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Originally Posted by volt View Post
By your argument, Windows would be better if people only developed in Visual Basic. There is more to GUI, UI and consistency than to limit the available toolkits.
Not really, because VB is a langauge rather than a graphical toolkit. You can use the Qt toolkit from other languages (perl, python etc).

As mentioned, I think the mobile space has a need for the limitations, whereas the desktop environment can get away with more variation.

Of course, people could spend time trying to make one toolkit behave like another graphical toolkit,.. sounds like a fun passtime. Or they could just use what has been created for that purpose.

Originally Posted by volt View Post
Even Visual Studio has a full width of different languages, tools and GUI elements that allows for quite different layouts, if the developers choose to not follow standards.
Perhaps better support for the other languages (mentioned above) in the supported Qt development tools would allow more flexibility.

Originally Posted by volt View Post
Would WinAmp be better if it looked like the average VB application? (Arguably, MS MediaPlayer would.)
Well one of the Winamp features is that it is 'skinnable' to take it away from the Windows look and feel, but notice that the preferences and right click dialog boxes are all standard Windows interface elements?

I remember using an app on Maemo that still had tiny unclickable nested menus, which was quite unusable. I don't think I bothered re-installing that for some reason.

Originally Posted by tkatchev View Post
A 'consistent user experience' is a bollocks buzzword used by computer-illiterate marketing robots, not something for real people with real needs.

To be honest, many developers and other technical people would think the same way. That's because HCI is really a field of cognitive science, rather than computer science. Because of that, many of those people's only encounters with such a subject would be from a marketing-speak perspective.

Originally Posted by ysss View Post
The smarter person is the one who can understand the many different subjects and context that exists in this world, and not merely and exclusively pushes his own world view toward the others.

The smarter person is the one who realize that we do need each other to each accomplish our goals. In this case, the more people desire and depend on our platform, then the more chance we get for more people to support it so it exists longer and become more pervasive.
Good point.


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Originally Posted by shmerl View Post
Yes, I hope Qt won't get sacrificed in the process.
unfortunately Qt is nokias thing....
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Originally Posted by volt View Post
However, what is it that cripples Android? It's the fact that you can't get past Dalvik
I've seen some people point out that it is fragmentation and inconsistency.

Anyway, I noticed this interesting info on meegoexperts:

Originally Posted by meegoexperts
Mr. Apeland also confirmed that existing MeeGo applications would be able to run on Tizen. This does not guarantee that future apps will also enjoy this level of compatibility but Intel will assist developers in porting over their application to HTML5.

I also noticed in the Scott Apeland talk video, this slide (see attachment).

Where exactly do they think 'strong developer community' comes from? Does it have anything to do with the tools perhaps?
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Originally Posted by volt View Post
Then I read about this and got my hopes up. Till I stumbled over the word "HTML5". That's not a smartphone, that's a browser.
what have you been drinking? one can see the hints also with N9: add web page as a icon to the menu.

after that you'll have to fire up the xterm and cat .desktop -files to see if "an app" is a browser or executable.

really old news:

"it's just a browser!"

e: things might just got a bit more complicated:

there should be more information about this within 2 hours I think..
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Last edited by ossipena; 2011-09-29 at 06:03.
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Originally Posted by ossipena View Post
unfortunately Qt is nokias thing....
Not anymore, and it wasn't before. Qt will live a good life all by itself, as it has done a decade before Nokia came. Forget about Tizen, it's just a playground.
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Originally Posted by ericsson View Post
Not anymore, and it wasn't before. Qt will live a good life all by itself, as it has done a decade before Nokia came. Forget about Tizen, it's just a playground.
then you can tell me which companies use Qt as primary development language besides nokia?
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Its all happening again
why should it be happening again
i've used my n900 for years and it was always meego/maemo6 which would be great
but this is too much
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Originally Posted by ossipena View Post
then you can tell me which companies use Qt as primary development language besides nokia?
Qt is framework and lots of companies use C++ and Qt. Like Google and Adobe. It might not be their primary framework but for an example those two don't even have a primary framework.

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due to all this... i think i had made a good descision to move to android... happy using gingerbread and looking forward for more "official" upgrades.
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Originally Posted by ColonelKilkenny View Post
Qt is framework and lots of companies use C++ and Qt. Like Google and Adobe. It might not be their primary framework but for an example those two don't even have a primary framework.
Exactly. Qt is the preferred framework for millions of companies making all kinds of software, in particular in the industrial sector. Nokia has brought mobile into Qt in a more consistent way and made (boosted the making of) a phenomenal IDE, but that is NOT why Qt is the preferred framework. It is preferred because of signals and slots, plain and simple.
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déjà vu, tizen

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