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Originally Posted by dyx View Post
I heard about easy-debian but not sure if gcc there can be used to make native maemo apps, rather than apps that will only run inside debian chroot. If it can, I'll go for it.
At least it does not work easily out-of-the-box. I just tried to compile a "hello world" in C++, and when executing it under plain maemo it complains about a wrong version of You can execute easy-debian programs from the maemo shell by placing the "debbie" command in front of your command line, though.
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I actualy compile every program on device. It's very easy .

add testing, devel, sdk and tools to your sources
echo "deb fremantle free non-free">>/etc/apt/sources.list
echo "deb fremantle free non-free">>/etc/apt/sources.list
echo "deb fremantle/sdk free non-free">>/etc/apt/sources.list
echo "deb fremantle/tools free non-free">>/etc/apt/sources.list
Edit : You need to add nokia-binaries repository too. I don't want to show an easy copy and paste here as I had to register and you probably need to. If you don't know how to or don't want to add it, just remove the packages on the list that are making error.

now install gcc, g++ and some useful development libraries
apt-get update
apt-get install dpkg-dev make gcc g++ libsdl1.2-dev libgles1-sgx-img-dev libgles2-sgx-img-dev libsdl-gles1.2-dev libwxgtk2.8-dev
now you should be able to compile your first c program
echo "#include <stdio.h>">main.c
echo "int main(int argc,char *argv[]){printf(\"hello world\");return 0;}">>main.c
gcc -o hello main.c
edit and extend main.c

Last edited by brahim98; 2011-11-19 at 21:00.

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One question: are these SDK packages optified?
I suppose not.. in which case, how much space does this take off the rootfs?
Posts: 12 | Thanked: 21 times | Joined on Aug 2010 @ Alger
I don't know exactly how much it takes on rootfs but I got around the rootfs problem with this method.

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Wow. I had thought about doing something like that, but didn't dare till now. I will print out your howto and keep it for reference (maybe some day I'll have the guts to do it
Posts: 242 | Thanked: 97 times | Joined on Sep 2009
@brahim98 I have tried those commands, but i'm getting:

"E: Couldn't find package libgles1-sgx-img-dev"

all repos i wrote on console as you mentioned. Plz help resolve this error. Thanks.
so i guess the the lesson learned is: "if you want a thing done well, do it yourself"
Posts: 12 | Thanked: 21 times | Joined on Aug 2010 @ Alger
My mistake
you need nokia-binaries repository, I don't know if I am authorized to add it to the former tutorial but I will mention it.

Last edited by brahim98; 2011-11-19 at 21:05.
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ok what you have to do is, goto this page:

In the end of the page, write the number in the textbox above the ACCEPT button, and click the accept button. It will take you to the next page, which will give you pretty clear instructions on how to add nokia-binaries repo with your specific token code (just one line, and btw it talks about adding that line to scratchbox, thats for the sdk on pc, just add that line to your devcie's sources file, or use the echo statement as mentioned above). Every dev adding this repo has to accept the EULA and is given their own token, thats why @brahim98 could not share it. Its a very small step guys, so just do it

and now you do an apt-get update and the apt-get command of all those binaries that brahim98 mentioned, that and an 86mb install later, you have a lot of dev stuff in your device to play with ... I just wrote little c program to calculate fibonacci series and compiled on device and it runs just fine

Conky tells me my rootfs has 20.6 mb left. I didnt note what it was before, but as of now I dont have a problem with that.
so i guess the the lesson learned is: "if you want a thing done well, do it yourself"

Last edited by abubakar; 2011-11-20 at 10:01.

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Originally Posted by reinob View Post
One question: are these SDK packages optified?
I suppose not.. in which case, how much space does this take off the rootfs?
25MBs give or take
information is a necessary though no sufficient condition to rationality...

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