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@Blaizzen: yes I took the 3g module

@Venemo: it's externally just alike the one I ordered, and has the same features, apparently. But you're right, that's a point I can enforce when asking for rembursement.

@Linuxeventually: thanks for help. The device's radio module seems to work, at least partially. It shows the carrier's name on display, field bars in status area, and apparently awakes when I try to phone it, showing the called Id. Though, there is no way to answer the call, and no way to place a call, since there's no dialer.
Based on these findings, I think the unit is lacking of a proper software. Maybe they installed the wrong android version. Strangely enough when I go and search for info, it says model m7002, firmware version 1.5.264 kernel 2.6.28 ferris@linux-server #SVN-r370 build number m7002-eng 1.5 CUPCAKE eng.ferris.20100609.152050 test-keys.
All these things mean nothing to me, except that the m7002 seems yet another tablet model with win ce 6.

@Duncan: I'm quite confident the apn I used for each sim card are the right one. I took them from the carriers' sites, and from some Italian android wikis.

Thanks all, now back fiddling with the damn'd thing, before I send it back to that guy

EDIT: apk files get installed (though pacman didn't start )
Ernesto de Bernardis

Last edited by debernardis; 2010-08-19 at 13:22.
Posts: 1 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Oct 2011
Help me.

I'm in the same situation. I have to upgrade this tablet but i don't know how.
Do exist a standard procedure to upgrade android tablet?

The tablet is the same than debernardis one: bought M5000, arrived in box "M701" firmware says M7002.

Thanks for your help.
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I desisted.
the guy who's selling this stuff on ebay is a scammer imho. I had consumerist association send him a letter, then I was too busy to continue litigation with him and kept the subpar tablet. Maybe I'll do something with it one day.
I am sorry for you verzasoft. Money thrown into the bin.

EDIT I've found something new....
Ernesto de Bernardis

Last edited by debernardis; 2011-10-01 at 15:46.
Posts: 4,030 | Thanked: 1,633 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ nd usa
I did not read the whole thread, sorry if this is not related.

If anyone got one of those M7002 or M701 or a zillion different names for a WM8650 tablet, you go there to update your firmware and 'may' solve your problem.

DL the new OS from the site to your PC, unzip and copy to a microSD card, put it into your WM8650 tablet and turn it on. It will update by self.

This guy HcH, single handedly, or with help of his forum, has successfully streamlined WM8650 tablets into a universal tablet form factor, and has firmware updates almost on a monthly basis. His custom firmwares fits over 80+ different chinese android tablets! I have more fun with my generic WM8650 than any of my gadgets.


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