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Originally Posted by hotnikkelz View Post
Really?! I couldn't tell hehe
What far more intriguing is that you're not interested to know why, therefore seeming a tad aloof and probably a little Apple-fanboiesque creepy.
Nokia's slogan shouldn't be the pedo-palmgrabbing image with the slogan, "Connecting People"... It should be one hand open pleadingly with another hand giving the middle finger and the more apt slogan, "Potential Unrealized." --DR
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Originally Posted by BigBadGuber! View Post
I see that you got spanked for you inaccurate comments above. I do not hate Symbian. Symbian was a king that got overrun and overtaken by Android and iOS. Compared to those two, Symbian is buggy, and not user friendly. The whole world is voting on it by bying Androids and iphones. I loved my E71 for the built, but its mail for exchange could not compete with BB or iphone. Simple things, like the font, were too small for average user, and you had to download psiloc magnifier to read without going blind. Small thing like these is what turned off the consumers.

Elop may have been too loud with his announcement. However, I think he was trying to define a vision for the company and employees. The changes are painful, but without it NOKIA has no chance
Where have I been spanked? Gerbick tried to clarify that Symbian has a very tiny reach in the United States. I am fully aware of that, even though I am European (lived 3 years in the states). I am against people who judge based on videos and not on persoal experience. Symbian only lacked on hardware after OMAP 2420 devices. Even during the N95 era, Nokia failed to utilize the GPU in the OS.

Remember this video???

If only nokia headed in that direction, we would've had Maemo 6, Symbian Belle much earlier and even N-Gage would have been alive, iOs would've been in trouble and Android penetration would not have been as good.
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Originally Posted by danramos View Post
What far more intriguing is that you're not interested to know why, therefore seeming a tad aloof and probably a little Apple-fanboiesque creepy.
I wouldn't use the word "creepy" out load, if I was Mr Droid CyanogenMod himself, as you apparently are.
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Originally Posted by ericsson View Post
I wouldn't use the word "creepy" out load, if I was Mr Droid CyanogenMod himself, as you apparently are.
Why not? (btw, s/out load/out loud/)
Nokia's slogan shouldn't be the pedo-palmgrabbing image with the slogan, "Connecting People"... It should be one hand open pleadingly with another hand giving the middle finger and the more apt slogan, "Potential Unrealized." --DR
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Originally Posted by danramos View Post
What far more intriguing is that you're not interested to know why, therefore seeming a tad aloof and probably a little Apple-fanboiesque creepy.
It's not that I'm not interested, but you already come across as a FOSS and Android guy by your posts and sig. I naturally assumed anything related to microsoft products in mobile isn't to your and most posters' here fancy, given their history. If your reason is akin to that, then there's no need to explain.

Also, I'm not an Apple fan in the slightest....out of all the platforms it's the one I dislike the most. As i will keep saying. I hope that the partnership with Nokia turns out to be successful because I like Nokia, and I'd like to see them return to their glory, no matter what strategy they use and whether or not I agree with it or not (which I don't mind you)
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Originally Posted by hotnikkelz View Post
It's not that I'm not interested, but you already come across as a FOSS and Android guy by your posts and sig. I naturally assumed anything related to microsoft products in mobile isn't to your and most posters' here fancy, given their history. If your reason is akin to that, then there's no need to explain.

Also, I'm not an Apple fan in the slightest....out of all the platforms it's the one I dislike the most. As i will keep saying. I hope that the partnership with Nokia turns out to be successful because I like Nokia, and I'd like to see them return to their glory, no matter what strategy they use and whether or not I agree with it or not (which I don't mind you)
My intention was to point out that it came across in that weird Apple fanboiesque, blind-faith sort of way--not to imply you yourself are into Apple products.

I take your point, though. Although, in frank honesty, I just can't see how Microsoft can manage to save the day after they've managed to make so many enemies of other companies that they've stepped on over the years, the customers they've annoyed and disappointed over the years and the vendors and salespeople who've been promised a success THIS TIME every time a new Windows mobile device came out (and recently, even their DESKTOP/LAPTOP sales have been incredibly disappointing... much to the anger of hardware manufacturers who depended on Windows Vista and then Windows 7 to sell new hardware). From the desktop to the hand-top, Microsoft has been turning increasingly sour over the past decade--particularly over the past two years.

