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Originally Posted by corsac View Post
And I did find a place:

The website doesn't completely look legit, but links are to Nokia servers (for example the Black 64GB variant points to

I'll bite the bullet and try this...
Ok, it seems to have correctly worked, the device is back to functional state, I guess I'll wait a bit more before retrying developer mode.
Posts: 496 | Thanked: 651 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ London
Originally Posted by corsac View Post
Ok, so in fact I didn't yet enable developer mode. I tried to do it, it downloaded some apps, then rebooted, but entered a reboot loop, ending with:

Device is malfunctioning
You may try re-flashing the software.


Software problem (dnsmasq): too many reboots
That's exactly what happened to me (coincidental with me enabling Developer Mode). Well, one of the things.

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Originally Posted by strongm View Post
That's exactly what happened to me (coincidental with me enabling Developer Mode). Well, one of the things.
How did you fix? Reflashing?
Posts: 496 | Thanked: 651 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ London
Originally Posted by corsac View Post
How did you fix? Reflashing?
Yes*, and I provided links earlier in this thread on how I did that, and what tools I used. Given your earlier comments about trying to get hold of a legitimate image, I'd advise the compeltely legitimate Navifirm tool I provided links for.

*Not really fixed. Just managed to bring the handset back to life - but with all the same problems (crashes, reboots, frozen apps, apps not launching) that I'd previously been experiencing still there.

I have now contacted Handtec to organise a replacement (hopefully - looks like I've got at least one more hurdle to jump: convincing the returns desk this is a real fault)

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Originally Posted by the_Wildgoose View Post

I have setup the Nokia link, imap email account with "always up to date" set, a SIP phone account to my asterisk server and Skype.
Sorry to be OT but how well is N9 working asterisk server? Any choppy calls similar to N900?
Voice choppy on sip calls
Please vote for bug number 10388
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Hi all,

I had numerous (3 or 4) crashed of applications today. Mostly the webbrowser since I was using that a lot.

Also 1 reboot.

Now I looked in dmesg and I found a "SGX Hardware Recovery triggered" message.

