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Posts: 246 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Jul 2007
I get the missing "packages" msg. how do you dissable every other repo to get it working?
Posts: 246 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Jul 2007
nevermind.. figured out how to disable
Posts: 246 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Jul 2007
sick!! ok, its working now.. wow.. and its only 1:30am
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Originally Posted by kingka View Post
it gets to about ... 25%... then stops..
Did you DISABLE all the OTHER repositories? You need to do that, install Canola2, then renable them.
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I would like to thank you Wolf08, and I will : THANKS !!!

Nokia should thank you to, you save them a lot of bandwidth.
Bandwidth they obviously DONT want to spend on their paying customers.

Shame on you Nokia !
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Originally Posted by wolf08 View Post
It's easiest if you've already set up ssh on your tablet and you connect to it like this: ssh ip.of.tablet -l root

And now:

[22:01] <wolf08> sudo gainroot
[22:01] <wolf08> cd /
[22:02] <wolf08> mkdir canola2
[22:02] <wolf08> cd canola2
[22:02] <wolf08> tar xvzf /downloaded/file.tgz
[22:02] <wolf08> dpkg -i ./*

Edit: here is the becomeroot deb for those who don't have RD mode enabled:

qos from #maemo is making me a few files to turn my web directory into a temporary repository. Stand by!
Can the folder /canola2 be deleted after install?
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Situation about UPnP in beta 2: it doesn't support UPnP.

As said before, we have UPnP support done, but it's not up to the level we want, so we did leave it out so we can focus on core and get less noise on bug reports.

That said, we also want to ship UPnP as an extra plugin, one that would be Free Software (as in speech) so all other hackers out there can create new data acquisition modules, like DAAP, MPD,, Samba, ... you name it!
So don't focus on this problem too much, it will be released probably in January together with our next bugfix.

Also about plugins: we plan to add, document and publish examples on how to add pre/post play/view hooks, so you'll be able to send played songs to audioscrobbler/, send viewed pictures to some UPnP media render/TV, ...

Last but not least about plugins: if you plan to write one, like Samba or MPD, remeber that Canola is written in Python, so you'll need python bindings for those! Go find (or write) one before so when we release the docs you just have to adapt few lines ;-)
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Finally i was able to install Canola.. from the alternative repository, thanks Wolf08!

Video performance is not very good when watching high quality xvids, still need to use vanilla Mplayer (yeah GMPlauncher is not so good looking GUI). Wondering if Canola uses different settings.. or likely it is just CPU hoggy.
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Originally Posted by jmk View Post
Finally i was able to install Canola.. from the alternative repository, thanks Wolf08!

Video performance is not very good when watching high quality xvids, still need to use vanilla Mplayer (yeah GMPlauncher is not so good looking GUI). Wondering if Canola uses different settings.. or likely it is just CPU hoggy.
We use "xv" output, while gmplayer uses "Nokia_770" which writes directly to framebuffer. We need "xv" to do windowed mode, and it's impossible to change video output during runtime. But fullscreen performance shouldn't be that bad, have you tried fullscreen playback? We hope maemo X11 maintainer apply some patches from Mplayer guy so we can get some improvements.
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Originally Posted by PinCushionQueen View Post
Thank You!!! You guys rock!! I'd hug you if I could

Canola is up & running well. Only problems for me so far is that it won't recognize my pictures or videos. Haven't had a chance to figure out why yet...

Thanks again!
I had to restart Canola one time after adding my photo and video repos. From there I could add and delete dirs without hassle.
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