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Originally Posted by Willem Liu View Post
You're welcome. I might have to change the interval a bit in the next version so it also works when the dim backlight time out has been set to 10 seconds

I'll probably have to set the interval to 9 seconds then or maybe less.
Can't imagine people find it usable to to have a screen timeout of 10 seconds...

You could make it dynamic, depending on the timeout value.
gconftool-2 --get /system/osso/dsm/display/display_dim_timeout
will give you the current setting, but it must also be available in some /sys or /proc directory file.

The dbus-send is not an expensive command I guess, so 10 seconds won't be an issue.

Last edited by ade; 2011-11-09 at 10:06.

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Originally Posted by Willem Liu View Post
I've managed to setup the Final SDK Virtual Machine image and it's suprisingly easy to use. I've compiled and packaged version 0.3.29 and it's passed the autobuilder.

Now it's just a matter of time until it's in Extras-Develop.
Looks good ! Thanks !
Posts: 94 | Thanked: 28 times | Joined on Oct 2009
Do you think it'd be possible to add support for a push sync, so the remote list is set to the current local list? That'd be helpful for sharing lists between N9 and N900, for example.
Posts: 239 | Thanked: 194 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ Amsterdam
Originally Posted by corsac View Post
Do you think it'd be possible to add support for a push sync, so the remote list is set to the current local list? That'd be helpful for sharing lists between N9 and N900, for example.
That's a very good suggestion and it has been playing in my mind since the first possibility of synchronization in EasyList.

I'm sad to say that I currently don't have the knowledge to implement push technology.
But even if I had the knowledge I can foresee a few problems which needs to be solved:
- Currently synchronization overwrites the currently selected list. If it happened with a push message then it could overwrite a list you didn't want it to overwrite.
- If the app isn't running when the online list is updated then the push message wouldn't come through. I suspect that this can be solved by the next time you start the app to have it check for updates itself. Have a popup asking for permission to sync the items when a difference has been found.

This one needs investigation of a developer with the knowledge of push messaging to point me in the right direction.
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I've made a small code improvement in version 0.3.30.

I've changed the backlight on timer interval to 5 seconds instead of 30. It now supports all the dim screen settings.
When the option is turned off it now stops the timer.
It should hit extras-devel soon.
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0.3.30 doesnt seem to run here.

user@n900 ~ $ /opt/easylist/bin/easylist
-bash: /opt/easylist/bin/easylist: cannot execute binary file
Voice choppy on sip calls
Please vote for bug number 10388
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Yeah I have the same issue. I'll look into it. For now just stick with 0.3.29. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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Originally Posted by rajil.s View Post
0.3.30 doesnt seem to run here.

user@n900 ~ $ /opt/easylist/bin/easylist
-bash: /opt/easylist/bin/easylist: cannot execute binary file
Somehow my development environment was corrupted by an earlier update I've run.
I've re-installed the development environment and repackaged EasyList under version 0.3.31.
I've updated to that version and everything runs OK.

So go ahead and try 0.3.31.
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EasyList PHP website:
The PHP code is now attached in the zip file in the OP. The ZIP file includes all the PHP files and a SQL file which creates two empty tables: lists and users.
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Originally Posted by Willem Liu View Post
EasyList PHP website:
The PHP code is now attached in the zip file in the OP. The ZIP file includes all the PHP files and a SQL file which creates two empty tables: lists and users.
Thanks for making it available Willem, got it working.
At first it did not sync, but it turned out the url in EasyList had to start with http://, while I started with the IP address directly.

I must admit the missing possibility to sync to specific lists prevents me from actually using it. That's why I will stick with my homebrewed shellscript to merge data with specific lists for now.

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