[11461.732604] SGX Hardware Recovery triggered (from SGX_MISRHandler)
[11461.732696] PID = 2856, process name = fenix
[11461.732727] EVENT_STATUS =     0x20000000
[11461.732727] EVENT_STATUS2 =    0x00000008
[11461.732727] BIF_CTRL =         0x00000000
[11461.732727] BIF_INT_STAT =     0x00000000
[11461.732727] BIF_MEM_REQ_STAT = 0x00000000
[11461.732727] BIF_FAULT  =       0x00000000
[11461.732757] CLKGATECTL =       0x00222220
[11461.732757] Last SGX microkernel status code: 0xad00009a
[11461.757171] [11461.295318] fenix[2856]: sgx_qblt_synchk
[11461.757171]    syn      addr:0d407738 rop/c:       0/       0 wop/c:       0/       0
[11461.757171] [11461.296142] fenix[2856]: sgx_qblt_synchk
[11461.757171]    syn      addr:0d400d80 rop/c:       0/       0 wop/c:       0/       0
[11461.757171] [11461.296325] fenix[2856]: sgx_qblt_synchk
[11461.757171]    syn      addr:0d400d08 rop/c:       0/       0 wop/c:       0/       0
[11461.757202] [11461.296386] fenix[2856]: sgx_qblt_synchk
[11461.757202]    syn      addr:0d400d38 rop/c:       0/       0 wop/c:       0/       0
[11461.757202] [11461.296661] fenix[2856]: sgx_qblt_synchk
[11461.757202]    syn      addr:0d405270 rop/c:      12/      12 wop/c:     106/     106
[11461.757202] [11461.296752] fenix[2856]: sgx_qblt_synchk
[11461.757232]    syn      addr:0d400d50 rop/c:       0/       0 wop/c:       0/       0
[11461.757232] [11461.296844] fenix[2856]: sgx_qblt_synchk
[11461.757232]    syn      addr:0d400d68 rop/c:       0/       0 wop/c:       0/       0
[11461.757232] [11461.297027] fenix[2856]: sgx_kick
[11461.757232]    ctx  0f18c5c0
[11461.757232] [11461.307586] Xorg[52
[11461.757537] [11461.351440] Xorg[529]: sgx_qblt_synreq
[11461.757568]    syn      addr:0d400048 rop/c:      21/      21 wop/c:    3767/    3766
[11461.757568] [11461.359832] Xorg[529]: sgx_qblt_syn_comp
[11461.757568]    syn      addr:0d400048 rop/c:      21/      21 wop/c:    3767/    3767
[11461.757568] [11461.359924] Xorg[529]: sgx_qblt_update
[11461.757568] [11461.359985] Xorg[529]: sgx_qblt_update_comp
[11461.757568] [11461.408966] fenix[2856]: sgx_qblt_synchk
[11461.757598]    syn      addr:0d404498 rop/c:       0/       0 wop/c:       0/       0
[11461.757598] [11461.409118] fenix[2856]: sgx_qblt_synchk
[11461.757598]    syn      addr:0d404498 rop/c:       0/       0 wop/c:       0/       0
[11461.757598] [11461.409179] fenix[2856]: sgx_qblt_synchk
[11461.757598]    syn      addr:0d404498 rop/c:       0/       0 wop/c:       0/       0
[11461.757629] [11461.409210] fenix[2856]: sgx_qblt_synchk
[11461.757629]    syn      addr:0d404498 rop/c:       0/       0 wop/c:       0/       0
[11461.757629] [11461.409393] fenix[2856]: sgx_qblt_synchk
[11461.757629]    syn      addr:0d405b58 rop/c:       0/       0 wop/c:       0/       0
[11461.757629] [11461.410797] fenix[2856]: sgx_first_kick
[11461.757629]    dst_syn  addr:0d400018 rop/c:      31/      31 wop/c:    3767
[11461.757934] [11461.449829] Xorg[529]: sgx_tfer_kick
[11461.757934]    src_syn  addr:0d400b40 rop/c:     107/     106 wop/c:       0/       0
[11461.757934]    dst_syn  addr:0d405270 rop/c:      12/      12 wop/c:     107/     106
[11461.757965]    ctx  0f009870
[11461.757965] [11461.491210] fenix[2856]: sgx_qblt_synchk
[11461.757965]    syn      addr:0d405b58 rop/c:       0/       0 wop/c:       0/       0
[11461.757965] [11461.491821] fenix[2856]: sgx_kick
[11461.757965]    ctx  0f18c5c0
[11461.757965] [11461.492797] fenix[2856]: sgx_qblt_synchk
[11461.757995]    syn      addr:0d407660 rop/c:       0/       0 wop/c:       0/       0
[11461.757995] [11461.493621] fenix[2856]: sgx_qblt_synchk
[11461.757995]    syn      addr:0d406558 rop/c:       0/       0 wop/c:       0/       0
[11461.757995] [11461.493927] fenix[2856]: sgx_qblt_synchk
[11461.757995]    syn      addr:0d405a20 rop/c:       0/       0 wop/c:       0/       0
[11461.758026] [11461.493988] fenix[2856]: sgx_qblt_synchk
[11461.758026]    syn      addr:0d405a38 rop/c:       0/       0 wop/c:       0/       0
[11461.758026] [11461.497100] fenix[2856]: sgx_qblt_synchk
[11461.758026]    syn      addr:0d407738 rop/c:       0/       0 wop/c:       0/       0
[11461.758026] [11461.497436] fenix[2856]: sgx_qblt_synchk
[11461.758026]    syn   
[11461.758331] [11461.601531] fenix[2856]: sgx_qblt_synchk
[11461.758331]    syn      addr:0d400c18 rop/c:       0/       0 wop/c:       0/       0
[11461.758331] [11461.601776] fenix[2856]: sgx_qblt_synchk
[11461.758361]    syn      addr:0d405ba0 rop/c:       0/       0 wop/c:       0/       0
[11461.758361] [11461.601898] fenix[2856]: sgx_qblt_synchk
[11461.758361]    syn      addr:0d405bb8 rop/c:       0/       0 wop/c:       0/       0
[11461.758361] [11461.601989] fenix[2856]: sgx_qblt_synchk
[11461.758361]    syn      addr:0d405bd0 rop/c:       0/       0 wop/c:       0/       0
[11461.758392] [11461.602203] fenix[2856]: sgx_qblt_synchk
[11461.758392]    syn      addr:0d400d08 rop/c:       0/       0 wop/c:       0/       0
[11461.758392] [11461.602264] fenix[2856]: sgx_qblt_synchk
[11461.758392]    syn      addr:0d400d38 rop/c:       0/       0 wop/c:       0/       0
[11461.758392] [11461.602539] fenix[2856]: sgx_qblt_synchk
[11461.758392]    syn      addr:0d405270 rop/c:      12/      12 wop/c:     107/     107
[11461.758422] [11461.602661] fenix[2856]: sgx_qblt_synchk
[11461.758422]    syn      addr:0d400d50 rop/c:       0/       0 wop/c:       0/       0
[11461.758422] [11461.602752] fenix[2856]: sgx_qblt_synchk
[11461.758422]    syn      addr:0d400d68 rop/c:
[11461.758453] [11461.710662] Xorg[529]: sgx_qblt_synreq
[11461.758453]    syn      addr:0d400018 rop/c:      31/      31 wop/c:    3768/    3767
[11461.758483] [11461.710662] Xorg[529]: sgx_qblt_synreq
[11461.758483]    syn      addr:0d400018 rop/c:      31/      31 wop/c:    3768/    3767
[11461.758514] HW Recovery dump generated at 1320343799113449
[11461.799926] Dumping 2 render state buffers
I had another application crash and the same message appeared.

Can anybody else confirm this ?

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#107 confirms my experience.

It raises the very interesting question of:

Is nokia (or for us Handtec) working on this issue ?

Would be nice to have an official confirmation and note instead of only 'you can send it back'.

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FWIW, I tried flashing UK/Ireland, failed to initiate flashing with a particular error (forgot to note, soz!).

I also tried flashing original, but with --erase-mmc=secure switch in the hope this would resolve any file system corruption. No change.

Would the above recreated the swap partition too?
Attempting to address any potential software issues.
Posts: 303 | Thanked: 175 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ London UK
I'm having real issues figuring out what happens when app crash.. strace is practically useless since Aegis protects all the nokia stock apps from ptrace tracking.. grrr.. I just want to know if it BUS/SEGV/ILL at this stage..

I think Austria got a very bad batch.. I think this might be enough to take a case to Nokia at least make european support aware that "reflashing and sending back" is unlikely to solve the problem and that faulty austrian handsets definitely need a very careful test

I'll see if I can find a sympathetic Nokia employee

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Originally Posted by cpitchford View Post
I think Austria got a very bad batch.. I think this might be enough to take a case to Nokia at least make european support aware that "reflashing and sending back" is unlikely to solve the problem and that faulty austrian handsets definitely need a very careful test

I'll see if I can find a sympathetic Nokia employee
Yes I agree completely. I submitted a support question at Handtec about this. But it might indeed be wiser to go directly to Nokia.

Shouldn't be too hard for them to order a recall and replace all the units with proper onces...

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