 2011-08-28 at 19:12.

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Originally Posted by qole View Post
Are we doomed to lose the GNU\Linux in our Pockets?
My reply to this question is as late as it is off-topic to the real subject of this thread. But there is an answer to Qole's question that needs to be noted here, even though further discussion, if any, should take place elsewhere:

The prospects for a phone with a native OS based on GNU/Linux are not as good as we would like. But as long as it's possible to run something like Easy Debian (thank you again and again, Qole) on Android phones, I plan to have it in my pocket.

That doesn't help with the task at hand: plotting a course for the maemo community through the murky future. But I think it should be understood that some of what originally brought this community together may survive the devices.

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