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Posts: 250 | Thanked: 300 times | Joined on Sep 2007
Originally Posted by rcadden View Post
I've been sitting here trying with a device fresh from the OS install and can't get through the 9.32MB download.
As with eventual python success , app manager/app server seems to respond differently when adding repos vs. refreshing repos.
Posts: 48 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Jan 2007
Originally Posted by rcadden View Post
I'm still astonished you fellas have it installed. Actually, I'm less astonished and more honestly not believing that anyone *really* has this installed. I've been sitting here trying with a device fresh from the OS install and can't get through the 9.32MB download.
Took me a few attempts, just hitting the install button and walking away. Looks like extra repo is having issues, so maybe I just got lucky.

It's pretty nice, though. Worth the wait. With a little polish, api, and more options (and cover art!) this might be the first media player UI to replace the ipod in my heart
Posts: 41 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Nov 2007
For anyone else trying to install it on a 770 with OS 2007 HE despite the fact that it's unsupported, I warn you now, you're likely wasting your time. After finally getting everything seemingly sorted out, trying to run it from the terminal gives me "Illegal instruction", which is think has something to do with the ARM processor in the 770 vs the one in the N800 (similar to the trick with getting mplayer to work on 2007HE by installing the 770 package and not the 800 one, despite HE being Bora).
Posts: 66 | Thanked: 12 times | Joined on Jul 2007
Rats. I have a 770 with 2007HE. Canola 2 installs (or at least my 770 thinks it does) but when I run it, the program tries to load but won't run. Guess I just have to be patient a little while longer... <still sniffing>

Posts: 428 | Thanked: 54 times | Joined on Mar 2006 @ Washington DC
i've hit the install button quite a few times and walked away...its stuck trying to download 9.32 MB and always times out.
Posts: 246 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Jul 2007
times out for me to... someone just upload it please.
Posts: 29 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Nov 2007
Well I have it installed here are some comments:

1) the interface is nice.
2) Once I set which folders I wanted it to index, it still did not index any AAC files, only mp3 audio (which I thought was odd). I did get my videos and pictures indexed and working.
3) Podcast support: There are a couple issues. So far I have only been able to completely download one podcast. Most say "error during download" either instantly or after downloading about 50%. Also, there is no preference with regard to where you want podcasts stored. It seems to default to the external memory card, which is not where I want them...

Other than that, it looks promising...
Posts: 30 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Dec 2007 @ Minneapolis
if someone else posts about their great experience with canola2 without also posting a link to an upload or torrent, i'll be a little insulted.


does anyone know hoe to reverse engineer a url to the .deb file from this: (n800 chinook)

repo_name = maemo Extras
repo_deb_3 = deb bora free non-free
catalogues = maemo-extras
package = canola2

name = maemo Extras
uri =
components = free non-free
Posts: 6 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ USA
Is there anyway of telling when it will be possible to download Canola? I think I just got my fourth timeout.

Posts: 323 | Thanked: 118 times | Joined on Nov 2007 @ Australia
its not just one magic deb package, it has a heap of dependencies as well...
and a few packages that make up canola2.

I haven't managed to download it either mainly because of the python dependencies and the rest.



This is what its asking me to install...

apt-get install canola2
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
The following extra packages will be installed:
atabake canolad downloadmanager0-server efl-core epsilon0-bin hildon-imf-ecore libbz2-1.0 libdownloadmanager0 libecore0 libecore0-all
libecore0-con libecore0-desktop libecore0-evas libecore0-file libecore0-imf libecore0-imf-evas libecore0-ipc libecore0-job libecore0-txt
libecore0-x libedbus0 libedje0 libeet0 libembryo0 libepeg0 libepsilon0 libetk0 libetk0-engine-all libetk0-engine-evas
libetk0-engine-evas-software-x11 libetk0-engine-evas-software-x11-16 libetk0-engine-evas-x11 libevas0 libevas0-all
libevas0-engine-buffer libevas0-engine-software-generic libevas0-engine-software-x11 libevas0-engine-software-x11-16
libevas0-engines-all libevas0-loader-eet libevas0-loader-jpeg libevas0-loader-png libevas0-loaders-all libevas0-saver-eet
libevas0-saver-jpeg libevas0-saver-png libevas0-savers-all libffi4 libimlib2 liblightmediascanner0 lightmediascanner0-id3lib
lightmediascanner0-jpeg lightmediascanner0-playlists lightmediascanner0-plugins lightmediascanner0-video-dummy python2.5 python2.5-dbus
python2.5-dispatcher python2.5-downloadmanager python2.5-ecore python2.5-edbus python2.5-edje python2.5-efl-core python2.5-efl-utils
python2.5-epsilon python2.5-etk python2.5-evas python2.5-feedparser python2.5-gobject python2.5-lightmediascanner python2.5-pyinotify
python2.5-terra python2.5-xml
Suggested packages:
libbz2-dev bzip2 edje-bin embryo0-bin epeg-bin imlib2-loaders imlib2-demo
Recommended packages:
libe-dbus0-bin libe-dbus-bin epsilon-bin python2.5-dev

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