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Posts: 560 | Thanked: 423 times | Joined on May 2010 @ Switzerland
Originally Posted by Granfot View Post
My compass seems to be about 90 degrees off as well. Just tried the CacheMe app, and although it works, it's terrible. I loved it on my N900 though, and if someone is working on making a decent Harmattan version, I'm happy.
Which compass is 90° off?
The CacheMe one or the "Compass" app one?

Please clarify.
On N9 check out this:
CacheMe 4 the N9, a geocaching client / MiniBible, a bible viewer / TheWord brings daily bible verses onto your phone / BatteryGraph to monitor the battery drainage / doublepress2unlock to unlock your phone with a double press onto the power button / GPRS Data Usage to monitor your GPRS data usage /
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On N900 check out this: SleepAnalyser to analyse your sleep movements / PasswordMaker a for a password generator
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I'd like to see a geocaching app on N9 as well. I might even look into it, but I don't have much free time and no experience with Qt
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Webhamster here, author of AGTL!

Sorry that I didn't look into this thread until today, but I had a lot of work to do and my N900 is broken :-/

However, I'm glad to hear that AGTL kind-of works on the N9. I'd really love to see it working on the device. However, writing the stuff "blindfolded" and just based on the feedback of users is really hard and tedious. I see two possibilities to get this working:

1. The N9 is not sold in Germany and I don't have the money and (as long as they can repair my N900) the motivation to buy me one. So if anyone has a spare N9 (ha-ha) or an N950 or a used N9 or anything like that for me, I promise to have AGTL up and running in less than 2 months. Maybe there are some N9s out there which became useless due to some minor hardware bug?

2. If there's someone out there who's experienced with python and Qt and owns a N9, maybe we could join the efforts. I'm not really into Qt yet, therefore a helping hand would... well, help. And if that someone has a N9, he could do the testing.

Author of the Advanced Geocaching Tool
Please consider a donation if you like AGTL.

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Originally Posted by caco3 View Post
Which compass is 90° off?
The CacheMe one or the "Compass" app one?

Please clarify.
Sorry about my late reply. The CacheMe compass. I haven't exactly tried the Compass app one, so I guess I need to do that.

I also noticed that when I quit CacheMe, it doesn't stop the gps, it stays on until I reboot my device.
caco3's Avatar
Posts: 560 | Thanked: 423 times | Joined on May 2010 @ Switzerland
Hi all

I am happy to publish a first version of the modified Maemo5 version for Harmattan.
Please test it and let me know what you think about it.
It is available under
See attachments for some screenshots.

  This is a modified CacheMe 0.8.10-1 version for Harmattan.
  It still has an ugly GUI, but some of the text and button sizes got improved.
  More is still to come...

  * Increased various button and text sizes
  * Fixed compass, it was 90 degrees off for me (compared to reality and other compass tool on N950)
  * Added a back button to all windows
  * Starts in full screen

  Known issues:
  - General:
      - Scrollbars are too small (no fix found yet)
      - Menu font too small (no fix found yet)
      - Works only in landscape mode. Reason unknown, will not fix this
  - Navigation screen:
      - Selection of sublocation works only with HW keyboard (needs rewrite)
      - Modification/Add/Remove of sublocation works only with HW keyboard (needs rewrite)
  - Settings screen:
      - Selection of map source and type works only with HW keyboard (needs rewrite)
      - not in fullscreen (minor issue)
  - About screen:
      - text/button too small (needs rewrite)
      - not in fullscreen (minor issue)
Attached Images
On N9 check out this:
CacheMe 4 the N9, a geocaching client / MiniBible, a bible viewer / TheWord brings daily bible verses onto your phone / BatteryGraph to monitor the battery drainage / doublepress2unlock to unlock your phone with a double press onto the power button / GPRS Data Usage to monitor your GPRS data usage /
and more...

On N900 check out this: SleepAnalyser to analyse your sleep movements / PasswordMaker a for a password generator
Posts: 345 | Thanked: 467 times | Joined on Nov 2007 @ Germany
Don't spend too much time on this. Harmattan is just not meant to run plain Qt apps.

