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linickx's Avatar
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To save me from carrying around two sets of earphones, I'd like to plug my n800 earphones into my laptop headphone socket, but is its "safe"?

I'm not expecting them to explode or anything , but I don't wanna ruin the microphone functionality of them by plugging them into a socket that isn't a input+output combo.

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I tried to use them on my laptop. They did not explode, but they didn't work right either. The signal gets weak when fully plugged in, sounds like some phase inversion/deletion effect to me. Signal becomes stronger when the plug is pulled out a little, but only mono then.

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What plug does the N800 headset use? Can anyone upload a pic?
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Originally Posted by t3h View Post
What plug does the N800 headset use? Can anyone upload a pic?
I know the N8x0 does not have Video Out {I wish it did} but it uses a standard 4 pole socket and jack normally used for multi AV out.

I'm presuming that 2 is used you the MIC instead of Video on the N8x0's

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Ahhh. Probably what's happening is it doesn't go in all the way on the laptop, and as such doesn't connect properly.

I think 4 might actually be the microphone (otherwise wouldn't normal headphones not work on the N800?)
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Actually, I think (1) is the microphone contact, since 2,3,4 are used by ordinary headphones.

Edit: on second thought, it could be (2). On ordinary headphone plugs 1&2 are physically the same connector, so as long as one of them is touching ground then the headphones would work. I'm just not sure if most ordinary headphone jacks have their ground contact closer to 1 or to 2.
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Last edited by technut; 2007-12-15 at 18:14.
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I think that 4-pin connector is actually longer than a standard connector.

When my N800 arrives, I'll put the two next to each other and take a look...
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Originally Posted by t3h View Post
I think that 4-pin connector is actually longer than a standard connector.
No...physically they have the same length! The only difference is that there's an additional separation near the plastic of the jack to create an additional line...
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sorry have been offline, just wanted to say thanks for the replies
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Actually, I think they are non standard. My blackberry has a similar socket (stereo headphones + mic) and the plug looks the same. However, my blackberry headphones work with my laptop, whereas the nokia ones when plugged to the other devices do not.

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