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Instal alarmed, and put following code in /usr/local/bin/radio-alarm:


ssid=`/sbin/iwgetid -s`

test $ssid = "YOUR_HOME_NETWORK" && dbus-send --print-reply /com/nokia/mediaplayer string:YOUR_HTTP_RADIO_LINK > /dev/null
YOUR_HOME_NETWORK - your home WiFi SSID; that's for stopping execution if you're not connected in your LAN, you can omit it if you're OK with using your 2G/3G connection for Internet radio

YOUR_HTTP_RADIO_LINK - http:// link for your radio station, it can also be file:///home/user/_something_something.pls, just remember to put it there.

Save the script and set it executable. Run it from the user account to test if everything works as intended. Add new action in alarmed: execute command /usr/local/sbin/radio-alarm at specified time.

Last edited by maromader; 2010-07-30 at 17:34.

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An 'else' condition to play an audio file on repeat or a media player playlist if there is no wifi connection would be insurance against no alarm.
Posts: 299 | Thanked: 241 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Singapore
Originally Posted by rotoflex View Post
An 'else' condition to play an audio file on repeat or a media player playlist if there is no wifi connection would be insurance against no alarm.
Bar the missing Internet connection, the main risk of failure is due to the N900 running out of power. I'm afraid there's no 'else' statement for that...

Anyway, the way I would use it is to link it to a podcast instead, more specifically a 'static' link to the latest news from my favourite source (Sveriges Radio). I might post back if I get it to work. I want to wake up with news even if my alarm is set at 6:40AM and the latest news were at 6AM.
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Is there any way a talented person out there could wrap this together into a simple application, perhaps even giving an selection of top radio stations or just the bookmarked stations from Media Player? That, for me, would be a real killer application and from what I see on this post, most of the work has been done, I just wish I had the skills!
Posts: 277 | Thanked: 319 times | Joined on Jan 2010
It would be cool if the standard alarm clock could trigger all sorts of events. I have z-wave network at home and I can send http-requests to my server that controls my lights. So if I could make a specific alarm (like wake up) send a http-request to my server on my LAN, I would have an alarm clock that switches my lights on.

I'm sure this wouldn't be a huge amount of work to develop, but the last time I tried to program something it was in BASIC on a c64 and even that failed miserably...
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Anybody still after help with this please see the following thread for additional ideas.

Are these threads worth merging?
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Posts: 83 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Mar 2010 @ Birmingham England
Originally Posted by oldpmaguy View Post
That's a great idea, using the internet radio as an alarm clock audio source. I haven't woken up to music since I was a kid.

And this isn't a bad idea either...

If only we could get the N900 to turn her off when we wanted, as well... %^p
Oh how I lol'ed!

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