AGTL is really a very similar program and if it works nicely under Harmattan i really don't see a reason to work on those ugly CacheMe builds.
caco3's Avatar
Posts: 560 | Thanked: 423 times | Joined on May 2010 @ Switzerland
Originally Posted by Master of Gizmo View Post
Don't spend too much time on this. Harmattan is just not meant to run plain Qt apps.

AGTL is really a very similar program and if it works nicely under Harmattan I really don't see a reason to work on those ugly CacheMe builds.
Until somebody has made a working AGTL version, this CacheMe build seems to be the only working geocaching application.
I never had the the goal to have a nice application, just a working and easy usable one.
And if we want to speak about ugly software, well IMHO CacheMe looks nicer than AGTL, but that might just be my opinion.

Anyway, I just uploaded a new version to my webspace.
There still has to be some work to be done, but most of my planed changes are implemented.

[CODE]cacheme (0.8.10-1-Harmattan4) unstable; urgency=low

* Changed Name to CacheMe4Harmattan
* Changed icon color
* Replaced menu with map buttons
* Increased scrollbar size
* Fixed back button in cache window
* Disabled high densitiy display option
* Disabled cache provider option
* Added splash screen
On N9 check out this:
CacheMe 4 the N9, a geocaching client / MiniBible, a bible viewer / TheWord brings daily bible verses onto your phone / BatteryGraph to monitor the battery drainage / doublepress2unlock to unlock your phone with a double press onto the power button / GPRS Data Usage to monitor your GPRS data usage /
and more...

On N900 check out this: SleepAnalyser to analyse your sleep movements / PasswordMaker a for a password generator
Posts: 15 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Oct 2011 @ Finland
There's a project that's just ramping up a geocaching application development (for N9). There's not much to show yet, but stay tuned for more information.

Looks like the project is going to be open source, so your help will be appreciated after we ramp up the project.
caco3's Avatar
Posts: 560 | Thanked: 423 times | Joined on May 2010 @ Switzerland
Originally Posted by Kung Foo View Post
There's a project that's just ramping up a geocaching application development (for N9). There's not much to show yet, but stay tuned for more information.

Looks like the project is going to be open source, so your help will be appreciated after we ramp up the project.
Are you going to start from scratch?
Since there are already 2 good applications existing (AGTL and CacheMe), I stongly suggest to use them as a base.

I am going to continue modifying CacheMe, so it gets fully usable on a N9.
My plan is clearly not to write a new application but to write a port of it for Harmattan. This will make it easier to integrate any updates which will happen in the official CacheMe.
On N9 check out this:
CacheMe 4 the N9, a geocaching client / MiniBible, a bible viewer / TheWord brings daily bible verses onto your phone / BatteryGraph to monitor the battery drainage / doublepress2unlock to unlock your phone with a double press onto the power button / GPRS Data Usage to monitor your GPRS data usage /
and more...

On N900 check out this: SleepAnalyser to analyse your sleep movements / PasswordMaker a for a password generator
Posts: 15 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Oct 2011 @ Finland
Originally Posted by caco3 View Post
Are you going to start from scratch?
Since there are already 2 good applications existing (AGTL and CacheMe), I stongly suggest to use them as a base.
Yes, we are writing more or less from scratch. We have a base-project that we did with plain-old Qt (read: without QML), and we are utilizing that as a base for some parts. But now that we know how to make it we will redesign the base anyway.

Using AGTL as a base is really not an option since IMHO only using the real native tools (this time Qt & QML) is the valid if you want a real application instead of just some demo (I've actually never used AGTL though, so I won't say anything about that).

Working with CacheMe as a baseline is not a valid option either since it is not open source and you are violating the rights of its owner. I've asked Till to update the licence of CacheMe QML port to be open source but he has not replied to me yet. He says only the plugins are under GPL and the main program "does not have a licence".

Also we do have our own design goals that do not match CacheMe's design. So I suggest we continue chatting about how to join forces. Anyone who knows how to code & cache is welcome at this point to join us.

Oh, and one more thing. At this point it looks like we might support also Symbian^3 devices.

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