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Originally Posted by istota View Post
Sorry and please understand.
He needs to use the full keyboard on my n900. It is now used to use USB keyboard (works very well I have all the numeric keys, ctrl + backspace = TaskManager and modified hildon keys after leaving the task manager q, w, e, r, a, s, d, f. ..... ).
Bluetooth keyboard I bought because I had hoped it use the. There were problems which I could not find answers so I tried everything (xkb chinook, hid script, keyboard bluetoth for fremantle).
I have saved settings usb keyboard

whether something helps

I know and understand the Lord is now very busy, but kindly please help.
1. First of all please remove all other software that tries to set keyboard layout:

modified Xorg evdev driver (if installed)
modified layouts
whatever else you have installed related to bluetooth.

2. Reinstall extkbd (and extmou if installed)

in terminal as root:
apt-get install --reinstall extkbd
(apt-get install --reinstall extmou)

3. Reboot your n900

4. After the reboot re-pair your keyboard

5. Go to settings->external keyboard. You should have your bluetooth keyboard listed. Set first language to USA(variant none), second to your preference(Romanian?) and try with different settings for keyboard layout (for example MacBook/MacBook pro) to see if it will work. As your keyboard uses non-standard layout and the model is not supported it could take a while until you find the correct layout. After EVERY settings change you must push Save button so your changes to take effect.

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Originally Posted by freemangordon View Post
Seems you have some keyboard/mouse combo, that is why you have cursor when device is connected.
Nope, this is why I reported it. It' It's "just plain" USB keyboard, recognized by ext* as "USB-compliant keyboard". Normally, when I connect mouse (or mouse and keyboard via HUB, or keyboard with trackball) I got appropriate message.

Unless, of course, unspecified (by extkb database) "USB-Compliant" keyboard got "mouse-mode" enabled by default, just in case there may be trackball. That might be sane explanation (and approach). Anyway, it's indeed no big deal
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I'm in the same situation like jschan.
My HP TouchPad Wireless Keyboard is connected and properly detected but I can write only letters. No matter which layout I choose, it's still mimicking the phone keyboard layout (i.e. when holding "a" character longer, "*" is written).

I have no problems with USB keyboard via H-E-N. There the layouts are being switched fine.

Thanks in advance for any hints.
Posts: 37 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jan 2011 @ Polska
Originally Posted by cube48 View Post
I'm in the same situation like jschan.
My HP TouchPad Wireless Keyboard is connected and properly detected but I can write only letters. No matter which layout I choose, it's still mimicking the phone keyboard layout (i.e. when holding "a" character longer, "*" is written).

I have no problems with USB keyboard via H-E-N. There the layouts are being switched fine.

Thanks in advance for any hints.
Welcome to the club !!!
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Originally Posted by istota View Post
Welcome to the club !!!
I've got the same problem, anyone has a suggestion?
Posts: 14 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Nov 2010
Originally Posted by freemangordon View Post
I think I already told you to not use setxkbmap. If you insist on using it ok, just reminding you that this is EXTKBD thread, not SETXKBMAP thread.
I guess the error is in this direction. I used SETXKBMAP before using extkbd. Is there any way to undo those settings?

I re-added the keyboard (it wouldn't reconnect otherwise), now I got the numbers, but still the shift is not working correct. I have to press shift first, then (after releasing) press the other key. This doesn't work e.g. in OpenOffice. Furthermore, I cannot select anything while holding shift.

One more strange thing: in the default notepad, Ctrl+S doesn't work, Ctrl+F does..

Last edited by FrankT; 2011-09-25 at 20:35. Reason: Updates
Posts: 29 | Thanked: 29 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Somewhere in Europe
I think I'm getting to close to workaround to my problem. I'm using xbindkeys for switching apps to fullscreen. Thanks to xbindkeys I can capture keycodes from BT keyboard and assign them some function/command.
# Capture multiple key codes - popup will shows up where the keys should be captured and codes are then shown in original terminal.
xbindkeys -mk
Captured codes can be inserted in xbindkeys config file with associated command. So far so good.

What I don't know is how to initiate certain keypress event from xbindkeys as a command. Can anybody give me some hint how to invoke keypresses from terminal? Thanks!

Edit: Answer to my question is: xdotool

Last edited by cube48; 2011-09-26 at 11:22.

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Just bought this BeeWi BT keyboard. all char keys are working perfectly. Yet, some special keys do not seem to work no matter wich layout I choose. Is it possibel to create a new kb layout??
Posts: 37 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jan 2011 @ Polska
Originally Posted by cube48 View Post
I think I'm getting to close to workaround to my problem. I'm using xbindkeys for switching apps to fullscreen. Thanks to xbindkeys I can capture keycodes from BT keyboard and assign them some function/command.
# Capture multiple key codes - popup will shows up where the keys should be captured and codes are then shown in original terminal.
xbindkeys -mk
Captured codes can be inserted in xbindkeys config file with associated command. So far so good.

What I don't know is how to initiate certain keypress event from xbindkeys as a command. Can anybody give me some hint how to invoke keypresses from terminal? Thanks!

Edit: Answer to my question is: xdotool

if you can get the keyboard shortcuts ctrl + backspace maemo = TaskManager.
choice of the minimized windows in the TaskManager via letter keys.
Can you describe precisely what and how?
Posts: 37 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jan 2011 @ Polska
Originally Posted by freemangordon View Post
1. First of all please remove all other software that tries to set keyboard layout:

modified Xorg evdev driver (if installed)
modified layouts
whatever else you have installed related to bluetooth.

2. Reinstall extkbd (and extmou if installed)

in terminal as root:
apt-get install --reinstall extkbd
(apt-get install --reinstall extmou)

3. Reboot your n900

4. After the reboot re-pair your keyboard

5. Go to settings->external keyboard. You should have your bluetooth keyboard listed. Set first language to USA(variant none), second to your preference(Romanian?) and try with different settings for keyboard layout (for example MacBook/MacBook pro) to see if it will work. As your keyboard uses non-standard layout and the model is not supported it could take a while until you find the correct layout. After EVERY settings change you must push Save button so your changes to take effect.

brought back the old picture BckupMenu

- MmmRemotePhoneControl
- Bt-hid script is not installed
- Modified evdev Xorg driver - if it does not conflict with extkbd?
- Our original rx-51
- Unistal extkbd extmou

-Removed bluetooth paired devices
-Clean / var / lib / bluetooth ....
-Clean rotfs (Clear apt cache, Remove unused dependencies, Purge unused configuration files)

- Apt-get install - reinstall xkb-data
- Apt-get install extkbd extmou

- Letter keys (no key numeruw, no special keys CTRL ......) Check with different settings - no change

*Help now what ?????????

bluetooth, keyboard

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