So, to sum up, regardless of my prejudices or preferences, it doesn't seem to me that Microsoft will save the day... and those droves of employees that USED to produce Finland designed hardware and software are mostly gone, replaced instead with yet another American company's product by a Canadian lap-dog to Microsoft. Mind you--I'm an American, and even I would REALLY prefer to see more of a fight out of Nokia... not this. This is pathetic and Microsoft is no savior. The droves of ex-employees can't even support this on so many levels.
Nokia's slogan shouldn't be the pedo-palmgrabbing image with the slogan, "Connecting People"... It should be one hand open pleadingly with another hand giving the middle finger and the more apt slogan, "Potential Unrealized." --DR
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Let the past be the past man, look forward to a better future where competition breeds change and everyone is FORCED to deliver now or be left in the dust. It shows, look at Nokia now, look at Microsoft now, look at where Google is heading EVERYONE has had bad experiences with microsoft this is common place, and it has shown in their wp7 sales among many of their other products.

Unfortunately, though Microsoft still hold the desktop OS monopoly, but everywhere else, they must work. They have ZERO excuses now and I'm happy to see the changes they made. It's the reason why win 7 is a hit. I'm not sure I get what you mean when you say that they are sour over the past 2 years. I'm having better experiences than I ever did from Microsoft theses past 2 years. What do you refer to exactly?

An hour ago, I looked at windows 8 and it looks spectacular. Without competition we might have been on an ie6 type browser still. Now ie9 is actually w3c standards compliant. They've come a long way in 3 years imo.

Now on Nokia, the sole reason as to why i disagree with the strategy is simple, it's because I deem it unnecessary. QT development with proper management is all they needed, windows phone seems unnatural to different from how they do things. It is too radical and unnecessary change. I also doubt Microsoft is the savior, but you never know. Feedback on wp7 on a nokia device seems really positive all over the web. That may disgust you, but it's a fact.

Now, I'm not sure of the details of the contract, nor do I know of the statistics of their engineering team nor their talent nor their capability in their current state, but i think they'll be fine on all points. In the end, CEOs come and go....and the boards decision is subject to change before they crash and burn. Nokia is still one of the top ten brands in the world with a hyperextensive portfolio in all mobile technology.

What is most important is that FOSS in the form of QT will live, and can readily be picked up by anyone even Nokia at anytime....and it won't be too late. n9 proves that.
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Originally Posted by hotnikkelz View Post
I also doubt Microsoft is the savior, but you never know. Feedback on wp7 on a nokia device seems really positive all over the web. That may disgust you, but it's a fact.
Actually feedback on MeeGo on a Nokia device is positive and lately Symbian Belle got in on that action. There is a burst in wonder as to why Nokia chose WP7, when it has Symbian Belle, MeeGo and N9, N950, which are way ahead of anything WP7 from Nokia so far. Limiting markets and production of N9 is also inexplicable, or Elop is just packing it all much earlier in a coffin.

Unfortunately, for WP7, it has not been such a case. Also, current sales of WP7 prove the acceptance it got from people.
Banned | Posts: 706 | Thanked: 296 times | Joined on May 2010
I hope all of the negative characters here like danramos and patlak do better in their regular lives. Such negativism about current Nokia course is a simple nostalgia for bygone times. I am glad none of you head anything, I would feel really sorry for your employees. If you are so negative about the current course, start your own Meego company and show us how its done.

Elop gave you N9. Nokia is stupid in even doing that. When survival is on the line, you have to focus on your best chances. Meego isnt it
Posts: 572 | Thanked: 259 times | Joined on Jan 2011
stop defending elop

he is a idiot, period, internet agree with us.

deal with it.

bada rox, bigbadtroll!, ceo firing, fooled again, pissing contest

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