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iontruo2's Avatar
Posts: 122 | Thanked: 34 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ Eastern Ontario, Canada
"Someone needs to give me an answer
The subject lines of the threads are just not clear enough!?
I just can't get "refreshed'. How com?
I'm trying to get refreshed...instead I got impatience.
Posts: 47 | Thanked: 11 times | Joined on Oct 2006
Those noting the surprising number and quality of submissions re the Nokia update should not have been surprised. They were warned. See

He's back! -- under many aliases.
Hedgecore's Avatar
Posts: 1,361 | Thanked: 115 times | Joined on Oct 2005 @ Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Remember when I said that there were a lot of troubleshooting threads in the tablet-specific forums and that they oughtta go into troubleshooting and people told me I was a tool for thinking that?

*This* is what I was talking about. If someone needs a quick question answered, dump it into troubleshooting, redundant or not. The worst they should get back is a link to a post where it's already answered.

So far as the new threads complaining, as far as I'm concerned those are the people on the bus talking as loud as they can into their cellphones just to grace me with small tidbits of their lives. Annoying, but I don't think they'll go away.

But please... keep this in mind. All of this stuff can be daunting as hell to new users and they may not know all the ins and outs of etiquette here yet. Let's try not to bully them away no matter how much you might want to shove their tablet down their throat and watch them turn blue.
Hedgecore's Avatar
Posts: 1,361 | Thanked: 115 times | Joined on Oct 2005 @ Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Remember when I said that there were a lot of troubleshooting threads in the tablet-specific forums and that they oughtta go into troubleshooting and people told me I was a tool for thinking that?

*This* is what I was talking about. If someone needs a quick question answered, dump it into troubleshooting, redundant or not. The worst they should get back is a link to a post where it's already answered.

So far as the new threads complaining, as far as I'm concerned those are the people on the bus talking as loud as they can into their cellphones just to grace me with small tidbits of their lives. Annoying, but I don't think they'll go away.

But please... keep this in mind. All of this stuff can be daunting as hell to new users and they may not know all the ins and outs of etiquette here yet. Let's try not to bully them away no matter how much you might want to shove their tablet down their throat and watch them turn blue.

(Sorry, couldn't resist!)
Posts: 64 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ Colorado Springs
Originally Posted by YoDude View Post
Where is my "sarcastic thanks" button?
It is right there on the top line. Glad to be of help. Good luck and have a nice day.

You stupid idiot. You should die in a fire. You're ugly and your mom dresses you bad. And you smell.

(SIDE NOTE: You must highlight the text to read hidden characters that use the same font color as the background.)

EDIT: AHHH BOOOO... I was using the white background theme. I forgot that the new "default" theme is gray. We don't have gray as a font color. BOO. It took away all my fun. Well most. Using black font on the default gray background almost makes it invisible. Of course now I've messed it up for anyone without the default theme.

Last edited by keithlm; 2007-12-20 at 15:58.
daperl's Avatar
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So, now we have b*tching from both sides. A possible two-birds-with-one-stone solution could be an I-will-search-that-for-you autobot. Maybe give senior members and above a powerful button to unleash *their own autobot*. The senior member and above would of course have profile (and maybe programatic) control of their autobot.

...And they lived happily ever after.
Greyghost's Avatar
Posts: 415 | Thanked: 44 times | Joined on Apr 2007 @ Austin, Texas
Um. I am not sure if this is the place to ask this but I just bought a new plaid flannel shirt and can't seem to get my arm into the LEFT sleeve. Please don't ask me to search cuz I have.

PLS HELP I must get to work and get leave till I figure out how to use this damn shirt. Arg. I swear, Land's End just gets worse every year, releasing crappy products before they are ready that are hard to put on in the morning and then there is no support!
Posts: 465 | Thanked: 149 times | Joined on Oct 2007
Originally Posted by Greyghost View Post
Um. I am not sure if this is the place to ask this but I just bought a new plaid flannel shirt and can't seem to get my arm into the LEFT sleeve.
Which arms have you tried placing into the left sleeve, sir?
Posts: 5,335 | Thanked: 8,187 times | Joined on Mar 2007 @ Pennsylvania, USA
Originally Posted by Greyghost View Post
I swear, Land's End just gets worse every year, releasing crappy products before they are ready that are hard to put on in the morning and then there is no support!
Ah, you mistakenly purchased the wrong product. You want a foundation undergarment.
Texrat's Avatar
Posts: 11,700 | Thanked: 10,045 times | Joined on Jun 2006 @ North Texas, USA
Originally Posted by sjgadsby View Post
Ah, you mistakenly purchased the wrong product. You want a foundation undergarment.

No wonder I enjoyed your "I want an N810" video.

Let me know if you're ever single.
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