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Originally Posted by marxian View Post
Thanks. Feel free to ask any questions about Qt, QML or Qt Components. I just saw your issue with Qt Designer. That's one area I know nothing about, because I always hand-code my QML in Qt Creator. I hate WYSIWYG. I tried the designer for about 5 seconds before I became frustrated with it.
Thanks - I'll definitely take you up on that. I'll try to compose some half-decent questions instead of badgering you constantly though, so it might take a few days.
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Originally Posted by marxian View Post
I downloaded that video (using the 360p quality setting) and I was able to play it in the stock video player by launching it from the Transfer UI. However, it would not play in cuteTube. GStreamer reports the following error:

You can see that there are some characters (square brackets) that are URL encoded.

I renamed the file (removing the square brackets) and it worked fine. The two possible fixes are to replace these characters when downloading the file, or to decode the characters when passing the URL to the video player (this would be my preferred option, but I need to test it first). I'm not sure why it would work on the stock player, but not when using the QML Video component (stock player uses MeeGo Touch Framework for the UI, but I think it still uses the same backend). There must be a difference in behaviour (perhaps the stock player decodes the URL, or alternatively does not URL encode it). I expected that any legal filename would be acceptable to GStreamer.

Can you tell me which quality setting you are using for downloads? I haven't ever experienced that. It sounds like the video was only partially downloaded. If that happens, it should mark the download as 'Failed'. I handle all cases where the download operation is completed successfully or the QNetworkReply returns an error. Perhaps there are some cases where the download is incomplete, but the QNetworkReply does not return an error.
I am using 480P download quality. I agree, the video must have downloaded partially as it freezes after I forward it past a certain point. Unsure about how the naming conventions cause these issues but your suggestions sound worth trying.

I downloaded some more videos last night and it appears a file has downloaded in full - its 300MB. However it wont play in cutetube. The length of the video is shown as 59.59. This video however will play in the stock video player. The name of the file has the following special character -

On the whole I seem to have a hit or miss experience with downloading.

I went into usb mass storage mode and manually deleted video files which would not play - however they remain in the cutetube archive and the stock video player. Is there a way to update/activate the tracker to rescan for media?

Finally - the thumbnails for all downloaded videos appear in the Gallery. Any plans on hiding these from the tracker so they dont show up?

Thanks for working through with these issues i'm experiencing.
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Last edited by afaq; 2011-11-02 at 11:57.
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Originally Posted by afaq View Post
I am using 480P download quality. I agree, the video must have downloaded partially as it freezes after I forward it past a certain point. Unsure about how the naming conventions cause these issues but your suggestions sound worth trying.
The problem with special characters is not related to the partial download problem. The issue with special characters is that QDocumentGallery URL encodes the filePath of the video, which confuses GStreamer. I have solved this by decoding the filePath when passing it to the video player. The fix is in the update that is currently in Nokia Store QA, along with a fix for the crashing problem when attempting to play a video whilst downloads are queued.

Originally Posted by afaq View Post
I downloaded some more videos last night and it appears a file has downloaded in full - its 300MB. However it wont play in cutetube. The length of the video is shown as 59.59. This video however will play in the stock video player. The name of the file has the following special character -
cuteTube displays the video duration that is reported by the QML Video element, so it seems that the video player is reporting the incorrect duration in this case. I noticed a similar problem using the QML Audio element in MusiKloud, so I switched to using the duration metadata of the file instead of relying on the audio player. I will now use the same approach in cuteTube.

I have recently noticed that some 480p YouTube videos will not play using the QML Video component, even though they do play in the stock player. They both use the same backend (and I presume that the stock player also uses Qt, though not QML), so they should have the same playback capabilities. I'll file a bug report.

Originally Posted by afaq View Post
I went into usb mass storage mode and manually deleted video files which would not play - however they remain in the cutetube archive and the stock video player. Is there a way to update/activate the tracker to rescan for media?
I think the tracker should update automatically after the device has been unmounted. However, I noticed a similar problem myself last night. I did the same as you, and it seemed that the video files were still there until I deleted them from within the video player, even though I could not see them when mounting the device in mass storage mode.

Originally Posted by afaq View Post
Finally - the thumbnails for all downloaded videos appear in the Gallery. Any plans on hiding these from the tracker so they dont show up?
The thumbnails are stored in a subfolder named thumbnails. In hindsight, I should have made this a hidden folder. I will change this for the next update. As an alternative, you can add it to the IgnoredDirectories list by editing the file at

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afaq's Avatar
Posts: 1,038 | Thanked: 1,408 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ London
Originally Posted by marxian View Post

I think the tracker should update automatically after the device has been unmounted. However, I noticed a similar problem myself last night. I did the same as you, and it seemed that the video files were still there until I deleted them from within the video player, even though I could not see them when mounting the device in mass storage mode.
Tracker should update automatically but it isnt. I am unable to delete them from the video player either. Get the "unable to delete" message. Have rebooted but the tracker doesnt seem to want to remove these couple of deleted videos. Odd as it does add new videos I download. Oh well.

Look forward to the other updates you're making. I havent read other people having the issues i've been reporting - that means either I use your app a lot more then most people or my device is buggy.

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HtheB's Avatar
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If someone ports ffmpeg to Harmattan, we could convert the videos manually into m4a files with:

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -acodec copy -vn output.m4a
I tried to install the N900 version, but it gave me alot of errors

Edit: it seems like ffmpeg is already in the repo of Rzr... but somehow, I couldn't install it :/
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Last edited by HtheB; 2011-11-04 at 08:51.
afaq's Avatar
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Updated cutetube marxian and so far have had no repeat of the issues. Downloads are smooth and I can now download videos which were failing before.

Will report back if I notice any bugs.

Excellent work thanks.
Graphic and Calligraphy Designer
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Posts: 138 | Thanked: 100 times | Joined on Oct 2011
Oh, oh, now after the update it causes problem.
Now it says "Video cannot be played, skipping' for all the videos that could play before
Posts: 138 | Thanked: 100 times | Joined on Oct 2011
I cant videos via wifi after updating to ver 1.0.3. It says 'video cannot be played, skipping'. previously no problems playing thru wifi. the same videos play just fine using the in built youtube.
it works thru 3g but not wifi. i have uninstalled and reinstalled cutetube, same prob. how can i revert back to the old version, or what to to resolve it if using this new version
Posts: 11 | Thanked: 20 times | Joined on Nov 2011
Thanks for the application it is really useful
Moderator | Posts: 6,215 | Thanked: 6,400 times | Joined on Nov 2011
hi i'm using pr 1.2 and when attempting to play a video it says unable to establish a network connection. This problem didn't exist in pr1.1.1.

even download fails with the error 'Forbidden'. I've updated to v1.1
1 yet the problem persists

the network connection is working as results can be searches just cant be played and downloaded

your help would be much appreciated.

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cutetube, harmattan, youtube

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