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Posts: 206 | Thanked: 46 times | Joined on Mar 2010
So I'm rummaging through this thread for a great NIT successor. Any new information? Considering an Android tablet, but having trouble finding something similar to the n810 as far as size, keyboard, etc... So has anyone moved on to another device? Which one?
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Posts: 880 | Thanked: 264 times | Joined on Feb 2007 @ Cambridge, UK
HTC desire Z; rooted; with debian image you can chroot into.

works for me. a 16GB samsung class 6 uSDHC card holds everything I need, giving me a 2.5GB debian arm partition, a 512MB swap, and lots of room for data files.
Fujitsu U820, HTC Vision/G2/DesireZ, Nokia N800 770 E71, Zaurus 6000, Palm T3, Zaurus C3100 - stolen

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Originally Posted by moja View Post
I agree. My tired eyes would appreciate a screen tthat is about the size of the entire N800 face. Maybe 5.5 inches diagonal.
The Galaxy Note will be your thing then Me on the other hand I'm more leaning towards the Sharp Lynx mention in the quote below.

Originally Posted by lma View Post
The Sharp Lynx SH-10B looks quite promising, provided the OS can be replaced with a sane distro and the device ever manages to reach the western hemisphere.
Palmtx, N810 dual booting Maemo4 to sd and Mer0.15
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I've replaced my N800 with a Rooted Nook Color running the latest CM7 Nightly. Currently overclocked to 1100Mhz.

It is a bit larger than the N800 at 7" but I still find it quite portable.

The biggest plus for me is that you can get one for under $200, and soon (when B&N announces the NC2) it will be significantly under.
Nook Color
CM7 Nightly

N800 (retired...soon to eBay)
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