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Sorry for the delay. I had some real life issues and just got a bit busy.

I really don't know what's wrong with the last release but the next one will face better luck (I hope).

@cloud596 Since you created the logo, I'd like to credit you in the about page. How would you want me to do that ?

@TransTech Thanks for the logo and the rest of the icons. will check them ASAP.

I can't unfortunately ship that english tafseer. It's not even split into ayat! The best option is hoping I'll implement custom translations support and then you can import that.

@onasre I'll look into implementing searching then. It will take a while though.

@sensortk auto scroll is in the todo list. I'll also implement scrolling via the +/- keys. I guess scrolling via +/- is enough ?
And about the backgrounds, I don't think I'll offer them. Are you reading the text or watching the backgrounds ?

If someone feels like offering some suitable ones then I can add a setting to select them.

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0.3.4-1 came out of the auto builder

* Redesigned the settings page.
* Added the ability to jump to a page, verse or part from the index page.
* Added the ability to set the font size for translations.

What do you guys think about putting jump to aya/page/part in the index page menu ?

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Mash'Allah excellent app and thank you for implementing diffrent font sizes.

May Allah reward you for this!!!

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I created a mock-up of the dockbar to implement change reciter and change translation hope this one looks good,

i also got a background image but i personally dont like that idea (i like a clean UI),

i also created a globe icon for downloading translations from settings hope it looks better than the 'T' icon.

@MSameer: please use the magnify icon i posted in my previous post in the index page, because the menu icon is confusing..

** I have one request that can you make the navigation icons like in the mock-ups (i.e. big area to tap to navigate because the present icons are small and uneasy to tap easily..) and one more thing can you make the surah heading bigger and possibly like in the mockup because it would look prefect then...thanks

Attachments and Images::>


Last edited by TransTech; 2011-09-04 at 08:45.
MSameer's Avatar
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I don't think the backgrounds idea is going to happen. I also don't like it.

It seems you are still trying to center the page number with the new mockup. That won't happen. The F icon will be hidden if you disab;e translations and recitations which is the default for a fresh install. The number will not be centered.

What's wrong with the T icon in the settings page ? It's still translations. I can add a menu and an entry to it for managing translations.

I thought about using icons for the various options in the index page:
1) The book for jump to page
2) End of aya-like icon for jumping to an aya
3) an icon I don't know about yet for jumping to part

This might make the options a bit more obvious.

I'm still going to work on the sura header but it will still obey the font size. I don't want to hardcode the size for it.

I'll also do the navigation soon. I'm not yet done with theming

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And 0.3.5-1 is out of the auto builder with text searching (Accessible from the main menu).

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MSameer great work by the way ..besides i thought before you finalize things ,since the app is written in qml so if this could be implemented ?
you know it will be a blast if you could do something like this .
tafsir options ? audio output ?
thanks for presenting sucha a great great harmattan interface
TransTech's Avatar
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Originally Posted by prankster View Post
MSameer great work by the way ..besides i thought before you finalize things ,since the app is written in qml so if this could be implemented ?
you know it will be a blast if you could do something like this .
tafsir options ? audio output ?
thanks for presenting sucha a great great harmattan interface
Arabic Tafsir is already present, other languages maybe in future, it will be done using custom tafsir files as MSameer said, dunno when it will come (or not) . Audio of recitation and translation will be coming and already in todo list.

The navigation effect you have shown in youtube video is good but maybe not possible in this app, as MSameer told he will be using tap for recitation of the verse, and also the hidden translation, bookmarks and tafsir will be pushed to long press menu or floating dockbars below the verse.


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Originally Posted by MSameer View Post
I don't think the backgrounds idea is going to happen. I also don't like it.

It seems you are still trying to center the page number with the new mockup. That won't happen. The F icon will be hidden if you disab;e translations and recitations which is the default for a fresh install. The number will not be centered.

What's wrong with the T icon in the settings page ? It's still translations. I can add a menu and an entry to it for managing translations.

I thought about using icons for the various options in the index page:
1) The book for jump to page
2) End of aya-like icon for jumping to an aya
3) an icon I don't know about yet for jumping to part

This might make the options a bit more obvious.

I'm still going to work on the sura header but it will still obey the font size. I don't want to hardcode the size for it.

I'll also do the navigation soon. I'm not yet done with theming
I forgot to change the places of pg.number and other icons to the present locations, sorry. i was just showing the transperant menu background with full option name and a bulge design for the "F" icon when the menu is opened in that mock-up.

The T icon in setting is not properly signifying a message to download translations when the app is freshly installed so i thought a globe icon is neccessary there... but it changes to T icon when any translation is downloaded so that the user knows that its a translation settings button...

here are the icons you requested.. hope it looks fine..

i have made them in both light and dark formats as i dont know where you will be placing them.


EDIT: > Dock Mockup 7 Corrected.. (showing soft transparent menus and menu icon bulge.)

Last edited by TransTech; 2011-09-04 at 19:36.

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niqbal's Avatar
Posts: 474 | Thanked: 368 times | Joined on Jan 2010
great app, does it use system fonts? or does it use its own set of fonts? and also if it uses system fonts, which fonts look the best for reading Quran?

Translation is not working for me. I just installed the latest 0.3.5 version. It says 'Failed to Load Translation' and also when i click on 'T', it doesn't have any translations to choose from

@eefo thanks mate, you were spot on. I think i should've searched the thread more. I think the interface is slick, very neatly done.

Last edited by niqbal; 2011-09-04 at 20:04.


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