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Posts: 6 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Nov 2011 @ Slovenia
I've got a problem with displaying caller IDs for incoming calls on my N9 PR 1.1. Sometimes no caller name is displayed when getting incoming calls. I can see all the names normally in the "recent calls" menu after the call has been made.
This was always working fine with my Sym^3 devices. And no - I have no duplicate entries in my phonebook, that was the cause in some cases.

I've identified the problem that must be with the international or local number format of contacts in phonebook.
e.g. for Slovenia: int. format "+368 31 132 123" or local "031 123 123".
Syntax is [+386 country code] [31 or 031 for "carrier" code] [123 123 as the identifier number].

The names of contacts with phone number stored in international format displays OK.
No caller ID is displayed with incoming calls from contacts that have number stored in local format.

What makes me mad is that all contacts are displayed Ok in the "recent calls" menu. Is there any other way arround this then editing all my contacts to international number format?
Posts: 105 | Thanked: 62 times | Joined on Aug 2009 @ Finland
Happens to me also sometimes. If I let the phone ring for a while the name is "resolved". I suspect that there is some kind of cache that is not working in all cases.
Posts: 575 | Thanked: 621 times | Joined on May 2010
this is a known bug :

If you swipe first, then wait few seconds before taking the call, the id will appear

The Following User Says Thank You to clovis86 For This Useful Post:
Posts: 77 | Thanked: 27 times | Joined on Nov 2011
If anyone who had an S^3 before this recalls this also used to happen with those devices - strange coincidence. It may well be a sensor issue.

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