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Moderator | Posts: 5,320 | Thanked: 4,464 times | Joined on Oct 2009
very cool, exactly what I was hoping would happen in post #148
shallimus's Avatar
Posts: 568 | Thanked: 969 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Toronto

Did you know there's a 15,000 character limit on posts on TMO?

I didn't.

I'll have to edit #1 down somehow. I wish I'd reserved a couple of blank posts. Thanks jalyst for still having the energy to find new stuff.
tinfoilhat.dll: Trojan horse detected
Sailfish want list: calendar bugfixes, glanceable agenda, Swype or similar
Evolution continues (but we're still pre-Cambrian)

Moderator | Posts: 5,320 | Thanked: 4,464 times | Joined on Oct 2009
Thanks for having the energy to merge some of it!

Maybe you can PM some of the 1st posters, & get them to add content to their posts?
Or maybe a moderator can do that for you?
Or you could put everything into a googledocs document, & just link to it from the OP?
Otherwise just put it in a new post in this thread, and link to that new post from the OP?

I wouldn't worry too much about apps & peripheral stuff like that.
Unless it's an app you think is critical, & the OS doesn't have it built-in.
Sources to where one can kind find out about the latest apps is better.


If you've got time I'd try to simplify the OP...
Because of the way you've opted to lay-it-out, I personally find it hard to read.
I see what you're trying to do, but it makes it less readable IMO.
Not a "biggy", only if you agree, and have time.

I'm pretty much done for now....
I don't think I'll be very active for at least a month.

Last edited by jalyst; 2011-08-28 at 06:30.

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Posts: 568 | Thanked: 969 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Toronto
Originally Posted by jalyst View Post
Thanks for having the energy to merge some of it!

Maybe you can PM some of the 1st posters, & get them to add content to their posts?
Or maybe a moderator can do that for you?
Or you could put everything into a googledocs document, & just link to it from the OP?
Otherwise just put it in a new post in this thread, and link to that new post from the OP?

I wouldn't worry too much about apps & peripheral stuff like that.
Unless it's an app you think is critical, & the OS doesn't have it built-in.
Sources to where one can kind find out about the latest apps is better.


If you've got time I'd try to simplify the OP...
Because of the way you've opted to lay-it-out, I personally find it hard to read.
I see what you're trying to do, but it makes it less readable IMO.
Not a "biggy", only if you agree, and have time.

I'm pretty much done for now....
I don't think I'll be very active for at least a month.
Yeah, no arguments there - I made it a bit wordy. I'm normally pretty verbose, which is a double-edged sword. I can cut OP down a lot, and I will.

At any rate, editing the board ML distracts me from distressing thoughts about why Nokia is killing itself
tinfoilhat.dll: Trojan horse detected
Sailfish want list: calendar bugfixes, glanceable agenda, Swype or similar
Evolution continues (but we're still pre-Cambrian)


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Here's another....

Had ****-loads more been meaning to add, but i keep forgetting.
Might transpose some of it from the main thread, & elsewhere soon.
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Oh & here's a biggy (best to read from here onwards, even from earlier if you can)
And the latest -even better- news....
Moderator | Posts: 5,320 | Thanked: 4,464 times | Joined on Oct 2009
Most of this is prolly not that important, but posting here just in case

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