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This is just a humble request to the Linux Foundation.

Rather than going ahead with Meego or Tizen or whatever iteration may come in future, please stick with Maemo.

Whatever apps are needed for each of the platforms, developers need to learn and code in their free time only. Also each time they announce projects like these, the users who use Maemo are left stranded for no unnecessary reason.

I own an n900 and I proudly say that I love this phone and the wonders that can be done with it. I have learnt Linux (50%) on this phone and it has led me to pursue RHEL certification. There is so much power in Maemo and if all the focus can be fixed only on Maemo, iOS and Android will not stand any chance.

I like to congratulate and thank MAG and other team members for making Maemo a success so far.

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Nokia owns Maemo - Not Linux Foundation. Unfortunately.

Maemo's power is just Debian (and a cool WM).

If people all worked together and got drivers working, we could get a great mobile Linux build going, too.
The thanks button? Sure! You can press it! I would!

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Fragmentation has always been one of the feature of Linux (one can call it diversity if we look the other way).
IMHO its one of the problems that doesn't help it to get the market penetration.(but i'm not saying its always a disadvantage).

maemo,moblin,LiMo,ALP,meego,tizen are only a few of the famous Linux efforts in such a nascent state.

Lets face it,we have a not so large but good community for all the major mobile distributions,if we were to work together for a universal standard,we'd have an unbeatable OS already.
Unfortunately this isn't utopia and we have to move on.

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Maemo is very good but Nokia.
If Nokia stops maemo the linux community can't do anything.

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Agreed, there have been too many mobile OSs lately, all proporting to be The next big thing - well, we're bored now!

Debian with mobile adaptations, aka Maemo, brought proper linux to a lot of people (not just the doctored version as found in Android, for example) - great. Furthermore, it has brought more users and power-users into the OSS domain, great again! Some of these adaptations were/are closed by Nokia before it teamed up with the Linux Foundation for Meego.

Alas, Maemo was released by a manufacturer whose idea of customer support and continued consumer experience was to sell another device and switch operating systems. And, the hardware/drivers supporting Maemo5 were of a variable quality. As a result many, who need things to "just work" have given up on it.

Meego is within the domain of the Linux Foundation and has been shelved. What ithis Tizen thing will end up with, is anybody's guess! However, I think it is pleasing to hear that those who were working on the Meego OSS handset project are returning to the Mer project.

Mer started as an OSS version of Maemo. AFAIK, it has now advanced to take in lots of bits of Meego. Whether it will return to be more Debian based or becomes its own flavour of linux for mobile devices, remains to be seen. Can one assume developing for Mer would require minimal porting efforts from Maemo?

My only problem with Mer is its name. It's fine for hackers & enthusiasts but trying to recommend it to a marketing dept of a device manufacturer might be tricky. And, IMHO that's what it'd need, in order to accomplish what Maemo has, or even on a larger scale. I suppose it's possible to give the desktop has a catchy name and ignore underlying OS name?

From where I'm sitting, the request to the LF would take Mer (i.e. OSS Maemo) under its wing a bit more, assuming the project admins would accept, for the purposes of forming/maintaining industry links etc. because mobile is the future of personal computing and linux is the best core OS for ligher systems (desktop aside), so Mer needs to be in there!

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Originally Posted by jsam316 View Post
This is just a humble request to the Linux Foundation. [...]
Why don't you send it to Linux Foundation?

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Originally Posted by demolition View Post
Mer started as an OSS version of Maemo. AFAIK, it has now advanced to take in lots of bits of Meego. Whether it will return to be more Debian based or becomes its own flavour of linux for mobile devices, remains to be seen. Can one assume developing for Mer would require minimal porting efforts from Maemo?
AFAIK, MeeGo/Mer has decided to almost completely abandon it's Debian roots...I suspect due to too much influence from the Moblin crowd. It's a real shame, as Debian would be a much better (IMHO - not trying to start a argument here ) choice of a foundation due to it's project stability (18 years!), strong community contract, and extensive infrastructure...but there you go.

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Originally Posted by mr_jrt View Post
AFAIK, MeeGo/Mer has decided to almost completely abandon it's Debian roots...I suspect due to too much influence from the Moblin crowd.
Tha's what I wasn't completely sure of. Can anyone who comments on TMO and also contributes to Mer confirm what it really is and what it's going to be (wrt existing distros), please? I think that many of us realise that Mer is the future of Maemo. It'd be nice to see something bigger come from Maemo, Meego and now (back to) Mer by forming alliances beyond itself.
@mr_jrt: And yes, as a Maemo user, I'm in the Debian camp too.

Re the facepalm: I intentionally and took the OP to be back-handedly requesting the formulation a request on behalf of Maemo users - otherwise, as you say, why open this up for discussion & not just write direct?!

Just think...
A year ago PR1.3 was being finalised (i.e. Maemo was still current). Meego was about to have its first conference and Qt was supposed to be the ultimate bridge between them, as well as Symbian. Since then there has been such turmoil. Even the most adept developer must be a little fed up by now, from swtiching between upcoming OSs. I can see the OP's point!

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